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Project 1 Implement logistic regression

CSE 250B: Project 1

We implement logistic regression using two optimization methods: Stochastic
Gradient Descent and L-BFGS. This implementation was tested on the Gender Recognition dataset, achieving accuracy scores of 0.9121 and 0.9205, respectively.
For this project we want to understand logistic regression, gradient-based optimizations, and
the issues that arise when applying these algorithms to practical datasets. We use both Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) and the limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (LBFGS) algorithms to train a logistic regression model on the Gender Recognition dataset from
(, 2014).
Given a tuple ­
x, y
, where x ∈ R
and y ∈ {0,1}, logistic regression models the probability
that y = 1 as:
Y = 1|X = x;β
= logit−1
x ·β
where β ∈ R
, x0 = 1, and β0 is an intercept parameter. Then the log conditional likelihood
of a set of independent, identically distributed samples, ©­xi
, yi
, is
LC L =
log f

The model parameters β can be estimated by the principal of maximum likelihood:
βˆ = argmax
LC L (1.3)
To prevent overfitting, we used L2 regularization:
βˆ = argmax
RLC L = argmax
LC L −µ||β||2
where µ controls the tradeoff between maximizing the LCL and minimizing the norm of β.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the two algorithms we implemented to perform this optimization. Section 3 details how we tested these implementations on
a dataset from mlcomp. Section 4 gives the results of that experiment, and Section 5 concludes
with our thoughts on the project.
We implemented two methods to optimize the logistic regression model: Stochastic Gradient
Descent (SGD) and limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS).
Algorithms were implemented in Python, with dependencies on NumPy, SciPy, and scikit-learn
(Jones, Oliphant, Peterson, et al., 2001) (Pedregosa et al., 2011). We used the Anaconda (Analytics,
2014) distribution of Python 2.7, which includes these dependencies, to make setup simple. We
wrote unit tests that verify the correctness of our implementation on synthetic data generated by
The values of β that maximize the LCL can be found by iterative gradient-following:
βˆ[t+1] ← βˆ[t] +λ∇RLC L. (2.1)
However, each iteration achieves a small change in β at the cost of O(N p) operations. Stochastic gradient descent improves this computational cost by estimating the gradient one sample at a
βˆ[t+1] ← βˆ[t] +λ
(yi − pi)xi −2µβ¢
This approach is more efficient, taking O(p) operations.
The hyperparameter λ controls the learning rate. After each epoch our implementation sets
λ ← τλ, where τ ∈ (0, 1], so that the step size gets smaller as βˆ converges to the true solution.
Before using SGD we shuffle the samples in the training data, to ensure the samples are in
random order. Then SGD iterates through them sequentially. The data is not reshuffled after
each epoch.
After each epoch, the change in the regularized LCL is examined. If it differs by less than
1×10−8 we assume the run has converged. Execution stops if SGD has not converged after 1000
SGD is memory efficient. For this project the whole dataset fits in memory, so our implementation requires O(N p) space. However, because only β and one sample xi need be in memory at
one time, it is possible to write it so that it requires only O(N + p) space.
2.2 L-BFGS
L-BFGS is an optimization method that takes as input both f and ∇f . We use the implementation
of L-BFGs provided by SciPy: scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b (Morales & Nocedal, 2011). All
of this function’s parameters are set to their defaults.
The LCL, its gradient, and the regularized versions of both are all implemented individually.
They are tested using scipy.optimize.check_grad, which compares the gradient ∇f to a
numerical estimate computed directly from f . To maximize the regularized LCL, we provide it
and its gradient to fmin_l_bfgs_b.
Both methods need to compute p(Y = 1|x,β) = logit−1
x ·β
. When x · B is large or small,
(x ·β) will overflow to 1 or underflow to 0. To avoid this problem, we used the following equality 1
(z)) = log¡
= −log¡
= −log¡
= −m −log¡
exp(−m)+exp(−z −m)
where m = max(0,−z). This ensures that the largest value passed to exp is 0, thus preventing
We use scipy.optimize.check_grad (Jones et al., 2001) to verify that our derivatives are correct.
check_grad takes pointers to the objective function (f ), and the gradient function (∇f ) and an
adapted from
initial x value. It then computes ∇f (x) and also numerically approximates its value using f . Let
a = ∇f (x) and let b be the numerical approximation of this same value; check_grad then returns:
||a −b||2
||a +b||2
which should be close to zero if the gradient function is correct.
To test our gradient functions we generated a synthetic dataset using the make_blobs function
from scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011) with 100 samples, 3 features, and 2 classes. We generated
a list of 100 β vectors, with entries drawn uniformly from [−10, 10]. Then we ran check_grad
over all 100 β vectors for both the LC L and RLC L functions and their corresponding gradient
functions. Every run of check_grad returned a value less than 1 × 10−2
, so we know that our
gradient functions (for both LC L and RLC L) work correctly.
We tested our implementation on the Gender Recognition dataset (, 2014). This
dataset is a binary classification challenge with 798 samples and 800 features. The data is
seperated into a training set of 559 samples and a test set of 239 samples.
Thirty percent of the training data was set aside as a validation set. Hyperparameters (learning
rate λ, learning schedule τ, and regularization strength µ) were chosen by grid search. Models
were trained on the remaining 70% of the training data, and the best was chosen by evaluating
their performance on the validation set. Then the winning model was trained on the entire
training set and evaluated on the test set.
The following values were used for the grid search:
• λ: 10x
for x ∈ {−4,−3,−2,−1, 0}
• τ: {0.3, 0.6, 0.9}
• µ: 10x
for x ∈ {−3,−2,−1, 0}
Models were compared according to the accuracy metric: (# correct)/(# samples).
We compute the mean µj and standard deviation σj of each feature column vector in the training
data. These parameters are used to normalize the data before training so that each feature has a
mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
Before prediction, these parameters are used to normalize each sample to xi j ← (xi j −µj)/σj
Algorithm run times were obtained on a laptop with an intel i5 processor and 16 GB of RAM.
Our implementation of the SGD algorithm achieved an accuracy of 0.9121, with a corresponding
error rate of 0.0879, for the test data set. The chosen hyperparameters were µ = 1, λ = 0.01, and
τ = 0.6.
To ensure that this value of µ was chosen from a sufficient range, the accuracy on the validation
set was determined for different values of µ (Figure 4.1).
To quantify running time, training and prediction were repeated 3 times and their running
times averaged. Training converged after 40 epochs and took 2.3633 seconds total, or 0.0591
seconds per epoch. Prediction took 0.0102 seconds total, or 4.2678×10−5
seconds per sample.
With a run time of 2.3633 seconds, 40 epochs, 559 training examples per epoch, 800 features
per example, 3 floating point operations per feature in each example, we achieved a calculation
rate of 22.71 MFLOPS. On an Intel i5, with a clock rate of 2.4GHz we should be able to achieve at
least a 10x speedup, possibly even a 100x speedup with more work.
After compiling the results of the grid search and choosing a value of 1 for µ, it appears that
as long as the learning rate was not too small and not too large, it did not have a big impact on
the accuracy of our SGD implementation (Fig. 4.2). However, the learning schedule did have an
impact on the accuracy of the SGD algorithm. Decimating the learning rate a little more than
halfway after every epoch gives our implementation the best results (Fig. 4.3).
4.2 L-BFGS
Our implementation of the L-BFGS algorithm achieved an accuracy score of 0.9205, with a
corresponding error rate of 0.0795 for the test data set. The chosen value of µ was 0.001.
To ensure that this value of µ was chosen from a sufficient range, the accuracy on the validation
set was determined for different values of µ (Figure 4.4).
To quantify running time, training and prediction were repeated 3 times and their running
times averaged. Training took 1.8509 seconds. Prediction took 0.009995 seconds total, or
seconds per sample.
With a run time of 1.8509 seconds, 52 function calls, 559 training examples per function call,
800 features per example, 6 floating point operations per function call, we achieved a calculation
rate of 75.383 MFLOPS. On an Intel i5, with a clock rate of 2.4GHz we should be able to achieve at
least a 10x speedup.
L-BFGS took slightly less time to converge. Our implementation of SGD could be further optimized by rewriting performance-critical code in Cython, but since it was already fast enough
for this project we did not bother to do so. L-BFGS also produced a slightly higher accuracy
score (0.9205) than our implementation of SGD (0.9121) on this dataset. While L-BFGS is more
efficient, this makes sense as it is a library implmentation and has had a lot more development
time go into it to improve it’s performance. And our SGD implementation is only half a second
behind the L-BFGS library in efficiency.
The svmlight-linear software (, 2014) reports an error rate of 0.084 for the Gender
Recognition dataset. While our SGD algorithm achieved a similar error rate (0.0879), our L-BFGS
algorithm achieved an error rate 0.0045 lower than that (0.0795).
Surprisingly, picking a good learning rate was less important than picking a good learning
schedule for the learning rate once the regularization factor had been chosen. While the learning
rate definitely can’t be too large (SGD would not converge) or too small (SGD would take too much
time to converge), any reasonable value will work. The learning schedule affects how quickly
the learning rate is decimated, and therefore how fast the SGD algorithm moves to smaller step
sizes. This affects how quickly the SGD algorithm matches the magnitude of the gradient as it
gets closer to the maximum. All of this reinforces how much of an art picking the values of the
hyperparameters is. The values can’t be too tailored to the training or validation set, otherwise
they’ll lead to worse performance on future data.
While implementing the algorithms, we learned that it is important to prevent the values from
overflowing or underflowing the computer’s precision as that will cause unexpected behavior in
the algorithms. While this might not be a issue for contrived datasets, it definitely is for a lot of
real-world datasets. This will skew the results of the algorithms and make them less accurate.
Analytics, C. (2014, January). Anaconda. Retrieved from
Jones, E., Oliphant, T., Peterson, P., et al. (2001). SciPy: Open source scientific tools for Python.
Retrieved from (2014, January). Gender recognition [dct]. Retrieved from
Morales, J. L., & Nocedal, J. (2011, December). Remark on “algorithm 778: L-bfgs-b:
Fortran subroutines for large-scale bound constrained optimization”. ACM Trans.
Math. Softw., 38(1), 7:1–7:4. Retrieved from
.2049669 doi: 10.1145/2049662.2049669
Pedregosa, F., Varoquaux, G., Gramfort, A., Michel, V., Thirion, B., Grisel, O., ... Duchesnay, E.
(2011). Scikit-learn: Machine learning in Python. Journal of Machine Learning Research,
12, 2825–2830.
Figure 4.1: Accuracy of SGD as a function of regularization strength (µ)
Figure 4.2: SGD: Learning rate (λ) and learning schedule (τ) vs accuracy score using a regularization factor (µ) of 1.0
Figure 4.3: SGD: Learning schedule (τ) and learning rate (λ) vs accuracy score using a regularization factor (µ) of 1.0
Figure 4.4: Accuracy of L-BFGS as a function of regularization strength (µ)

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