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Project 1 Finite Automata

CSC173: Project 1
Finite Automata
The goal of this project is to experiment with pattern matching using finite automata.
You will need to implement deterministic finite automata (DFAs), nondeterministic finite
automata (NFAs), and a converter than turns an NFA into an equivalent DFA. The rest
of this document gives you the specific requirements as well some ideas about how
to proceed. Read the requirements and the instructions under “Project Submission”
carefully. You must hit the spec to get full points.
If you are new to C and haven’t yet done Homework 0.0, you should do that now.
You must implement the following functionality, subject to the general requirements given
in the next section.
1. Deterministic finite automata (DFAs) that, individually, recognize the following languages:
(a) Exactly the string happy
(b) Any string that starts with three 9’s
(c) Binary input with an even number of 1’s
(d) Binary input with an odd number of 0’s and an even number of 1’s
(e) At least one other pattern that you think is interesting (and hopefully different
from other students)
2. Non-deterministic finite automata (NFAs) that individually recognize the following
(a) Strings ending in ing
(b) Strings containing ing
(c) Strings with more than one a, g, h, i, o, s, t, or w, or more than two n’s (FOCS
Figure 10.14). This automaton is described in FOCS as part of a project to
find words that can be made from the letters of the word “Washington” (socalled “partial anagrams”). In this automaton, acceptance means that the
input string is not a partial anagram of washington, because it has too many
of some letter. Note that the automaton in the book accepts when the criterion
is met, but you will probably need to do something slightly different to accept
an entire string meeting the criterion.1
(d) At least one other pattern that you think is interesting (and hopefully different
from other students)
3. Implement a translator function that takes an instance of an NFA as its only parameter and returns a new instance of a DFA that is equivalent to the original NFA
(accepts the same language). Use the standard algorithm as seen in class and in
the textbook.
Your program should demonstrate that the translator works by using the first two
NFAs from Part 2, translating them to DFAs, printing out how many states are in
the resulting DFA, and running it on user input as described below. That is, you
will have four functions that produce NFAs from Part 2 of the project. For the first
two of those, pass the NFA that they return to your converter and run the resulting
DFA on user input as described below.
You should also try to convert the NFA from FOCS Figure 10.14 (the third NFA from
part 2). You might want to think about (a) the complexity of the Subset Construction
itself, and (b) the implementation of the data structures used by your translator,
such as lists and sets. You can’t beat (a), see FOCS pp. 550–552, but you could
profile your code and try to do better on (b).
For all automata, you may assume that the input alphabet Σ contains exactly the char
values greater than 0 and less than 128. This range is the ASCII characters, including
upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and common punctuation. If you want to do
something else, document your choice.
Note that you do not need to be able to “read in” the specification of a pattern (for example as a regular expression) and create the instance of the automaton data structure.
You may “hard-wire” it, meaning that your automaton-creating functions each create
their specific automaton using your data structures and APIs. Stay tuned for Unit 2
of the course if you want a crack at reading in a pattern specification, which is called
1Please also note: On page 552, the textbook says that 768 + 8 × 384 + 256 = 4864, which is incorrect.
General Requirements
• You must submit code that compiles into a single executable program that addresses all parts of the project.
• If you are not using an IDE, your program (executable file) must be named auto.
If you are using an IDE, your program must run when the project is run.
• Your program must print to standard output (printf, etc.) and read from standard
input (scanf, fgets, but do not use gets).
• You must have a data structure named DFA that represents a deterministic finite
• You must have a data structure named NFA that represents a nondeterministic
finite automaton.
• For each required pattern, you must have a function that creates and returns an
instance of an automaton (an instance of a DFA or NFA, as appropriate) that recognizes the pattern. That is, you will have at least nine separate functions that create
and return specific automata.
• You must have a function that takes an instance of an automaton as parameter
and tests it using a loop that prompts the user for input, reads an input string, runs
the automaton on the input string, and prints the result, exiting the loop on some
reasonable input. This is called a “read-eval-print loop,” or “REPL” (pronounced
REH-PULL). An example REPL session is given inthe next section. You may have
two different versions of this function for the two different types of automata, if
• Your program must create and test automata in the order they are described above.
Before testing an automaton, your program must print a short description of what
pattern it is supposed to match so that the user knows what to try.
• Note: If you are using an IDE, you must configure your project to use the compiler
settings described under Programming Policies, below. In particular, you must use
the compiler options “-std=c99 -Wall -Werror” or their equivalents. If this is
new to you, seek help in a study session well before the deadline.
Sample Execution
The following is an example of roughly what your program should look like when it runs.
Note that it is your responsibility to ensure that we can understand what your program
is doing and whether that’s correct. You should always prompt for input. You should
always print back the user’s input as confirmation. You should make sure the results are
clearly visible.
CSC173 Project 1 by Ada Lovelace
Testing DFA that recognizes exactly "csc173"...
Enter an input ("quit" to quit): csc
Result for input "csc": false
Enter an input ("quit" to quit): csc173
Result for input "csc173": true
Enter an input ("quit" to quit): quit
Testing DFA that recognizes an even number of 9’s...
Enter an input ("quit" to quit): 987123
Result for input "987123": false
Enter an input ("quit" to quit): 9999
Result for input "9999": true
Enter an input ("quit" to quit): quit
Suggestions for Success
Rule #1: Always start by designing your data structures and their APIs (“application
programmer interfaces”).
A DFA is not a complicated device. What do you need to represent? We covered it in
class. Hint: 5-tuple. And the input alphabet Σ is fixed by the problem description, so you
don’t have to represent that explicitly.
Now in Java you would write a class. In C, what do you use? If you don’t know, go look
at the “C for Java Programmers” document and do Homework 0.0. Then code up the
representation of a DFA (the 5-tuple, ignoring Σ) in a data structure named DFA.
Next: How do you specify the behavior of a DFA (that is, what defines the pattern that it
matches)? We covered it in class. Hint: some kind of table.
For each required pattern, you will need a function that allocates an instance of your
generic DFA data structure, specializes it with the information required to match the
pattern, and returns it (probably actually a pointer to it). You could have helper methods
to do this to instances of your data structure (a form of “setter” methods). That would
probably be helpful.
Next: How do you “run” a DFA on an input string? That is, what does the DFA have to
do to determine whether or not it matches the input? We covered it in class. You should
write a function that takes an instance of a DFA and an input string as parameters and
returns true or false as they are represented in C.
You’re almost done with part 1. Write the test function as described in the requirements.
It will use your “run” function inside its REPL. Then write your main method that creates
and tests each automaton described in the requirements.
On to part 2. What’s the difference between an NFA and a DFA? Hint: There can be
more of something. So your NFA data structure will be very similar to your DFA data
structure but some things will need to be sets. To help you out, we’ve provided code for
a simple “set of ints” data structure if you want to use that, or design your own.
Then you need functions that specify the behavior of the NFA to recognize a pattern.
This is like for DFAs but slightly different. Similarly, “running” an NFA on an input string
is slightly different and what it means to match (accept) the string is slightly different. So
different functions for NFAs, but they are generalizations of the DFA functions.
Finally: Part 3. This part of the project is more challenging than the first two. You should
know the algorithm for turning an NFA into an equivalent DFA. It is conceptually simple
and easy to write in pseudocode. The challenge in implementing it is to keep track
of all the states, sets of states, and transitions. You may need to revisit some of the
design decisions that you made for the first parts of the project. If your changes are
backwards-compatible, you won’t have to change your code for parts 1 and 2.
Code Bundle
We have provided the following on BlackBoard for your use if you want:
• DFA.h, NFA.h: Example header files for possible implementations of both DFA’s
and NFA’s. These give you an idea of a possible API for your own implementation,
as well as how to specify (partial) data types and (external) functions in header
• IntHashSet: Full code for an implementation of a set of ints using a hashtable
with linked-list buckets, as described in FOCS pp. 360–363.
• BitSet: Full code for an implementation of a set of ints using a bit-mask method.
This is faster than a hashtable but only works for ints between 0 and either 31 or
63, depending on your platform. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
• LinkedList: Full code for a generic implementation of a linked list that can store
any reference (pointer) type.
Please report any bugs in this code ASAP. We will not be responsible for bugs reported
at the last minute. We promise that all the code has been tested, but of course that
doesn’t mean it will work perfectly for you. Fixes will be announced on BlackBoard.
You may not use any other external code or libraries for this project. Develop your own
data structures for your needs. They will be useful for future projects also.
Project Submission
Your project submission MUST include the following:
1. A README.txt file or README.pdf document describing:
(a) Any collaborators (see below)
(b) How to build your project
(c) How to run your project’s program(s) to demonstrate that it/they meet the
2. All source code for your project. Eclipse projects must include the project settings
from the project folder (.project, .cproject, and .settings). Non-Eclipse
projects must include a Makefile or shell script that will build the program per
your instructions, or at least have those instructions in your README.txt.
3. A completed copy of the submission form posted with the project description.
Projects without this will receive a grade of 0. If you cannot complete and save
a PDF form, submit a text file containing the questions and your (brief) answers.
We must be able to cut-and-paste from your documentation in order to build and run
your code. The easier you make this for us, the better grade your will be. It is your
job to make both the building and the running of programs easy and informative for your
Programming Policies
You must write your programs using the “C99” dialect of C. This means using the “-std=c99”
option with gcc or clang. For more information, see Wikipedia.
You must also use the options “-Wall -Werror”. These cause the compiler to report
all warnings, and to make any warnings into errors that prevent your program from compiling. You should be able to write code without warnings in this course.
With these settings, your program should compile and run consistently on any platform.
We will deal with any platform-specific discrepancies as they arise.
If you submit an Eclipse project, it must have these settings associated with the project.
Projects with that compile with warnings will be considered incomplete.
Furthermore, your program should pass valgrind with no error messages. If you don’t
know what this means or why it is A Good Thing, look at the C for Java Programmers
document which has a short section about it. Programs that do not receive a clean report
from valgrind have problems that should be fixed whether or not they run properly. If
you are developing on Windows, you will need to look for alternative memory-checking

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