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Project 0 - Decoder

Project 0 - Decoder
CS 0447 — Computer Organization & Assembly Language
Due date is on the CourseWeb
Note that this extra project is optional. If you decide not to work on this project, your midterm
score will remain the same. If you decide to work on this project, 4 or 7 points will be added to
your midterm as follows:
• Part I (4 points)
• Part II (3 points)
Note that you midterm score is maxed at 55 points.
Part I: What is that instruction (4 Points)
What you need to do is to implement a program named mc2instr.asm that decode a 32-bit machine
code (in hexadecimal) back to instruction. Simply put, your program will ask user to enter a 32-bit
machine code in a form of an 8-digit hexadecimal number and prints out the instruction associated
with the given machine code as shown below:
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 00028020
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 00108e82
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 2008ffff
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 3211003f
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 11020027
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 08100086
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 0c1000bd
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): afbf0000
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 03e00008
Once your program prints the name of the instruction, simply asks a user again. For simplicity,
you do not need to check whether a user enter a valid 8-digit hexadecimal string and we will only
test with instructions listed in Table 1.
Instruction op (Hex) op (Bin) funct (Hex) funct (Bin)
add 00hex 000000 20hex 100000
addi 08hex 001000 N/A N/A
and 00hex 000000 24hex 100100
andi 0Chex 001100 N/A N/A
sub 00hex 000000 22hex 100010
or 00hex 000000 25hex 100101
ori 0Dhex 001101 N/A N/A
nor 00hex 000000 27hex 100111
slt 00hex 000000 2Ahex 101010
slti 0Ahex 001010 N/A N/A
sll 00hex 000000 00hex 000000
srl 00hex 000000 02hex 000010
beq 04hex 000100 N/A N/A
bne 05hex 000101 N/A N/A
j 02hex 000010 N/A N/A
jal 03hex 000011 N/A N/A
jr 00hex 000000 08hex 001000
lw 23hex 100011 N/A N/A
sw 2Bhex 101011 N/A N/A
lh 21hex 100001 N/A N/A
sh 29hex 101001 N/A N/A
lb 20hex 100000 N/A N/A
sb 28hex 101000 N/A N/A
Table 1: Instructions and Control Values
Note that you program needs to print only the instruction mnemonic. It does not have to print
the complete instruction in this part.
Part II: Operands (3 Points)
This part is an extension to the Part I. Simply make your program prints a complete instruction
associated with the given 8-digit hexadecimal machine code as shown below:
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 00028020
add $s0, $zero, $v0
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 00108e82
srl $s1, $s0, 26
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 2008ffff
addi $t0, $zero, -1
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 3211003f
andi $s1, $s0, 63
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 11020027
beq $t0, $v0, Label
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 08100086
j Label
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 0c1000bd
jal Label
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): afbf0000
sw $ra, 0($sp)
Please enter a machine code (hexadecimal): 03e00008
jr $ra
Note that for instructions that need a label (beq, bne, j, and jal), simply print the string Label as
shown above. All immediate values should be printed in decimal (using system call 1) for simplicity.
The MIPS Reference Data can be found on the next page.
The due date of this project is stated on the CourseWeb. Late submissions will not be accepted.
You should submit the file mc2instr.asm via CourseWeb. Again, we will only test your program
with valid hexadecimal and instructions listed above. No need to perform error checking.
M I P S Reference Data
Add add R R[rd] = R[rs] + R[rt] (1) 0 / 20hex
Add Immediate addi I R[rt] = R[rs] + SignExtImm (1,2) 8hex
Add Imm. Unsigned addiu I R[rt] = R[rs] + SignExtImm (2) 9hex
Add Unsigned addu R R[rd] = R[rs] + R[rt] 0 / 21hex
And and R R[rd] = R[rs] & R[rt] 0 / 24hex
And Immediate andi I R[rt] = R[rs] & ZeroExtImm (3) chex
Branch On Equal beq I
PC=PC+4+BranchAddr (4) 4hex
Branch On Not Equal bne I
PC=PC+4+BranchAddr (4) 5hex
Jump j J PC=JumpAddr (5) 2hex
Jump And Link jal J R[31]=PC+8;PC=JumpAddr (5) 3hex
Jump Register jr R PC=R[rs] 0 / 08hex
Load Byte Unsigned lbu I
+SignExtImm](7:0)} (2) 24hex
Load Halfword
Unsigned lhu I
+SignExtImm](15:0)} (2) 25hex
Load Linked ll I R[rt] = M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] (2,7) 30hex
Load Upper Imm. lui I R[rt] = {imm, 16’b0} fhex
Load Word lw I R[rt] = M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] (2) 23hex
Nor nor R R[rd] = ~ (R[rs] | R[rt]) 0 / 27hex
Or or R R[rd] = R[rs] | R[rt] 0 / 25hex
Or Immediate ori I R[rt] = R[rs] | ZeroExtImm (3) dhex
Set Less Than slt R R[rd] = (R[rs] < R[rt]) ? 1 : 0 0 / 2ahex
Set Less Than Imm. slti I R[rt] = (R[rs] < SignExtImm)? 1 : 0 (2) ahex
Set Less Than Imm.
Unsigned sltiu I
R[rt] = (R[rs] < SignExtImm)
? 1 : 0 (2,6) bhex
Set Less Than Unsig. sltu R R[rd] = (R[rs] < R[rt]) ? 1 : 0 (6) 0 / 2bhex
Shift Left Logical sll R R[rd] = R[rt] << shamt 0 / 00hex
Shift Right Logical srl R R[rd] = R[rt] shamt 0 / 02hex
Store Byte sb I
M[R[rs]+SignExtImm](7:0) =
R[rt](7:0) (2) 28hex
Store Conditional sc I
M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] = R[rt];
R[rt] = (atomic) ? 1 : 0 (2,7) 38hex
Store Halfword sh I
M[R[rs]+SignExtImm](15:0) =
R[rt](15:0) (2) 29hex
Store Word sw I M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] = R[rt] (2) 2bhex
Subtract sub R R[rd] = R[rs] - R[rt] (1) 0 / 22hex
Subtract Unsigned subu R R[rd] = R[rs] - R[rt] 0 / 23hex
(1) May cause overflow exception
(2) SignExtImm = { 16{immediate[15]}, immediate }
(3) ZeroExtImm = { 16{1b’0}, immediate }
(5) JumpAddr = { PC+4[31:28], address, 2’b0 }
(7) Atomic test&set pair; R[rt] = 1 if pair atomic, 0 if not atomic
R opcode rs rt rd shamt funct
31 26 25 21 20 16 15 11 10 6 5 0
I opcode rs rt immediate
31 26 25 21 20 16 15 0
J opcode address
31 26 25 0
Branch On FP True bc1t FI if(FPcond)PC=PC+4+BranchAddr (4) 11/8/1/--
Branch On FP False bc1f FI if(!FPcond)PC=PC+4+BranchAddr(4) 11/8/0/--
Divide div R Lo=R[rs]/R[rt]; Hi=R[rs]%R[rt] 0/--/--/1a
Divide Unsigned divu R Lo=R[rs]/R[rt]; Hi=R[rs]%R[rt] (6) 0/--/--/1b
FP Add Single add.s FR F[fd ]= F[fs] + F[ft] 11/10/--/0
FP Add
Double add.d FR {F[fd],F[fd+1]} = {F[fs],F[fs+1]} +
{F[ft],F[ft+1]} 11/11/--/0
FP Compare Single c.x.s* FR FPcond = (F[fs] op F[ft]) ? 1 : 0 11/10/--/y
FP Compare
Double c.x.d* FR FPcond = ({F[fs],F[fs+1]} op
{F[ft],F[ft+1]}) ? 1 : 0 11/11/--/y
* (x is eq, lt, or le) (op is ==, <, or <=) ( y is 32, 3c, or 3e)
FP Divide Single div.s FR F[fd] = F[fs] / F[ft] 11/10/--/3
FP Divide
Double div.d FR {F[fd],F[fd+1]} = {F[fs],F[fs+1]} /
{F[ft],F[ft+1]} 11/11/--/3
FP Multiply Single mul.s FR F[fd] = F[fs] * F[ft] 11/10/--/2
FP Multiply
Double mul.d FR {F[fd],F[fd+1]} = {F[fs],F[fs+1]} *
{F[ft],F[ft+1]} 11/11/--/2
FP Subtract Single sub.s FR F[fd]=F[fs] - F[ft] 11/10/--/1
FP Subtract
Double sub.d FR {F[fd],F[fd+1]} = {F[fs],F[fs+1]} -
{F[ft],F[ft+1]} 11/11/--/1
Load FP Single lwc1 I F[rt]=M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] (2) 31/--/--/--
Load FP
Double ldc1 I
F[rt]=M[R[rs]+SignExtImm]; (2)
F[rt+1]=M[R[rs]+SignExtImm+4] 35/--/--/--
Move From Hi mfhi R R[rd] = Hi 0 /--/--/10
Move From Lo mflo R R[rd] = Lo 0 /--/--/12
Move From Control mfc0 R R[rd] = CR[rs] 10 /0/--/0
Multiply mult R {Hi,Lo} = R[rs] * R[rt] 0/--/--/18
Multiply Unsigned multu R {Hi,Lo} = R[rs] * R[rt] (6) 0/--/--/19
Shift Right Arith. sra R R[rd] = R[rt] shamt 0/--/--/3
Store FP Single swc1 I M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] = F[rt] (2) 39/--/--/--
Store FP
Double sdc1 I
M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] = F[rt]; (2)
M[R[rs]+SignExtImm+4] = F[rt+1] 3d/--/--/--
FR opcode fmt ft fs fd funct
31 26 25 21 20 16 15 11 10 6 5 0
FI opcode fmt ft immediate
31 26 25 21 20 16 15 0
Branch Less Than blt if(R[rs]<R[rt]) PC = Label
Branch Greater Than bgt if(R[rs]R[rt]) PC = Label
Branch Less Than or Equal ble if(R[rs]<=R[rt]) PC = Label
Branch Greater Than or Equal bge if(R[rs]=R[rt]) PC = Label
Load Immediate li R[rd] = immediate
Move move R[rd] = R[rs]
$zero 0 The Constant Value 0 N.A.
$at 1 Assembler Temporary No
$v0-$v1 2-3 Values for Function Results
and Expression Evaluation No
$a0-$a3 4-7 Arguments No
$t0-$t7 8-15 Temporaries No
$s0-$s7 16-23 Saved Temporaries Yes
$t8-$t9 24-25 Temporaries No
$k0-$k1 26-27 Reserved for OS Kernel No
$gp 28 Global Pointer Yes
$sp 29 Stack Pointer Yes
$fp 30 Frame Pointer Yes
$ra 31 Return Address Yes
1 2
MIPS Reference Data Card (“Green Card”) 1. Pull along perforation to separate card 2. Fold bottom side (columns 3 and 4) together
Copyright 2009 by Elsevier, Inc., All rights reserved. From Patterson and Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, 4th ed.
(4) BranchAddr = { 14{immediate[15]}, immediate, 2’b0 }
(6) Operands considered unsigned numbers (vs. 2 s comp.) ’


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