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Project 1 – Bubble Sort Timing Analysis

Project 1 – Bubble Sort Timing Analysis

Introduction. For this assignment, we will implement a simple “bubble sort” algorithm and measure it’s execution
time over several different array sizes to be sorted. There is quite a bit of “skeleton” code provided for you in the file which is given to you as a starting point. The skeleton code calls the BubbleSort
function (that you write) using array sizes of 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 integers.
The bubble sort algorithm is known to have a runtime complexity proportional to N2
, where N is the number of
elements to be sorted. Given that, the measured execution of each sort iteration should be 100 times slower than the
previous, since each of the array sizes increases by a factor of 10.
The skeleton code uses a function called ticks() that reads the CPU internal clock cycle counter and returns a
64–bit value. The main program simply reads the cycle counter before and after the BubbleSort function, and subtracts
to compute elapsed time in units of CPU ticks. If your implemention of the BubbleSort is correct, the elapsed tick
count for each iteration should be 100 times the tick count of the previous
The skeleton code then calls CheckIt which verifies your sorted array is indeed properly sorted.. If the “ErrorCount” value reported by thCheckIt() function is not zero your BubbleSort is buggy and you must fix it.
Specific Program Requirements.
1. You must implement the BubbleSort function which is included in the skeleton code but not implemented.
2. Once you have it implemented and compiled with no errors or warnings then run the program, observing the
reported Execution time in ticks.
Resources. There are a number of files that are given to you. These are all on the deepthought19 system, and
you will copy these to your own directory (instructions as to how to do this are below).
1. A skeleton program that is a starting point. It contains the main program and
several other useful functions.
2. check-it.h and define and implement the function to verify your array is properly sorted.
3. ticks.h and define and implement the CPU cycle counter read.
4. A Makefile which you can use to compile the program.
Your program can be compiled and tested on any available computing platform that has a C++ compiler. The instructor
and TA will compile and test your program on the deepthought19linux systems. Be sure to put your name on the source
code in the comments section.
Copying the Project Skeletons
1. Log into using ssh and your prism log-in name.
2. Copy the files from the ECE2036 user account using the following command:
/usr/bin/rsync -avu /nethome/ECE2036/BubbleSort .
Be sure to notice the period at the end of the above command.
3. Change your working directory to BubbleSort
cd BubbleSort
4. Copy the provided to as follows:
5. At this point, you can run the make program to compile the skeletons. Of course it won’t do anything useful
since you have not implemented your BubbleSort algorithm. To run the make program simply type make
in your terminal window after having changed your working directory to the BubbleSort directory.
6. You can edit your program using any of the available text editors found on deepthought, specifically vi, vim,
and emacs. There are plenty of on-line resources about using text editors on linux.
Turning in your Project. The system administrator for the cluster has created scripts that you are to use to turn in
your project. The script is called turnin-ece2036a (or turnin-ece2036b depending on which section you
are in). The script is found at and is found in /usr/local/bin, which should be in the search path for everyone.
From your home directory (not the BubbleSort subdirectory), enter:
turnin-ece2036a BubbleSort
This automatically copies everything in your BubbleSort directory to a place that we can access (and grade) it.

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