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Project 1 Algorithm to approximate area

EECS402 Project 1
One very important aspect of calculus is being able to compute the area between a curve and the X-axis.
There are different ways to compute this value, and for this project, you will implement an algorithm to
approximate this area (similar to, but a little different than a definite integral). You do not need to have
a strong calculus background to perform this project – it is just specified this way to give you a feel of
how programming can be applied to a real-world problem. These specifications look long, but the
reason is that the details are fully described to make the project easier.
Submission and Due Date
You will submit your program using an email-based submission system by attaching one C++ source file
only (named exactly “project1.cpp”), and one script file only (named exactly “typescript”). Do not attach
any other files with your submission – specifically, do not include your compiled executable, etc. As discussed in lecture, please
double check that you have submitted the correct files (the correct version of your source code file
named exactly as specified above and the typescript file, correctly generated showing you building your
project executable and running valgrind). Submission of the “wrong files” will not be grounds for an
“extension” or late submission of the correct files, and will result in a score of 0.
High-Level Description
One way to approximate the area between a curve and the X-axis is to fit many polygons between the
curve and the axis. By choosing a polygon that has an area that is easily computed, we can approximate
the actual area by adding the area of all the polygons. Remember that area is a positive value always, so
in this project, we aren’t quite computing an integral, but rather an “enclosed area”. What we are
computing could be better described as the area under the curve when the curve is above the x-axis,
summed with the area above the curve when the curve is below the x-axis.
There are numerous polygons that can be used. For this project, we will use rectangles since they are
simple to work with. When fitting rectangles, it must be decided how to determine the height of the
rectangle. There are three widely used choices. The first possibility evaluates the function describing the
curve at the rectangle's left-most x location. The second uses the rectangle's midpoint along x. The third
uses the rectangle's right-most x value to determine the height. For this project, you need to only worry
about the second possibility - that is, using the midpoint. The width of the rectangle is determined by
taking into account the X-interval of the area of interest and the number of rectangles that need to be
fit into that interval.
The below diagram shows 4 examples of approximating the area using polygons. Example (a) uses 3
rectangles to approximate the area between the curve y=f(x) and the X-axis from x = start to x = end. 
Example (b) uses 3 trapezoids. Example (c) uses 6 rectangles to get a better approximation, and example
(d) uses 6 trapezoids. The trapezoid examples are just to illustrate how the approximated area might
differ with different polygons. You are not expected to implement area approximation with trapezoids
for this project!
The first choices the user of your program will have is to determine the approximate area between a
cubic function and the X-axis using some number of rectangles. The user must enter 4 coefficients for a
cubic equation (I.e. y = a*x3 + b * x2 + c * x + d, where a, b, c, and d are the coefficients provided), the x
start and end values for the area of interest’s interval, and the number of rectangles to be fit within the
When dealing with approximations, there is usually some sort of tolerance, or precision you are willing
to accept. For example, one engineer might be willing to accept up to 0.05 error in an area
approximation, while another engineer working on a space vehicle launch mechanism might only be
willing to accept an error of 0.000001. In order to allow the user to better understand how many
rectangles are needed in general for a good approximation, you will allow the user another choice. In
this case, the user will provide the correct (known) answer to the integration, and provide the tolerance
they are willing to accept. Your job is to tell the user how many rectangles were needed to achieve that
tolerance. For example, if I’m willing to accept a tolerance of 0.005, then how many rectangles would I
need to use to get within 0.005 of the correct answer?) Since the user may provide an incorrect "correct 
answer" you should stop trying to achieve the specified tolerance after trying 100 rectangles, and report
that you were unable to reach the specified tolerance using the maximum number of rectangles.
The following global functions are required for this project. You may not modify the function prototype
as given for ANY reason. This includes changing the order of parameters, the types of parameters or
return values, or renaming the function in ANY way. When describing functions, words in "quotation
marks" usually refer to the parameters that are passed in.
void printMenu();
This function prints out the possible choices the user has, in a menu format. For the exact format
expected, see the sample outputs on the project’s Canvas page. No input is done in this function!
double toThePower(const double val, const int power);
This function raises "val" to the power "power" and returns the result. For example, toThePower(4.0, 3)
would return 64.0. No input or output is done in this function! You can assume all powers will be greater
than 0. Remember, you may NOT use anything from the math library, so don’t call the “pow” function in
your implementation, even if you know how.
bool evaluateCubicFormula(const double aCoeff, const double bCoeff,
const double cCoeff, const double dCoeff, const double xValue, double
This function evaluates the cubic formula specified as:
y = aCoeff * xValue^3 + bCoeff * xValue^2 + cCoeff * xValue + dCoeff
at the x value specified as “xValue”. The resulting y value is output back to the calling function as the
reference parameter “resultVal”. The function will return false if the resulting y value is a negative
value, or true if the resulting value is greater or equal to zero.
double approximateAreaWithRectangles(const double aCoeff, const double
bCoeff, const double cCoeff, const double dCoeff, const double startX,
const double endX, const int numRects);
This function will approximate the area between the X-axis and the curve defined by the formula:
y = aCoeff * x^3 + bCoeff * x^2 + cCoeff * x + dCoeff
Rectangles are used to approximate the area. The rectangle's width will be determined by considering
the interval of interest and number of rectangles that are to be used. The rectangle's height is
determined by evaluating the function at the rectangle's midpoint along x (width). The area of interest’s
interval is from "startX" to "endX", and "numRects" rectangles should be used to do the approximation.
No input or output is done from this function! Since the exact number of rectangles is passed in as input,
you should use a count-controlled loop to iterate that number of times. Prior to iterating, determine the
width of the rectangles (do this only one time). To determine the x coordinate of the rectangles within
the loop, simply add the width each iteration of the for loop over the number of rectangles. If you follow 
this design, your results should match the sample output's exactly. For example, if the X-interval is from
4.0 to 10.0 and you need to fit 5 rectangles, you would compute each rectangle’s width as (10.0 – 4.0) /
5, which is 1.2. Then, your first rectangle would span X=4.0 to X=(4.0 + 1.2 = 5.2), and its X midpoint
would be 4.6. The next rectangle would span X=(4.0 + 1.2 = 5.2) to (5.2 + 1.2 = 6.4) with a midpoint of
5.8. (etc) The last rectangle would span X=8.8 to 10.0 with a midpoint of 9.4.
int main();
The main function will loop until the user chooses to exit. Each iteration, the user will be prompted for
input of a choice from the menu that will be printed. Once a choice is made, the user will be prompted
for all necessary input, and the requested operations should be performed. Appropriate output should
be printed to the screen when the operation completes. The return value of main should be 0,
representing the program exited in a normal fashion. The program ends when the user chooses to exit
via the menu.
This list of functions is completely exhaustive. You may not implement any additional functions for any
reason. You also may not choose to leave out any number of the required functions for any reason.
Special Testing Requirement
In order to allow the course staff to easily test parts of your implementation using out own main()
function in place of yours, some special preprocessor directives will be required. Don't worry about
what all this means right now – it should not affect anything that you do or how your program acts,
but is useful for course staff during grading. Immediately before the definition of the main()
function, (but after all other prior source code), include the following lines EXACTLY:
#include "andrewTest.h"
and immediately following the main() function, include the following line EXACTLY:
Therefore, your source code should look as follows:
library includes
program header
constant declarations and initializations
global function prototypes with comments
#include "andrewTest.h"
int main()
 implementation of main function
global function definitions
Lines above in red are to be used exactly as shown. Other lines simply represent the location of
those items within the source code file.
Additional Information
• The program must exit "gracefully", by reaching the ONE return statement that should be the
last statement in the main function - do not use the "exit()" function or additional “return”s.
• Any floating point values you need should be declared of type "double" Do NOT use any "float"
variables in this program.
• You don’t need to worry about number formatting. Don’t use setprecision or anything similar.
Just let cout print the values the way it wants to.
• The only library you may #include is <iostream. No other header files may be included, and you
may not make any call to any function in any other library (even if your IDE allows you to call the
function without #include'ing the appropriate header file). Be careful not to use any function
located in <cmath.
• Input and/or output should only be done where it is specified. See the function descriptions
above to determine which functions can do input and/or output.
• When implementing your solution, use only topics that we’ve discussed in lecture by the date
that the project was posted, or that course staff has explicitly allowed in writing. Experienced
programmers may identify ways to solve problems in the project using more advanced topics
that had not been discussed by the date the project was posted, but you may not utilize those
• Remember, “magic numbers” are bad and need to be avoided
• Remember, “duplicated code” is bad and needs to be avoided
• Remember, identifier naming is important. Name your variables, constants, etc., using a
descriptive name using the style described in lecture
• Remember, you must ensure your program builds successfully using the c++98 standard
• Remember, you must run valgrind to ensure it does not identify any issues in the execution of
your program
Error Checking
You need not worry about user input error checking in this program. You may assume that the user will
enter data of the correct data type when prompted. Note: This is usually a horrible assumption. As you
learn error handling techniques in this class, you will be required to use them, but for this project, just
concentrate on implementing the functions as described. During your testing, if you accidentally input a
value with an incorrect type, your program will likely go into an infinite loop and print a ton of stuff to
the screen. That is “normal” and we will learn how to overcome that later in the course. If this happens
to you during your testing, just press “Control-c” to kill the execution of your project. Please note that it
might take a while for the “Control-c” to take effect after you issue it.
Design and Implementation Details
As mentioned above, for this project, you are required to implement the project exactly as described
here using the exact output strings provided in the sample outputs. Make sure you implement and
utilize the exact functions specified and do not add any additional functions, parameters, etc. You will
have more “freedom” in your design and implementation as the course progresses. This effectively
means that you do not have any control over the general program design for this project.
It is strongly recommended that you implement this program in a piece-wise fashion. That is, start with
the printMenu() function, which should be the simplest one to implement. Write a main() to go along
which calls the function to see that it works as expected (i.e. write a “driver program” for the sole
purpose of testing your printMenu function). Test your program at this point. Once this is all working,
add the loop structure to main so it exits the program appropriately. Note: if following this suggested
implementation, you have not yet written any of the other functions that will be called by main, you are
simply setting up a framework for the program and making sure it works as you go. Once the looping
structure is added, run your program and type in user options to ensure your program keeps looping
until you specify the option to quit.
Once that is full working implement another function (or, if the function is relatively complex,
implement a part of a function) and then test the new functionality. Continue implementing and testing
little bits of additional functionality at a time until the project is completed. To help you get used to this,
I’ve described the functions in the order I would recommend implementing them.

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