¬¬¬¬¬Project 1.B
I. Project Description
Figure 1 shows an ER diagram for University database. This is the same in Project 1.A.
Figure 1. ER-diagram
This project is to implement the above design using a relational data model. Specifically, you are asked to write the following Java programs using JDBC connection to connect MySQL database to Java programs.
1. CreateTables.java [Points: 15]
After execution, your program must create the following tables. Each table must be created with the table name, attribute names and corresponding types and length as specified. Also, make sure to specify primary key, candidate key and foreign key (if any), accordingly.
a) Attribute, type and length: snum: integer, ssn: integer, name: varchar(10), gender: varchar(1), dob: datetime, c_addr: varchar(20), c_phone: varchar(10), p_addr: varchar(20), p_phone: varchar(10)
b) Primary key: ssn
c) Candidate key: snum
d) Foreign key: N/A
a) Attribute, type and length: code: integer, name: varchar(50), phone: varchar(10), college: varchar(20)
b) Primary key: code
c) Candidate key: name
d) Foreign key: N/A
a) Attribute, type and length: name: varchar(50), level: varchar(5), department_code: integer
b) Primary key: name, level
c) Candidate key: N/A
d) Foreign key: department_code refers to code in table departments
a) Attribute, type and length: number: integer, name: varchar(50), description: varchar(50), credithours: integer, level: varchar(20), department_code: integer
b) Primary key: number
c) Candidate key: name
d) Foreign key: department_code refers to code in table departments
a) Attribute, type and length: snum: integer, course_number: integer, regtime: varchar(20), grade: integer
b) Primary key: snum, course_number
c) Candidate key: N/A
d) Foreign key: snum refers to snum in table students, course_number refers to number in table courses
a) Attribute, type and length: snum: integer, name: varchar(50), level: varchar(5)
b) Primary key: snum, name, level
c) Candidate key: N/A
d) Foreign key: snum refers to snum in table students, name & level refer to name & level in table degrees
a) Attribute, type and length: snum: integer, name: varchar(50), level: varchar(5)
b) Primary key: snum, name, level
c) Candidate key: N/A
d) Foreign key: snum refers to snum in table students, name & level refer to name & level in table degrees
2. InsertRecords.java [Points: 15]
After execution, your program must insert the following records to the appropriate tables created by CreateTables.java.
snum ssn name gender dob c_addr c_phone p_addr p_phone
1001 654651234 Randy M 2000/12/01 301 E Hall 5152700988 121 Main 7083066321
1002 123097834 Victor M 2000/05/06 270 W Hall 5151234578 702 Walnut 7080366333
1003 978012431 John M 1999/07/08 201 W Hall 5154132805 888 University 5152012011
1004 746897816 Seth M 1998/12/30 199 N Hall 5158891504 21 Green 5154132907
1005 186032894 Nicole F 2001/04/01 178 S Hall 5158891155 13 Gray 5157162071
1006 534218752 Becky F 2001/05/16 12 N Hall 5157083698 189 Clark 2034367632
1007 432609519 Kevin M 2000/08/12 75 E Hall 5157082497 89 National 7182340772
code name phone college
401 Computer Science 5152982801 LAS
402 Mathematics 5152982802 LAS
403 Chemical Engineering 5152982803 Engineering
404 Landscape Architect 5152982804 Design
name level department_code
Computer Science BS 401
Software Engineering BS 401
Computer Science MS 401
Computer Science PhD 401
Applied Mathematics MS 402
Chemical Engineering BS 403
Landscape Architect BS 404
snum name level
1001 Computer Science BS
1002 Software Engineering BS
1003 Chemical Engineering BS
1004 Landscape Architect BS
1005 Computer Science MS
1006 Applied Mathematics MS
1007 Computer Science PhD
snum name level
1007 Applied Mathematics MS
1005 Applied Mathematics MS
1001 Software Engineering BS
number name description credithours level department_code
113 Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel and Access 3 Undergraduate 401
311 Algorithm Design and Analysis 3 Undergraduate 401
531 Theory of Computation Theorem and Probability 3 Graduate 401
363 Database Design Principle 3 Undergraduate 401
412 Water Management Water Management 3 Undergraduate 404
228 Special Topics Interesting Topics about CE 3 Undergraduate 403
101 Calculus Limit and Derivative 4 Undergraduate 402
snum course_number when grade
1001 363 Fall2020 3
1002 311 Fall2020 4
1003 228 Fall2020 4
1004 363 Spring2021 3
1005 531 Spring2021 4
1006 363 Fall2020 3
1007 531 Spring2021 4
3. Query.java [Points: 55]
After execution, your program must print out the following information
1) The student number and ssn of the student whose name is "Becky"
2) The major name and major level of the student whose ssn is 123097834
3) The names of all courses offered by the department of Computer Science
4) All degree names and levels offered by the department Computer Science
5) The names of all students who have a minor
4. ModifyRecords.java [10]
After execution, your program must modify the following information
1) Change the name of the student with ssn = 746897816 to Scott
2) Change the major of the student with ssn = 746897816 to Computer Science, Master.
3) Delete all registration records that were in “Spring2021”,
5. DropTables.java [5]
After execution, your program must delete all tables.
Submission Instruction
Submit all your java programs (*.java) to Canvas. Be sure to
1) Name your files as required, i.e., CreateTables.java, InsertRecords.java, Query.java, ModifyRecords.java, DropTables.java;
2) Make each of these java files independent executable, i.e., each having its main() method;
3) Set user name to be “coms363” and password to be “password” in database authentication.
II. Set up working environment using Eclipse (This instruction is based on Windows)
1. Make sure that you have Java JDK installed in your computer, if not, you can get Java JDK at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
2. Download and install Eclipse IDE at https://eclipse.org/downloads/ (choose “Eclipse IDE for Java Enterprise Java Developers”)
3. Download and install Connector J at https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/
If you use Windows, search for MySQL installer – community app on your computer. If you see the following window, you have Connector J installed. You can also find the install path. If you don’t see Connector/J on the list, then click “Add” on the right, choose “MySQL connectors”, find Connector/J and install it.
4. Open Eclipse
5. Create new Java project by go to “File > New > Other…” then select “Java Project”
6. Give your Java project a name, then click “next”.
7. Next, add Connector J JAR file to your project build path. Click on “libraries->classpath” and choose “Add External JARs…”
8. Go to directory that you installed Connector J and select Connector J JAR file (this can be vary based on directory you have installed. For Windows, you can find the path in installers). Then click Finish.
III. Examples of Java codes
This link https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jdbc/basics/processingsqlstatements.html gives you a tutorial on coding JDBC. For your convenience, we give you some sample code below.
1. Establishing a connection
2. Executing DML & DDL
3. Executing SQL query
For testing your code, we will use username= ‘coms363’ and password= ‘password’. To set up this user account, run the following code as root user.
CREATE USER 'coms363'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'coms363'@'localhost';
Once you run your Java code, you should see updates on MySQL (remember to refresh SCHEMAS)