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Programming Languages Homework #5

ECS 140A Programming Languages

Homework #5

This assignment asks you to complete programming tasks using the Go programming
language. This assignment should be worked on individually. Please turn in your solutions
electronically via Kodethon or Canvas by the due date.
Getting Started on Kodethon
• Download the project ?les from Kodethon. Please see this support page1
for details
on downloading the required project ?les on Kodethon, as well as how to submit your
solutions via Kodethon.
• Go to ?Switch Environments? from your Kodethon dashboard and choose the ?go?
execution environment.
• Open the Kodethon Terminal to execute commands. This can be done by selecting
the grid icon in the top bar, selecting ?CDE Shell?, and then clicking the ?Terminal?
button in the upper-right.
(NOTE: The CDE Shell behaves very di?erently from the Terminal. Make sure you're
using the Terminal!)
• Further questions regarding Kodethon can be directed to the course Piazza forum using
the kodethon tag.
• You need to set the GOPATH2
environment variable so that the Go compiler knows
how to traverse your project.
• You can do this by using cd in your terminal to navigate down to the homework
directory, then running export GOPATH=$(pwd).
Test Coverage
• For all parts of this project, you will need to write tests and ensure 100% test coverage
of your code. You can generate a coverage pro?le using the go test command. See
this post3
for more on coverage testing.
• To generate a coverage pro?le for the Smash method in the smash/ package, run go
test smash -run Smash -coverprofile=Smash.cov.
• You can then run go tool cover -func=Smash.cov | grep smash.go to
see what the coverage results are.
• You can graphically see which lines of your code are covered by testing using the go
tool cover -html=Smash.cov command, which opens a new browser window
with the results. (On Kodethon, you may need to download the HTML ?le for local
viewing. Add the ?ag -o Smash.html to generate an HTML ?le, which you can
then download from Kodethon.)
Testable Examples in Go
Godoc examples4 are snippets of Go code that are displayed as package documentation and
that are veri?ed by running them as tests. Examples are compiled (and optionally executed)
as part of a package's test suite. See also
Parts 2 and 3 in the assignment use such testable examples.
Detecting Race Conditions
• Go includes a race detector,5 a tool for ?nding race conditions in Go code.
• The race detector is fully integrated with the Go tool chain. For instance, to enable
the race detector for tests simply add the -race ?ag to the command line.
• You might ?nd the race detector useful when debugging the code in Parts 1-2, and
when writing your own code for Part 4.
• The go test command supports benchmarking6 with which functions can be reliably
• smash_test.go shows an example of a benchmark, SmashBenchmark.
• Add the -bench ?ag to the go test command to run the benchmarks.
• The -cpu ?ag can be used to specify a list of GOMAXPROCS7 values for which the tests
or benchmarks should be executed.
• See
for a complete description of testing ?ags.
• You might ?nd it useful to run the go test -cpu 1,2,4,8 -bench command to
see whether your solution to Parts 4 and 5 exploits parallelism.
Partial Credit
Unlike HW# 2, we do not anticipate giving partial credit for solutions that do not compile
or for those do not pass any tests. Partial credit will be given only based on the tests that
pass and the code coverage obtained.
The rest of the document describes the four parts of the assignment, and an extra credit
assignment Part 5.
1 Bug1 (15 points)
The code provided in the package bug1 contains a bug; it fails the test cases provided in
• Modify the code in bug1.go to ?x the bug.
• Write new tests, if needed, to ensure that you get 100% code coverage for your code.
2 Bug2 (20 points)
The code provided in the package bug2 contains a bug; it fails the test case provided in
• Add code to bug2.go to ?x the bug. Removing the use of concurrency is not a valid
way to ?x the bug.
• Write new tests, if needed, to ensure that you get 100% code coverage for your code.
3 Bug3 (25 points)
The code provided in the package bug3 contains a bug; it fails the test case provided in
• Add code to bug3.go to ?x the bug.
• Write new tests, if needed, to ensure that you get 100% code coverage for your code.
4 NFA (40 points)
A nondeterministic ?nite automaton (NFA) is de?ned by a set of states, symbols in an
alphabet, and a transition function. A state is represented by an integer. A symbol is
represented by a rune, i.e., a character. Given a state and a symbol, a transition function
returns the set of states that the NFA can transition to after reading the given symbol. This
set of next states could be empty.
A graphical representation of an NFA is shown below:
In this example, {0, 1, 2} are the set of states, {a, b} are the set of symbols, and the
transition function is represented by labelled arrows between states.
• If the NFA is in state 0 and it reads the symbol a, then it can transition to either state
1 or to state 2.
• If the NFA is in state 0 and it reads the symbol b, then it can only transition to state
• If the NFA is in state 1 and it reads the symbol b, then it can only transition to state
• If the NFA is in state 1 and it reads the symbol a, it cannot make any transitions.
• If the NFA is in state 2 and it reads the symbol a or b, it cannot make any transitions.
A given ?nal state is said to be reachable from a given start state via a given input
sequence of symbols if there exists a sequence of transitions such that if the NFA starts
at the start state it would reach the ?nal state after reading the entire sequence of input
In the example NFA above,
• The state 1 is reachable from the state 0 via the input sequence abababa.
• The state 1 is not reachable from the state 0 via the input sequence ababab.
• The state 2 is reachable from state 0 via the input sequence abababa.
For this part of the assignment you are expected to do the following:
• Write a concurrent implementation of the Reachable function in nfa.go that returns true if a ?nal state is reachable from the start state after reading an input
sequence of symbols.
• Write new tests, if needed, in nfa_test.go to ensure that you get 100% code coverage
for your code.
Benchmark your code to check whether your implementation bene?ts from parallelism.
5 Smash (20 points)
This is an optional extra-credit part of the assignment. Points earned in this part
of the assignment will be added to Homeworks 2-5.
In this assignment, you have to write a concurrent implementation of the Smash function
whose inputs are
• io.Reader8
to read text data, and
• a smasher function that returns a uint32 given a word. smasher may return the
same output uint32 value for di?erent input words.
Words in a string are separated by whitespace and newline. The output of Smash is a
map[uint32]uint that stores the count of the number of words that are mapped to the
same value by smasher.
As an example, suppose smasher maps a word to its length. Then for the input
a c d ab abc bac abcd dcba, smash will return the map {1: 3, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 2}.
On the other hand, if the given smasher were to map each word to unique output, then
Smash would return the count of each word in the input io.Reader.
You can look into using bu?o.Scanner9
to read data from the io.Reader.
10 You might
want to use strings.Fields11 to split a string into words.
• Write a concurrent implementation of smash in smash.go. There are tests provided
in smash_test.go.
• If needed, write your own tests in smash_test.go to ensure the tests provide 100%
code coverage of the code you write.
Benchmark your code to check whether your implementation bene?ts from parallelism.

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