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Project #1 Generate a Merkle proof.

CS251: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies

Programming Project #1

In this project you will implement a Python function to generate a Merkle proof. Please
download the starter code in In it you will find three files:
• This python script first generates a list of a thousand strings that will make up
the roots of a Merkle tree. It then calls a function gen merkle proof() to generate a Merkle
proof for one of the leaves (leaf # 743). Finally, it writes the proof to a text file proof.txt.
Your job is to implement the function gen merkle proof(). The missing code in that
function can be implemented in less than ten lines of Python.
• This python script contains a hardcoded Merkle root for the Merkle tree
generated by the prover. The script loads the proof in proof.txt and verifies it with respect
to the hardcoded Merkle root. You should not make any changes to this file. However, you
should familiarize yourself with the function compute merkle root from proof(), which is
the core of the verifier. Your prover will need to generate a Merkle proof that is accepted by
this verifier.
• proof-for-leaf-95.txt: is an example Merkle proof (for leaf #95) that is accepted by the
verifier. Your task is to generate a proof file like this for leaf # 743.
After you implement the function gen merkle proof() in, running both scripts one
after the other should generate the following output:
$ python3
I generated 1000 leaves for a Merkle tree of height 10.
I generated a Merkle proof for leaf #743 in file proof.txt
$ python3
Have hardcoded root of committed Merkle tree.
I verified the Merkle proof: leaf #743 in the committed tree is "data item 743".
Try changing one character in proof.txt and check that the verifier now rejects the proof.
Note: there are many implementations of Merkle trees on the web. However, it is more fun, and
certainly more instructive, to implement the prover yourself.
Deliverables. Please submit your file via Gradescope.
Additional reading. We discussed Merkle trees in class, but if you want to read more about
them, then this is a good resource.

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