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Programming Project 4 Time intervals

CMSC 215 Intermediate Programming
Programming Project 4
The fourth programming project involves writing a program to test the relationships between
time intervals. The program should contain four classes. The first class should be a generic class
Interval defined for any type that implements the Comparable interface. Objects of this type
have a start and end of the generic type parameter that defines the start and end of the interval.
The class should be immutable, so it should have no setter methods. At a minimum, it should
contain the following public methods:
 A constructor that accepts the start and end of an interval and constructs an Interval
 A method within that is supplied an object of the generic type parameter and returns
whether that object is inside the interval, including the endpoints
 A method subinterval that is passed an interval as a parameter and returns whether the
interval parameter is a subinterval, completely within, the interval on which the method is
 A method overlaps that is passed an interval as a parameter and returns whether the
interval parameter overlaps the interval on which the method is invoked
The second class Time should contain two integer instance variables that represent the hours and
minutes and one additional variable for the meridian, AM or PM. The class should implement
the Comparable interface and should be immutable, so it should have no setter methods. At a
minimum, it should contain the following public methods:
 A constructor that accepts the hours and minutes as integers and the meridian as a string
and constructs a Time object
 A constructor that accepts a string representation of a time in the format HH:MM AM
and constructs a Time object
 A method compareTo that compares two times and returns what is required of all such
methods that implement the Comparable interface
 A method toString that returns the string representation of the time in the format
When either constructor is called, several checks need to be made on the input. For both
constructors, a check is needed to ensure that the hours and minutes are within range and that
the meridian is AM or PM. For the constructor that accepts the string representation, additional
checks are needed to ensure that the hours and minutes are numeric values. Should any check
fail, an exception InvalidTime should be thrown that includes the reason.
The third class is the exception class InvalidTime that implements a checked exception. It
should have an instance variable of type String that saves the message and the following
 A constructor that accepts the message as a string and constructs an InvalidTime object
The fourth class Project4 should implement a GUI interface that contains two buttons. The first
button CompareIntervals should compare the two intervals and output one of the following
messages depending upon how the intervals compare:
 Interval 1 is a sub-interval of interval 2
 Interval 2 is a sub-interval of interval 1
 The intervals overlap
 The intervals are disjoint
Shown below is an example of the output when the CompareIntervals button is clicked:
The second button CheckTime should check whether the time is within the intervals and output
one of the following messages depending upon which intervals it is within:
 Both intervals contains the time HH:MM AM
 Only interval 1 contains the time HH:MM AM
 Only interval 2 contains the time HH:MM AM
 Neither interval contains the time HH:MM AM
Shown below is an example of the output when the CheckTime button is clicked:
You are to submit two files.
1. The first is a .zip file that contains all the source code for the project. The .zip file
should contain only source code and nothing else, which means only the .java files. If
you elect to use a package, the .java files should be in a folder whose name is the
package name. Every outer class should be in a separate .java file with the same name
as the class name. Each file should include a comment block at the top containing your
name, the project name, the date, and a short description of the class contained in that
2. The second is a Word document (PDF or RTF is also acceptable) that contains the
documentation for the project, which should include the following:
a. A UML class diagram that includes all classes you wrote. Do not include
predefined classes.
b. A test plan that includes test cases that you have created indicating what aspects
of the program each one is testing
c. A short paragraph on lessons learned from the project

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