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Project 02: Roommate Compatibility Program

Project 02: Roommate Compatibility Program

In this project you will be creating a roommate compatibility program using four classes. You may work in
pairs or by yourself. The expectation is that you work on the project outside of lab time, but you may
certainly use any extra time in lab. Your partner can be in any section. Both of you will make separate
submissions and demonstrate individually, each noting the collaborator/partner in the “Comments ...” textbox in the submission page.
Project Requirements
You have been hired by the Empire State University’s Office of Housing and Residence Life to prepare a
program which measures compatibility between potential roommates. You are given a file with the list of
students. For each student, you are given their name, gender and birthday. You will also have their
preference for quiet time, music, reading and chatting. Using this information, you can then determine the
compatibility between two people for rooming together, according to a formula developed by the Office of
Housing and Residence Life. You will need to create four classes to do this project:,, and We now describe how each of these classes should
Student class
Write a Student class that stores the following information about a person as instance variables:
• name: of type String to store the student name
• gender: of type char to store the sex of student, ‘M’ or ‘F’
• birthdate: of type Date (explained later) to store the student’s date of birth
• pref: of type Preference (explained later) to store their answers to four activities
• matched: of type Boolean to convey whether there is a match
The Student class should at least have the following (you may add more as you deem fit):
• A constructor which sets the instance variables to their appropriate input parameters (4 inputs).
• Accessor methods for each of the 5 instance variables.
• Mutator method for matched to set it to true after a successful match with another student (note:
should set the variable on BOTH students).
• A compare(Student st) method that returns the compatibility score between the current student
(the object of Student class calling this method) and the Student input parameter, st.
The calculation of the compatibility score returned by compare is as follows:
• Highest score is 100 and lowest is 0
• Different genders get a score 0 (only match same gender students as roommates)
• The formula for computing the compatibility score is: (40 – Preferences) + (60 –
AgeDifference), where
o Preferences is the absolute differences in each of the 4 activities added together
o AgeDifference is the number of months between two birthdates with the maximum being
5 years (60 months)
Note: Use Math.abs() method call to calculate absolute value, e.g., Math.abs(age2 – age1);.
Project 02: Roommate Compatibility Program
CSE-021-01 Points: 100
Date class
The class named Date should have the following instance variables (we assume there are no leap years):
• year: of type int in the range 1900 to 3000
• month: in the range 1 to 12 (January is 1)
• day: in the range 1 to 31 and appropriate to the month (you can assume February is always 28 days)
The Date class should at least have the following methods:
• A constructor which sets the instance variables to their appropriate input parameters (3 inputs)
• Accessor methods for each of the 3 instance variables
• A compare(Date dt) method that returns the difference (in number of months) between the
current birthdate (the object of Date class calling this method) and the Date input parameter, dt.
The calculation of difference between dates of birth returned by compare is as follows:
• First calculate the absolute difference between the birth years, and multiply the difference by 365 to
get yearsDifferenceInDays.
• We provide you with a method called dayOfYear() below that counts the number of days from the
beginning of the birth year till a birthday (we distinguish between a birthday comprising of just the
birth month and day, and birthdate comprising of the birth month, day and year).
For instance, dayOfYear() returns 114 for someone born on April 24, 1996, since there are 114
days between January 1 and April 24 (and ignoring that 1996 was a leap year).
Use dayOfYear() to calculate the absolute number of days between the birthdays to get
• Compute totalDifference as the absolute difference between yearsDifferenceInDays and
daysDifference. And finally, divide the total number of days differential, totalDifference, by
30 to approximate the number of difference in birth months, monthsDifference.
• If the month difference is higher than 60 then you should only return 60 as a max value.
The dayOfYear() method of the Date class is as follows:
public int dayOfYear() {
int totalDays = 0;
switch (month) {
case 12: totalDays += 30;
case 11: totalDays += 31;
case 10: totalDays += 30;
case 9 : totalDays += 31;
case 8 : totalDays += 31;
case 7 : totalDays += 30;
case 6 : totalDays += 31;
case 5 : totalDays += 30;
case 4 : totalDays += 31;
case 3 : totalDays += 28;
case 2 : totalDays += 31;
totalDays += day;
return totalDays;
Preference class
Write a Preference class that records preferences for different types of activities with the following
instance variables:
• quietTime
• music
• reading
• chatting
Each of these is of type int and must contain values in the range 0 to 10 (inclusive). A value of 0 means the
person hates the activity. A value of 10 means the person loves the activity.
The Preference class should at least have the following methods:
• A constructor which sets the instance variables to their appropriate input parameters (4 inputs)
• Accessor methods for each of the 4 instance variables
• A compare(Preference pref) method that returns the difference between the current preference
(the object of Preference class calling this method) and the Preference input parameter, pref.
To calculate the difference between preferences returned by compare, you simply sum up the absolute
differences in the 4 activities.
Match class
Write a Match class that (with main()) that performs the following functions:
• Create an array of Students (max = 100)
• Read all student information (tab delimited) from a text file
o Name (String)
o Gender (char)
o Birthdate (String: Month-Day-Year, hyphen ′-′ delimited)
o Quiet time preference (int ranging from 0 to 10)
o Music preference (int ranging from 0 to 10)
o Reading preference (int ranging from 0 to 10)
o Chatting preference (int ranging from 0 to 10)
• For each line in the text file
o Extract the information for each student
o Create a Student object pointed to be an entry in the array
o Keep a count of actual number of students (less than 100)
• For each student in the array (after completely done reading)
o Check against every other student (assuming they are not matched already) their
compatibility scores
o Find the Best Score and Best Match person
o Match the two roommates up and print out the result
Note: Your algorithm for matching should work something like this:
Foreach student NOT currently matched
Foreach rest of students NOT currently matched
currentScore =
if the currentScore is better than MaxScore
bestMatchStudent is student
bestMatchScore is currentScore
studentA is now Matched
bestMatchStudent is now Matched
Also note that you have an array of students presumably. So will actually
look something like this:
if(!students[j].getMatched()) // student not matched already
currentScore = students[i].compare(students[j]);
In the code above, i is the index of the outer loop, j is the index of the inner loop, and getMatched() is
the accessor method for matched.
We have included two test files Students.txt and FullRoster.txt. To give you an idea of correct
behavior, your program should generate the following expected output for Students.txt:
Abey matches with Melissa with the score 60
John matches with Jeff with the score 100
Craig has no matches.
Copy and paste the output of your console for both test files into output.log. To be precise, you will
create an empty text file called output.txt, copy and paste the console output for the two program runs in
Eclipse (corresponding to the two test files) into output.txt, and rename the file to output.log.
What to hand in
When you are done with this project, submit all your work through CatCourses.
Before you submit, make sure you have done the following:
• Completed,, and
• Placed your console output for the two runs corresponding to the two test files in output.log.
• Attached the,,, and output.log files in
the submission page.
• Filled in your collaborator’s name (if any) in the “Comments…” text-box at the submission page.
Also, remember to demonstrate your code to the TA or instructor before the end of the demo period.

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