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Programming Languages Assignment 3

CS 345 - Programming Languages
Assignment 3

1 Extending mySIMPL (30 Points)
The task is to extend the parser and evaluator for mySIMPL (my Simple IMperative Programming Language) from assignment 2. In this assignment, we add support for functions, conditional
statement, and loops.
The extended syntax (bold font used to highlight changes to the previous grammar) of mySIMPL
prog ::= retStatement ’.’ | funcDecl ’;’ prog | statement ’;’ prog
funcDecl ::= ’function’ < id ’(’ < id ’)’ ’{’ prog ’}’
retStatement ::= ’return’ base
statement ::= declaration | assignment | conditional | loop
declaration ::= var < id
assignment ::= < id ’<-’ base
declAssignment ::= var < id ’<-’ base
conditional ::= ’if’ ’(’ condition ’)’ ’then’ statementSeq [ ’else’ statementSeq ] ’endif’
loop ::= ’while’ ’(’ condition ’)’ ’do’ statementSeq ’done’
statementSeq ::= statement ’.’ | statement ’;’ statementSeq
condition ::= base comp base | ’(’ condition logOp condition ’)’
base ::= < id | < number | ’(’ expression ’)’ | funcCall
funcCall ::= < id ’(’ base ’)’
expression ::= [expression addOp] term
term ::= [term mulOp] factor
factor ::= base
addOp ::= ’+’ | ’–’
mulOp ::= ’*’ | ’/’
logOp ::= ’&&’ | ’||’
comp ::= ’==’ | ’<’ | ’’ | ’<=’ | ’=’ | ’! =’
Extend the predicates
parse(+TokenList, -AST)
evaluate(+AST, -Number)
according to the new grammar, static scoping rules, and call-by-value semantics.
Example programs are:
[’var’, x, ’;’, x, ’:=’, 1, ’;’, ’if’, ’(’, x, ’<’, 0, ’)’, ’then’, x, ’<-’, 10, ’.’, ’else’, x, ’<-’,
20, ’.’, ’endif’, ’;’, return, x, ’.’]
[function, f, ’(’, x, ’)’, ’{’, return, x, ’.’, ’}’, ’;’, return, f, ’(’, ’(’, 10, +, 1,
’)’, ’)’, ’.’]
2 Nested Functions (Optional, 10 Bonus Points)
The grammar permits function declarations to be nested. Extend the evaluate predicate to correctly
deal with the scoping issues of nested functions.
Additional Information and Hints
• All single-quoted terminals in the grammar should be considered keywords and hence excluded
as identifiers. Numbers are excluded from being identifiers.
• Albeit expressed through the same element in the grammar, identifiers for functions and
variables should be considered separate namespaces and therefore a function and a variable
of the same name should be allowed to coexist within a program.
• One of the key challenges of this assignment is to deal with the scoping and visibility of
variables in blocks. E.g., declarations within function bodies should not leak into the enclosing
• We will expect function declarations to always precede any corresponding function call even
though the grammar does not enforce this. Therefore, it is safe to use a single pass for

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