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Programming Assignment: Book and LibraryDatabase

Programming Assignment:
- In the programming portion of this assignment, you will implement 2 classes: Book and
LibraryDatabase. You must implement both of these classes and all of the methods
listed below as they are described. You may implement these classes however you see fit
as long as their methods fall within the descriptions and runtime constraints provided
(N refers to the size of the list containing all the Books in LibraryDatabase). Your code
must also compile for Java 8.
- You must include a testing class in which you use JUnit tests to test each of your
methods. Your tests must cover all lines of code in your methods, and they should
account for edge cases in situations involving loops or recursion. Please refer to this
tutorial if you are unsure how to set up or write JUnit tests:
- You must include comments alongside your code. You should include a comment before
each flow statement (if, for, while, etc.) and wherever you have complex blocks of code
which have a purpose that is not immediately discernible. Be sure to also use appropriate
and meaningful variable names throughout your code.
- You may not import any libraries from the Java API in your implementation, though
you may use them in your testing class. You may use Java classes that do not require
importation such as String or Math. Be sure to follow good encapsulation practices (no
public classes, methods, or fields other than the ones listed below), and refer to the rubric
for grading procedures.
1. Book
a. Book(String title, String isbn, String author): A constructor for the Book class
that sets the title, ISBN (International Standard Book Number), and author to the
respective specified values. Note that the ISBN should have exactly 13 numeric
characters. If the ISBN falls outside of this constraint, you should throw an
i. Required Runtime: O(1)
b. String getTitle(): Returns the book’s title.
i. Required Runtime: O(1)
c. String getISBN(): Returns the book’s ISBN.
i. Required Runtime: O(1)
d. String getAuthor(): Returns the book’s author.
i. Required Runtime: O(1)
2. LibraryDatabase
a. LibraryDatabase(int capacity): A constructor for the LibraryDatabase class that
initializes an empty list with the specified capacity that will store Book objects. If
the capacity is negative, throw an IllegalArgumentException.
i. Required Runtime: O(1)
b. void add(Book book): Adds the specified book to the database. The book should
be inserted such that the database is sorted by ascending numeric ISBN after the
insertion. You should resize the database if necessary, to account for the addition
of the new book.
i. Required Runtime: O(N)
c. Book remove(String isbn): Removes a book with the specified ISBN from the
database and returns it. The database should still be sorted by ascending numeric
ISBN after the deletion. If no book with the specified ISBN exists in the database,
return null.
i. Required Runtime: O(N)
d. int size(): Returns the number of books currently being stored in the database.
i. Required Runtime: O(1)
e. Book randomSelection(): Returns a random book from the database. Consider
using Math.random() to determine which book to return. If no books exist in the
database, return null.
i. Required Runtime: O(1)
f. Book findByTitle(String title): Returns a book with the specified title from the
database. If no book with the specified title exists in the database, return null.
i. Required Runtime: O(N)
g. Book findByISBN(String isbn): Returns a book with the specified ISBN from
the database. If no book with the specified ISBN exists in the database, return
i. Required Runtime: O(logN)
h. Book[] getAllByAuthor(String author): Returns an array of Books containing
all books in the database that have been written by the specified author.
i. Required Runtime: O(N)
i. void removeDuplicates(): Removes all books from the database that have the
same ISBN as another book. In the case where there are multiple books with the
same ISBN, remove all books with that ISBN except for the one that was first
added to the database.
i. Required Runtime: O(N)
j. Book[] toArray(): Returns an array containing all books in the database, arranged
by ascending numeric ISBN. Empty spaces in the database may be included as
null elements in the returned array, so long as they come after all non-null
elements in it.
i. Required Runtime: O(1)

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