Starting from:


Project 1: Cache design

CS 4290/6290, ECE 4100/6100
Project 1: Cache design
Version 0.1

This is the first project for the course --- here are some rules:
1. Sharing of code between students is viewed as cheating and will receive appropriate
action in accordance with University policy.
2. It is acceptable for you to compare your results, and only your results, with other students
to help debug your program. It is not acceptable to collaborate either on the code
development or on the final experiments.
3. You should do all your work in the C or C++ programming language, and should be
written according to the C99 or C++11 standards, using only the standard libraries.
4. Unfortunately experience has shown that there is a very high chance that there are errors
in this project description. The online version will be updated as errors are discovered. It
is your responsibility to check the website often and download new versions of this
project description as they become available.
5. A Makefile with the frontend will be given to you; you will only need to fill in the empty
functions and any additional subroutines you will be using. You will also need to fill in
the statistics structure that will be used to output the results.
Project Description:
Cache memories are hard to understand! One way to understand them is to actually build a cache. We do
not have time to do this in this class. However, writing a simulator for a cache can also make caches
easier to understand. So in this project, you will design a parametric cache simulator and use it to design
data caches well suited to the SPEC benchmarks.
There are two parts to this project. In the first part, you will implement a basic cache. Your outputs should
match the reference outputs exactly. You need to submit this by checkpoint 1’s due date. In the second
part, you’ll add more features and experiments, which you need to turn in by the final deadline. For any
questions and clarifications, we encourage you to post on piazza and/or see the TAs during office hours.
We will update this document with details about the second part shortly. We’ll send an email when the
second part is posted. You should download a revised copy when it is posted.
Simulator specifications:
Cache simulation capabilities:
The simulator should model a cache with 2
bytes of data storage, having 2B
-byte blocks, and with sets
of 2S
blocks per set (note that S=0 is a direct-mapped cache, and S = C - B is a fully associative cache).
The cache uses the LRU replacement policy.
 The provided traces have a stream of read and write addresses. You can assume that each
access is a 1 byte access. i.e., a single access won’t span multiple cache blocks.
 In your cache, the set index bits are the lowest contiguous bits in the address before the block
 The cache has a write-back write-allocate (WBWA) policy. You need to keep track of dirty
cache blocks with a dirty bit.
 Additionally, there is a valid bit per block, which is initially 0 when the simulation starts.
 When accounting for storage requirements, you also need to account for tag storage.
The following are used to calculate the average access time as seen by the CPU (AAT). Hit time
is denoted by HT, miss penalty by MP and miss ratio by MR:
 AAT = HT + MR * MP
 HT = 2 + 0.2*S
 MP = 20
 Time units are in nanoseconds
In general, (C, B, S) completely specifies the caching system
Explanation of Provided Framework
We are providing you with a framework to build the cache simulator. You must fill in the following
functions in the framework:
void setup_cache(uint64_t c, uint64_t b, uint64_t s);
Subroutine for initializing the cache. You many add and initialize any global or heap variables as needed.
void cache_access(char type, uint64_t arg, cache_stats_t* p_stats);
Subroutine that simulates the cache one trace event at a time. Type can be either READ or WRITE, which
is each defined in cachesim.hpp. A READ event is a memory load operation of 1 byte to the address
specified in arg. A WRITE event is a memory store operation of 1 byte to the address specified in arg.
void complete_cache(cache_stats_t *p_stats);
Subroutine for cleaning up memory and calculating overall system statistics such as miss rate or average
access time.
The code skeleton is only a loose guideline to help you get started. You are free to modify it in any way
you see fit.
Statistics (output): The simulator must output the following statistics after
completion of the run:
For each entry in the trace file, print “H” or “M” for a hit or a miss in the cache.
Also print these statistics:
a. number of reads, writes and total accesses to the cache
b. number of read hits and misses
c. number of write hits and misses
d. total hits and misses
e. hit and miss ratios for reads and writes separately as well as overall ratios
f. number of write-backs to the lower level of memory hierarchy
g. the average access time (AAT) for the cache
The output of these variables should be handled by the driver code, and you only need to fill in the
structure cache_statistics_t, defined in cachesim.hpp.
Checkpoint 1: Proof that your simulator works. This is done via validating your simulator (see the
section on validation requirement below).
Checkpoint 2: We’ll update this document with additional features and experiments in the next few days.
Validation Requirement for Checkpoint 1:
Four sample simulation outputs will be provided on canvas by the TAs. You must run your simulator and
debug it until it matches 100% all the statistics in the validation outputs posted on the website. You are
required to hand in this validated output with your code by checkpoint 1 (see below).
What to hand in via Canvas for checkpoint 1:
1. Output from your simulation showing it matches 100% all the statistics in the validation outputs
posted on the website for each validation run
2. The commented source code for the simulator program itself.
3. Remember that your code must compile and run on a current variant of Linux (i.e., Debian, Red
Hat, Ubuntu) running on an x86 architecture (i.e., Intel or AMD).
4. Code that cannot be compiled will result in a zero.
5. Note that late projects will not be accepted.
Checkpoint 1:
• 0% You do not hand in anything by the deadline or you hand in someone else’s simulator
[Plagiarism will not be tolerated]
• +50% Your code runs and matches all validation runs
Checkpoint 2:

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