ECE 485/585 – Computer Organization and Design
Project 1: Designing Multiplexers using Behavioral & Structural Models
IMPORTANT: You must sign and date below acknowledgment statement on the title
page of your report.
Failing to do so, or any violation of this rule will result in an automatic
failure for this course.
I. Introduction
The purpose of this Project 1 is to prepare you towards Project 2 and Project 3, which you will
design and implement your own custom 32-bit RISC processor, a stripped-down MIPS processor.
The goal of this project is to get familiar with the VHDL programming, as well as the simulation
environment. In this project, you will design and implement an eight-input multiplexer in both
behavioral model and structural model using VHDL.
II. Background
In class, we have discussed two different models that you could implement using VHDL; structural
model and behavioral model (Refer to “[Lecture 2] Introduction to VHDL” and “Day 2 Lecture
Video” from Blackboard for more detail). Also, you will need to verify your models by creating
your own testbench. A testbench is used to verify and confirm your design by observing the
output(s) of your circuit, based on your customized input(s). You may need to refer to the “VHDL
References” section on the Blackboard and follow the tutorials before beginning this project.
III. Design and Implementation
1. Implement an eight-input multiplexer using behavioral model
2. Implement an eight-input multiplexer using structural model
3. Test both models using your own testbench.
ECE 485/585 – Computer Organization and Design
Fall 2022
IV. Project Requirements
1. You are required to design and implement this project individually.
2. You are required to provide your original VHDL codes, as well as your testbench codes
that you have used to verify your VHDL codes. All codes should contain your original
3. You are required to provide simulation results by capturing the screen of the simulation
output. Your simulation result must contain the input data used and corresponding
output data. You must clearly state in all captured figures which input data used and
corresponding output data.
4. You may use one of the following VHDL simulators for the course project:
a. ModelSim on Endeavour (ECE Server) or local
i. Local installation: https://tinyurl.com/modelsim-student-ed
b. Xilinx Vivado on Endeavour (ECE Server) or local
i. Local installation (WebPack): https://tinyurl.com/vivado2019
c. Xilinx ISE (WebPack): https://tinyurl.com/xilinx-ise2018
5. Your report should include the following sections:
a. Title Page with Acknowledgment (shown in Page 1 of this document) and your
b. Abstract of your report
c. Introduction (please remember, introduction and abstract aren’t the same)
d. Background
i. Description of a VHDL structural model
ii. Description of a VHDL behavioral model
iii. Description of a VHDL testbench
iv. Description of your VHDL simulator and environment
v. Anything else that you’d like to address in the background
e. System Design
i. Description of your eight-input multiplexer using structural model
ii. Description of your eight-input multiplexer using behavioral model
iii. Description of your VHDL testbench code
f. Simulation Results and discussion
i. Screenshots of your test cases
ii. Descriptions of each screenshots
iii. Discussion of any issues that you faced, any improvement could be made,
g. Conclusion
h. List of references
ECE 485/585 – Computer Organization and Design
Fall 2022
i. Appendix
i. Entire Source Code of your project with comments
ii. Entire Testbench Codes with comments that used to verify your design
6. Due date is Friday, October 7
th 2022 11:59PM. No late submission will be accepted. You’ll
need to submit the following package in a single ZIP file to the Blackboard.
a. Your Project Report
b. Your VHDL Source Codes with your own comments
c. Your VHDL Testbench Codes with your own comments
7. Refer to the tutorials uploaded on the Blackboard if you are not familiar with VHDL