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Programming Languages Project Part I SOLVED

CS 315 - Programming Languages
Project Part I

Design a Street Network Definition and Querying
You are asked to design a street network definition and querying language. There shall be two
parts to your language:
1. The street network definition language: This language would be used to define a street
network. It will support specification of the streets and points (connecting corners) of the
2. The street network querying language: This language is used to define routes or similar
queries on the street network.
There are specific requirements for each part. These are listed below:
1. (45pts) The street network definition language shall support:
(a) (5pts) Defining a street network with one-way streets.
(b) (5pts) Defining a street network with only two-way streets.
(c) (10pts) Defining point properties.
• A point property is some data value associated with a point.
• It shall be possible to attach multiple properties to a point.
• A property should be a (name, value) pair. For instance, if a point represents a gas station, then a point property can be (‘name’, ‘Bilkent Petrol’).
Remember that there may be multiple such properties, such as: (‘type’, ‘gas
station’), (‘name’, ‘Bilkent Petrol’), (‘sells’, ‘LPG’), (‘payment-options’,
(d) (10pts) Defining street properties
• It shall be possible to attach multiple properties to a street.
• The streets shall have a property to describe the average time to pass the street.
• The streets shall support adding temporary properties. These properties shall
support the definition of a delay on the average time or close of the street with a
reason and period, such as “a delay of 30 minutes due to an accident till 12:00”,
“road closed due to roadwork between 10:00 and 18:00”.
(e) (15pts) A dynamic type system for the property values (property names should be
• Support strings, integers, and floats as primitive types. For instance, the
‘average-time’ property of the streets may have an integer value, whereas the
‘name’ attribute may have a string value.
• Support lists, sets, and maps as collection types. For instance, it should be
possible to have a property like: (‘sells’, {‘LPG’, ‘Diesel’}). This would
be an example of a property, whose value is a list of strings. Arbitrary nesting should be possible as well. For instance, (‘sells’, {‘gas-types’: {‘LPG’,
‘Diesel’}, ‘payment-options’: {‘Cash’, ‘Visa’, ‘Mastercard’}}. This is an
example where the value type is a map from a string to a list.
2. (55pts) The street network querying language shall support:
(a) (30pts) Creating route queries. A route query is an expression specifying a route
while visiting several points and/or streets. A route is an alternating series of points
and streets. Importantly, we are not asking you to evaluate queries. We are asking
you to create a language to express them. A route query shall be able to specify:
• (6pts) Concatenation, alternation, and repetition.
• (6pts) Provides filtering constraints as Boolean expressions, which are composed
of predicates defined over street properties as well as incident point properties.
– For instance, one may want to find all routes, from a specific building at
Bilkent to a shopping mall while stopping at a gas station, formally, the
start point of the first street has a property name=‘Bilkent Building 81’,
passes through a street with a starting point that has properties type=‘gas
station’ and sells=‘Diesel’, and finally the last street end point has a
property type=‘Shopping Mall’.
– Another one may want to find the routes from a train station at Ankara to his
home, formally, the start point of the first street has properties type=‘train
station’, city=‘Ankara’, the last street has a property of name=‘13th St.’
and the end point has a property of house-number=‘25’.
• (6pts) Support for existence predicates as well as arithmetic expressions and
functions in predicate expressions. For instance: a point containing or not
containing a property with a given name or value; or a street that has a certain
property whose value is greater than a constant; or a point that has a certain
property whose value is a string that starts with ‘A’ (this would require a string
indexing function).
• (6pts) Support for sorting based on: “Shortest route in time”, “Shortest route in
distance” or “Simplest Route” (minimum number of streets on route).
• (6pts) Support to limit the number of routes on the result. For instance, one
may want to limit the query to return only the best three routes.
(b) (15pts) Having variables in route queries. For instance, you may want to query all
routes where both start and end streets in the route have a property called name
with the same property value, but the value is not known. In this case, that value
becomes a variable.
(c) (10pts) Modularity, that is dividing regular route queries into multiple pieces that
are specified separately. This would require giving names to each piece and being
able to use those names in a higher-level query.
We ask you to:
1. (60%) Design a language (give it a name) to meet the requirements described above.
(a) (25%) Write a tutorial for the language you have designed. The tutorial’s goal is to
teach your language to someone who does not know about it.
(b) (25%) Write a report describing how you addressed each requirement. For each
requirement that has points associated with it, provide a small code segment in the
language you designed, showcasing your design. If you like, you can also reference
parts of your tutorial in the report.
(c) (10%) Write 2 sample street network definitions (one one-way, one two-way), and 10
2. (40%) Write a lexer for your language (you might write separate lexers for the definition
and querying, it is up to you), using Lex.
Once you are done, put your deliverable under a directory named group<GroupNo_proj1 and
make an archive from that directory. It is important that your code should compile without any
issues using the make command. Once complete, it should output an executable called ‘lexer’
that can be used to lex your sample input. For example, the following Unix commands could
be used:
mkdir group <GroupNo _proj1
cd group <GroupNo _proj1
mkdir code # contains Makefile , lex , and C code
mkdir samples # contains the program samples
mkdir documents # contains the tutorial and report
#(edit and test your files)
cd ..
tar -cvzf group <GroupNo _proj1.tar.gz group <GroupNo _proj1
Then e-mail this newly generated file (named group<GroupNo_proj1.tar.gz) to Arda Unal
<arda.unal at
Reports in formats other than .pdf and .txt are not accepted.

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