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Programming Asssignment (PA) - 2 (Synchronizing the CLI Simulator)

Programming Asssignment (PA) - 2
(Synchronizing the CLI Simulator)
CS307 - Operating Systems

1 Introduction & Problem Description
In your first programming assignment you simulated a shell program which
executed two commands with a piping system. Now assume a more generalized version of this program where your shell program is reading commands
line by line from a file called commands.txt and executing them.
In this Programming Assignment, on top of building this generalized shell
program, you are also expected to fix a concurrency problem that might
occur in this generalized version of the shell when multiple commands try to
print lines to the console concurrently.
In order to understand the problem, consider the following input "commands.txt"
file to your shell simulator:
1 l s −l &
2 wc output1 . t x t &
While your shell simulator is processing this file, the shell process creates
two children command processes that execute ls and wc commands. Since
both commands are background jobs due to the & sign at the end, they can
execute concurrently (co-exist and run at the same time). Therefore, lines
printed by these processes can intervene with each other and produce garbled
console output. For instance, after the shell process terminates, you might
have the following end result at your console:
1 t o t a l 40
2 drwxrwxr−x 2 d e ni z d e ni z 4096 Mar 16 21:47 .
3 drwxr−xr−x 3 d e ni z d e ni z 4096 Mar 12 10:38 . .
4 −rwxrwxr−x 1 d e ni z d e ni z 16792 Mar 16 19:25 a . out
5 211 957 8048 output1 . t x t
6 −rw−rw−r−− 1 d e ni z d e ni z 73 Mar 16 16:22 commands . t x t
7 −rw−rw−r−− 1 d e ni z d e ni z 5163 Mar 16 19:25 hw1 . c
8 −rwx−−−−−− 1 d e ni z d e ni z 8048 Mar 16 21:47 output1 . t x t
In this example output, line 5 is the output of the wc command and rest of
the lines are printed by the ls command. As you can see, this output is
undesirable because it is difficult to identify and follow lines of a particular
command. This undesirable result occurs because the ls and wc commands
are executed concurrently. The OS first schedules the ls command process.
It prints the first 4 lines. Then, a context switch happens and the wc command process prints Line 5 and terminates. Finally, ls process is scheduled
again and it prints the remaining lines (6 to 8).
In the scope of PA2, you are expected to build a shell simulator which reads
line by line and executes commands from commands.txt and prints its output
in a way that lines printed by a command cannot be interrupted. Considering the previous "commands.txt" example, after your modifications, there
are only two possible console output you might observe:
1 211 957 8048 output1 . t x t
2 t o t a l 40
3 drwxrwxr−x 2 d e ni z d e ni z 4096 Mar 16 21:47 .
4 drwxr−xr−x 3 d e ni z d e ni z 4096 Mar 12 10:38 . .
5 −rwxrwxr−x 1 d e ni z d e ni z 16792 Mar 16 19:25 a . out
6 −rw−rw−r−− 1 d e ni z d e ni z 73 Mar 16 16:22 commands . t x t
7 −rw−rw−r−− 1 d e ni z d e ni z 5163 Mar 16 19:25 hw1 . c
8 −rwx−−−−−− 1 d e ni z d e ni z 8048 Mar 16 21:47 output1 . t x t
1 t o t a l 40
2 drwxrwxr−x 2 d e ni z d e ni z 4096 Mar 16 21:47 .
3 drwxr−xr−x 3 d e ni z d e ni z 4096 Mar 12 10:38 . .
4 −rwxrwxr−x 1 d e ni z d e ni z 16792 Mar 16 19:25 a . out
5 −rw−rw−r−− 1 d e ni z d e ni z 73 Mar 16 16:22 commands . t x t
6 −rw−rw−r−− 1 d e ni z d e ni z 5163 Mar 16 19:25 hw1 . c
7 −rwx−−−−−− 1 d e ni z d e ni z 8048 Mar 16 21:47 output1 . t x t
8 211 957 8048 output1 . t x t
Note that this concurrency problem does not only occur among background
jobs. A background job might be concurrent with a non-background job as
well and produce a garbled output. For instance, if we remove the & at the
end of Line 2 in the previous "commands.txt", we could observe the same
garbled output shown before. You must solve the problem for this case as
Moreover, the same problem might occur for file streams other than the console. Consider the following small modification on the "commands.txt":
1 l s −l > foo . t x t &
2 wc output1 . t x t > foo . t x t &
In this case, after executing your shell simulator assuming you haven’t implemented concurrency when printing the output lines, the same garbled output
we have seen in the console might have been observed in "foo.txt". However, for the scope of this PA, we ignore the concurrency problems in file
redirections. You do not have to synchronize the outputs that will
be printed to a file instead of the console.
So, it could be said that there are mainly two parts for this programming
assignment. First you have to build a shell simulator which reads line by line
from a file called commands.txt, executes the commands inside commands.txt
and prints its output accordingly. Second, and more importantly, we want
you to write this shell program in a way that it obeys concurrency and that
the outputs of these multiple commands do not intervene each other.
1.1 Generalized Shell Process
1.1.1 Brief Overview
You are expected to implement a C/C++(You choose) program that provides
a subset of functionalities of a typical Unix Shell. However, your shell does
not take its input from the console. The commands are provided in a file
called "commands.txt". In this file, each line corresponds to a single shell
command simulating a command entered by the user through the console.
For each command, you have to first decode (parse) it and then create a
new child process (using the fork system call) and execute this command
on the child process (using the execvp command). The child processes must
terminate as soon as the associated command finishes its execution. The
parent process (shell process) must terminate after all the commands in the
commands.txt terminates. If the command does not contain an & at the
end, the shell process must wait until the command terminates.
In order to give more detailed information about your implementation, we
first need to provide the format of commands you should expect in "commands.txt"
1.1.2 Command Format
Each line in "commands.txt" is a shell command obeying the following format:
cmd name [input] [option] [> | < f ile name] [&]
In this format, parts inside brackets (“[ ]”) are optional and “|” corresponds
to a logical or operation. For instance, the expression [> | < f ile name]
should be interpreted as > f ile name, < f ile name or nothing. Then,
• cmd name is one of the following commands: ls, man, grep, wait, wc.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that wait command that you
will be implementing is different than the wait(NULL) system call
provided by the standard C/C++ libraries. The wait command/program you will implement waits for all background processes to finish.
However, wait(NULL) system call blocks the caller process until one
of its children terminates. You have to implement the former (command/program) version.
• input is an optional input to the command. Possible inputs can be
command names: ls, cd, man, grep, wait, wc etc. In the scope of
this project, each command can take at most one input. For grep
command, you can assume that only string pattern can be given as an
input. You can also assume that search string is a single word(i.e. it
doesn’t contain white spaces.). The input file can be provided through
redirectioning. For wait command, you can assume that it has no
input since there is no way to know the pid of a background job before
running the program. Only wait command does not take any inputs.
• option starts with a dash (-) symbol, followed by a single letter. After
that there can be an optional string following a single white space. For
instance, “grep sample -i < cs.txt” and “ls -l” are commands
with valid options for this assignment. However, you should not expect
commands like “ls -la”, “ls -l -a” although they are perfectly valid
commands for any other shell. Only wait command does not have any
• f ile name is a valid path to an existing file. Note that the format
allows at most one redirectioning per command. Either the input or
the output stream can be redirected to a file, but not both. Only wait
command cannot be combined with file redirectioning.
• Optional “&” operator at the end enforces shell to run this command at
the background. Only wait command cannot be run in the background
Below are some sample input files with commands obeying the conditions
1 l s −a
2 man −f g rep
3 g rep sample −i < c s . t x t
1 l s −l > out1 . t x t &
2 man ca t
3 g rep rwx < out1 . t x t &
4 wai t
1.1.3 Parsing
You can safely assume that each line in "commands.txt" obeys the format
explained in Section 1.1.2. In "commands.txt", there will not be any blank
lines. Also, for every command line, there will be exactly one blank space
between every token. However, you still need to parse each line to extract
commands, input, options, redirectioning and background operator information. For parsing, you can use the calls strtok() and strchr() if you plan
to submit a .c file, however if you plan to code in C++ you could use file
streams. Check out this page to find out different string functions.
After parsing the command, the shell process must print the obtained information to a file called "parse.txt" in the following format:
First you need to output 10 dash(-) symbols to indicate that the main thread
of the shell process is processing a new command from "commands.txt".
After that, you need to give information about the command, its input, its
option, whether redirection is used or not and whether the command will
work as a background job. Every information should be written in a new
line. In the end, you need to output 10 dash(-) symbols again.
You only need to write the command name -without input and option- in the
"Command" output. For "Input" and "Option" output, if there is no input
or option given, you should not output anything specific. If there are not
any redirection symbols in the command, you need to put a dash(-) symbol
in the "Redirection" output. If there exists a redirection symbol, you need
to output that symbol. "Background Job" part can only get two outputs:
’y’ and ’n’. If there exists an ampersand(&) in the command, you need to
output ’y’; otherwise ’n’.
For example, if the command is "grep sample -i < input.txt &", then
your shell process must print the following to the console:
1 ----------
2 Command : grep
3 Inputs : sample
4 Options : -i
5 Redirection : <
6 Background Job : y
7 ----------
You can check the sample runs( 5) for more information.
Warning: Write operations to a file or to the console might not immediately
take effect. The OS might wait them for a while and do batch processing
for efficiency. We will talk about this in more detail during the Persistence
section of the course. In order to print the formatted command information
to the console immediately, we recommend you to use fsync() or fflush()
system calls after the print statements so that the effects of these print statements immediately becomes visible on the console. Otherwise, the OS might
reorder some lines. Even if you use fsync() or fflush() after print statements, there might be some background jobs running concurrently with the
shell process. Hence, their print statements might interleave with shell process’ print statements and the console output might be garbled. This is OK
for the scope of this PA. We will consider these possibilities while grading
your PAs.
1.1.4 Implementing Command Executions
After parsing, your program (shell process) should fork a new child process
called command process. If the command does not contain any redirectioning
or background operator part, the command process puts parsed components
of the command in an array. This array becomes the input for the execvp
that is executed next by the command process. See the program p3.c in
your textbook (Section 5.3 of OSTEP) which does a similar task.
There are corner cases you need to consider while giving arguments to execvp.
Options start with a dash character (-). The dash character is a special
character and must be escaped by using some other special characters. It
is your task to identify and find ways to escape these characters. In the report
you will submit, please write what are the special characters you identified
and how you escaped them.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You are not allowed to use system() library function to create processes and run commands.
1.1.5 Implementing Redirectioning
If the command contains a redirectioning part like "> file.txt" or "<
file.txt, your command process must redirect the output (resp., input)
to the "file.txt" file. Note that you cannot do it by changing the command program like opening a file and then replacing every printf or scanf
statement with a write or read operation to a file. The only clean way
you can do this is to first close the standard output (resp., input) and then
open "file.txt" using the open system call. If you do these two steps
consecutively, Unix based OS will associate the "file.txt" with the file
descriptor of the standard output (resp., standard input) of the console. See
the program p4.c in your textbook (Section 5.4 of OSTEP) which performs
a similar task. In your report, please explain how your program implements
the redirectioning in a clear way.
Commands your program will execute might contain at most one redirectioning part. Only the input or the output could be redirected but not the
1.1.6 Implementing Background Jobs
If there is no & at the end of the command, then the shell process waits for
the child process executing the current command to terminate. Otherwise it
continues and fetches the next line from "commands.txt".
If the current command is wait, the shell process does not create a child
process for this command. It waits for all background jobs to terminate.
In order to achieve this task, shell process should keep track of all the child
processes that are executing the background commands. In your report, you
are expected to explain your program does this bookkeeping.
When all commands inside "commands.txt" file is processed by the shell
process, it must also wait for all the continuing background jobs to finish i.e.,
all the children processes to terminate.
1.2 Handling Concurrency - Print Synchronization
We consider the interleaving of the command outputs as a concurrency problem. Multiple programs try to print lines to the console at the same time
and due to context switches their outputs interleave.
In the lectures, we solved this problem and established synchronization using
mutexes (locks). Basically, a thread might acquire a mutex before it starts
printing and release the mutex after it is done with printing. Wrapping all
of the printf statements with lock() and unlock() and using fflush or
fsync system calls before unlock() ensures that lines printed by this thread
cannot be interleaved by other threads’ lines.
However, we cannot directly use mutexes for our problem. As we have seen
in the lectures, mutexes are implemented based on shared variables. They
can be efficiently used for ensuring synchronization among threads of the
same process since they share the heap and the address space. However,
mutexes can not provide synchronization among processes since processes do
not share any state and each process has its own unique address space.
Unfortunately, our shell simulator creates a new process for each command.
Hence, print statements that interleave come from different processes, not
threads. Consequently, we cannot use mutexes immediately to solve our
problem. The solution we suggest is to transform this interprocess concurrency problem into an intra-process or inter-thread concurrency problem so
that we can use mutexes for synchronization.
Basically, our solution is to direct every console output of command processes
to the parent shell process so that only one process becomes responsible for
printing lines to the console. Then, we can use mutexes in the shell process
for synchronizing the print statements.
Note that, after adding this new task (printing output of commands to the
console) to the shell process, the shell process cannot stay single-threaded
any more. It has to continue processing new lines from "commands.txt" by
forking new processes for them while getting lines from older background
processes and printing them to the console in a synchronized manner. We
need to do this for efficiency and still keeping the background jobs meaningful.
Otherwise, if the shell process stays single-threaded, then it can deal with
only one process at a time. If a background job has some console output,
then the shell process can only handle it and cannot create and run new
concurrent commands.
Considering these factors, your program structure must be like this:
• The shell process fetches a new line (command) from "commands.txt".
• If the command contains an output redirectioning part (like "> foo.txt"),
shell process forks a new process that manipulates standard stream file
handlers and at the end calls execvp with the correct command name
and arguments. Depending on whether this job is a background job or
not, the shell process waits for this command process to terminate.
• Otherwise, if the command does not have output redirectioning part,
then your program performs the following:
– The shell process creates a pipe (channel) for this command that
will enable the communication between the new command process
and the shell process before forking the new process. You can find
an explanation for pipes and example programs under Recitation
3 material. More detailed information on how to create and use
pipes can be found here: Creating A Pipe.
– The shell process creates a new thread for this command. This
new command listener thread of the shell process first tries to acquire the mutex that is shared among threads of the shell process.
This ensures that the lines printed by this thread after that point
will not be interrupted by other shell threads. Afterwards, it first
prints a starting line of the form "---- tid" where tid is the
thread identifier of the new thread. Then, it starts reading strings
from the read end of the unique pipe between the command process and the shell process and prints them to the console. We
strongly recommend you to use file streams (see File Streams) for
reading data from the pipe. After the stream finishes and the command process stops sending data, the listener thread again prints
"---- tid" as the last line and terminates. See sample console
outputs at the end of this document to understand the behavior
of the shell listener threads better.
– The child process that is newly forked for this command also needs
to do something extra. It has to redirect the STANDARD OUTPUT
of the child process to the write end of the pipe before calling
the execvp command so that after executing execvp all the print
statements by this command is sent to the pipe instead of the
console. You can achieve this by using dup or dup2 system calls.
You can find an explanation for these commands and example
programs under Recitation 3 material. More detailed information
on how to use these system calls: dup and dup2 System Calls.
• The way shell process handles the wait command must be modified as
well. When this command is executed by the shell process, it does not
only wait for all the background command processes to terminate, but
also it has to wait until all the corresponding listener threads to print
their content and terminate.
2 Implementation Details
• Please compile your programs with gcc’s/g++’s "-lpthread" option.
• Use fysnc or fflush system calls inside shell listener threads after
printing everything to ensure that your write actions are realized before
releasing the mutex.
• When you are printing thread IDs to the terminal, you might see that
some of the threads have the same ID. This is not unusual. When a
thread ends, its ID might be reused for a new thread.
• You are not allowed to call pthread join right after you create your
thread, since if you implement it this way it will not actually be a
multi-threaded program as there will only be one thread active at a
time (Because pthread join blocks the program and makes it wait until
that thread is finished).
• Please do not forget to declare the mutex as a shared variable and
initialize it.
3 Submission Guidelines
You are expected to submit a zip file named <YourSUUserName >
until Dec 5, 2022, Monday, 23:55.
The content of the zip file is as follows:
• report.pdf: Your report that explains the design decisions you have
made for your implementation. You should clearly explain how you
created pipes and established channels among command processes and
the shell process, whether you used a single pipe for all commands
or a pipe per command, how and where the threads are created and
how they operate. Moreover, please describe the mutex you used for
synchronization and how it works in your report.
• cli.cpp/cli.c: Your entire implementation must be in this file. We
will not consider or compile any other ".h" or ".c"\".cpp" files even
if you provide them in your submission. We will also not take any other
".c"\".cpp" file with different name into consideration.
4 Grading
Some parts of the grading will be automated. If automated tests fail, your
code will not be manually inspected for partial points. Some students might
be randomly called for an oral exam to explain their implementations and
Submissions will be graded over 100 points:
1. Compilation (10 pts): Your source code can be compiled and built
without any problems.
2. Report (20 pts): Your report clearly explains the design decisions
you have made and they are compatible with your implementation.
3. Parsing (20 pts): Your program correctly reads and parses the commands given in the file "commands.txt" and prints them in the format
given in the format described in Section 1.1.3 to the file parse.txt.
4. Multi-threading (20 pts): For each background job, your listener
threads print their first and last lines (lines of the form "-----tid"
properly, i.e., two consecutive dashed lines must have the same tid
value for the odd numbered lines assuming that line numbers start
from 1. If you cannot implement the piping structure, you can just
close the STANDARD OUTPUT for all the command processes. Then, if
you implement the synchronization good enough, you can get full points
from this part. Of course, if you trust your implementation and if you
want to get points from the next grading items, you should not do that.
5. Synchronization (20 pts): Your program can process given "commands.txt"
files without the concurrency error. All the lines by the same command are printed without interruption, although the order of commands might change.
6. Termination (10 pts): The shell process, command processes and
the listener threads of the shell process terminate properly. When run
from the CLI, your program does not freeze or deadlock.
For all grading items i ∈ {3, 4, 5}, i is a precondition for the grading item
i + 1. Grading item 1 is a precondition for every other grading item. If a
grading item x is a precondition for another grading item y, it means that
you will get 0 from y unless you get full points from x.
5 Sample Run
We provided one sample run for you. Please pay attention to the output
format. Because there are some commands which will run as a background
job, you might not get the same output ordering from the commands.txt
1 grep danger < input1 . txt &
2 ls -a &
3 wc hw2 . c > output1 . txt
4 grep clearly -i < input1 . txt &
1 You clearly don 't know who you 're talking to .
2 I am not in danger , Skyler .
3 I am the danger .
4 A guy opens his door and gets shot ,
5 and you think that of me ?
6 I am the one who knocks !
1 ---- 139932422342400
2 .
3 ..
4 a . out
5 commands . txt
6 hw2 . c
7 input1 . txt
8 ---- 139932422342400
9 ---- 139932430735104
10 I am not in danger , Skyler .
11 I am the danger .
12 ---- 139932430735104
13 ---- 139932413949696
14 You clearly don 't know who you 're talking to .
15 ---- 139932413949696
1 209 565 4203 hw2 . c
1 ----------
2 Command : grep
3 Inputs : danger
4 Options :
5 Redirection : <
6 Background Job : y
7 ----------
8 ----------
9 Command : ls
10 Inputs :
11 Options : -a
12 Redirection : -
13 Background Job : y
14 ----------
15 ----------
16 Command : wc
17 Inputs : hw2 . c
18 Options :
19 Redirection : >
20 Background Job : n
21 ----------
22 ----------
23 Command : grep
24 Inputs : clearly
25 Options : -i
26 Redirection : <
27 Background Job : y
28 ----------

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