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Project 1 (CSCI 360)

Project 1 (CSCI 360,)
7 Points

1 Introduction
In this part of the project, you will implement an A* search to navigate
Wheelbot to its goal location on a map with obstacles. Some of these obstacles are initially known to the agent while some of them are hidden to
the agent.
Figure 1: A screenshot of the text-based simulator. The environment is laid
out in a discrete grid. Each period represents an unoccupied location in the
environment. The robot’s location is represented by the 0, while the target
location is represented by $. Known obstacles are represented by # and
hidden obstacles are represented by H.
Before executing a move action, Wheelbot should use its local obstacle
sensors to discover any hidden obstacles around it. Wheelbot should always
follow a shortest path to its goal, assuming that the grid only contains the
initially known obstacles and the discovered hidden obstacles (any hidden
obstacles that have not been discovered yet, or the knowledge that there
might be hidden obstacles, should not affect the path that Wheelbot follows).
All movements have a cost of 1, and Wheelbot should minimize the total
cost of the edges along its path to the goal. Wheelbot can move to any
cell that does not contain an obstacle, and it dies if it moves to a cell that
contains an obstacle. Above is a screen shot of the text-based simulator
that you will use for this project. It has been extended to represent known
obstacles (#) and hidden obstacles (H).
2 Simulator
2.1 Wheelbot
In this course, you will be working with a robot called Wheelbot, an abstract mobile robot encoded in the Robot class. At each simulation step,
Wheelbot can read its sensors and then take one action, moving it one space
in the given direction. For the purposes of this assignment, Wheelbot has
the following actions and sensors:
2.1.1 Wheelbot Actions
1. MOVE UP: Moves Wheelbot one grid space up (North)
2. MOVE DOWN: Moves Wheelbot one grid space down (South)
3. MOVE LEFT: Moves Wheelbot one grid space left (West)
4. MOVE RIGHT: Moves Wheelbot one grid space right (East)
5. STOP: Stops Wheelbot for one time step in the current grid cell
2.1.2 Wheelbot Sensors
1. Wheelbot Position Sensor: Provides the (x, y) coordinate of Wheelbot on the grid. To use, call this→simulator.getRobot()→getPosition().
2. Target Position Sensor: Provides the (x, y) coordinate of the target
on the grid (the $). To use, call this→simulator.getTarget().
3. Target Distance Sensor: Provides the Euclidean distance between
the target and the robot’s current location on the grid. To use, call
4. Local Obstacle Sensor: Returns the 2D positions of all the obstacles in the four cells around Wheelbot. To use this sensor, call
this→simulator.getCurrentLocalObstacleLocations(), which returns a
vector of 2D points.
2.1.3 Other functionality
The location of the robot, target, and each obstacle are returned as instances
of the Point2D class that has the member variables x (row) and y (column).
The top-left corner of the map has coordinates (0,0). We have also added
several new functions to the Simulator class, which you can use to obtain
information about the environment:
1. You can get the dimensions of the grid by calling
this→simulator.getWidth() and this→simulator.getHeight(). Both functions return integers.
2. You can get a list of all the initially known obstacles by calling
this→simulator.getKnownObstacleLocations(), which returns a vector
of 2D points. Note that this function will not return any hidden obstacles that have been discovered by the agent.
3 Programming Portion
This project will require you to modify the files Project.h and Project.cpp
in the project source code (again, this includes filling out the
Project::getOptimalAction() function). You are not to modify any
other file that is part of the simulator. You can, however, add
new files to the project to implement new classes as you see fit.
Feel free to look at Robot.h, which defines Wheelbot, Simulator.h, which
defines the environment, and Vector2D.h, which provides 2D vectors and
points. We will test your project by copying your Project.h and Project.cpp
files, as well as any files you have added to the project, into our simulation
environment and running it.
Feel free to use the C++ STL and STD library data structures and
containers. Additionally, if you have previously implemented data structures
you wish to re-use, please do. However, you must not use anything that
trivializes the problem. For instance, do not use a downloaded A* algorithm
package. You must implement A* and the extensions yourself.
The provided Project.h and Project.cpp files include a skeleton implementation of the Project class, with the following functions:
1. Project(Simulator &sim): This is the constructor for the class. Here,
you should query the simulator for the dimensions of the map and all
the initially known obstacles, and store this information. main.cpp
will call the constructor before the simulation begins.
2. RobotAction getOptimalAction(): This is the function that will be
called by main.cpp at each step of the simulation to determine the best
action that Wheelbot should execute. In this function, you should first
check Wheelbot’s local obstacle sensors to discover any hidden obstacles around it and update your representation of the environment with
the discovered obstacles (if any). Then, you should run an A* search
on this (updated) environment to find a shortest path for Wheelbot
and return the first action it should execute to follow this path. Use
the Euclidean distance to the goal as the heuristic for A∗
You should modify these two functions and implement an A∗
(either as a new class, or part of the Project class). For full credit, your
robot must always follow a shortest path to the goal with respect to the
obstacles it currently knows about.
4 Theory Questions
1. If there are no hidden obstacles in the environment, what guarantees
can one make about the optimality of the path returned by the A∗
algorithm? Would Wheelbot always follow a shortest path to the goal?
2. Now, consider the addition of hidden obstacles. Does Wheelbot still
always follow a shortest path (from its first starting position to the
target)? Explain why or why not.
3. How would your analyses in the last two questions change if we had
used Breadth-First Search (BFS) rather than A∗
for this project?
5 Submission
For this project, please submit a zip archive of your modified code via Blackboard by the date and time listed at the top of this document.

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