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Project 1: Implementing gShare branch prediction

Project 1: Implementing gShare branch prediction and evaluating its
performance using ML workloads.

1 Introduction
This project is intended to be a comprehensive introduction to branch predictors. There are two parts to
this project:
• In part one, you will evaluate the performance of two provided branch predictors with three AI workloads from SPEC CPU 2017.
• In part two, you will design a gshare branch predictor and evaluate its performance against part one.
2 Development Environment
• Operating System: Linux.
• Code-base: Please git clone
the repository to your Linux machine:
$ git clone
3 Branch Predictor Framework Overview
1. You will be working under directory Computer-Architecture-Teaching/C621/Branch Predictor. To navigate to the directory:
$ cd Computer-Architecture-Teaching/C621/Branch_Predictor/
2. To compile and run the simulator:
$ make
$ ./Main sample.cpu_trace
3. You should be able to see the following output:
Number of correct predictions: 8467
Number of incorrect predictions: 1533
Predictor Correctness: 84.669998%
4. sample.cpu trace is part of the leela AI workload from SPEC CPU 2017. To take a look at the format
of the trace file:
$ head -10 sample.cpu_trace
94706322334810 B 1
94706322334854 B 0
94706322334863 B 0
94706322334868 B 1
94706322407179 B 0
94706322407214 B 1
94706322443146 B 0
94706322443146 B 0
94706322406110 B 1
94706322406227 B 0
Each entry is composed of three components:
• PC: the program counter of the instruction, e.g., 94706322334810.
• Instruction type: B, means the instruction is a branch instruction.
• The correct branch direction: 0 - the branch is not taken; 1 - the branch is taken. The simulator
relies on this information to determine the correctness of the prediction.
4 Sample Branch Predictors
Two types of branch predictor have been provided: a two-bit local predictor and a tournament predictor.
Please read through Supplement One and Two for more details.
4.1 Configure a Two-bit Local Predictor
The following steps illustrate how to configure a 2-bit local predictor for your simulator.
1. Open Branch Predictor.h:
$ vim Branch_Predictor.h
2. Make sure TOURNAMENT stays commented:
// P r e d i c t o r t y p e
d e f i n e TWO BIT LOCAL
// #d e f i n e TOURNAMENT
3. You can change the configurations such as the size of the local predictor and the counter precision in
Branch Predictor.c
const unsigned l o c a l P r e d i c t o r S i z e = 2 0 4 8;
const unsigned l o c al C o u n t e r Bi t s = 2 ;
4. Re-compile and run the simulator:
$ make clean
$ make
$ ./Main sample.cpu_trace
4.2 Configure a Tournament Predictor
The following steps illustrate how to configure a tournament predictor for your simulator.
1. Open Branch Predictor.h:
$ vim Branch_Predictor.h
2. Make sure TOURNAMENT is un-commented and TWO BIT LOCAL is commented:
// P r e d i c t o r t y p e
// #d e f i n e TWO BIT LOCAL
#d e f i n e TOURNAMENT
3. You can change the configurations in Branch Predictor.c
const unsigned l o c a l P r e d i c t o r S i z e = 2 0 4 8;
const unsigned l o c al C o u n t e r Bi t s = 2 ;
const unsigned l o c a l H i s t o r y T a b l e S i z e = 2 0 4 8;
const unsigned g l o b a l P r e d i c t o r S i z e = 8 1 9 2;
const unsigned gl o b al C o u n t e r Bi t s = 2 ;
const unsigned c h o i c e P r e d i c t o r S i z e = 8 1 9 2; // Keep t h i s t h e same as g l o b a l P r e d i c t o r S i z e .
const unsigned c h oi c e C o u n t e r Bi t s = 2 ;
4. Re-compile and run the simulator:
$ make clean
$ make
$ ./Main sample.cpu_trace
5 Branch Predictor Evaluation
1. AI workloads (Branch Only):
2. Evaluate the performance of the two-bit local predictor with different configurations shown in Table 1.
localPredictorSize localCounterBits
2048 1
2048 2
4096 2
8192 2
16384 2
32768 2
65536 2
Table 1: Two-bit Local Configuration
3. Which combination gives you the best performance? Please keep this combination for later experiment.
4. Evaluate the performance of the tournament predictor with different configurations shown in Table 2.
localHistoryTableSize globalPredictorSize choicePredictorSize
2048 8192 8192
4096 8192 8192
4096 16384 16384
Table 2: Tournament Configuration
5. Besides the configurations shown in 2, you are encouraged to try larger table sizes. Which combination
gives you the best performance?
6 A gShare Branch Predictor
Please read through Supplement One and design a gShare branch predictor.
1. Evaluate your gShare predictor and find out the configuration that gives the best performance.
2. Compare your gShare predictor against the two-bit local predictor and the tournament predictor. Does
your gShare predictor out-perform them?
7 Submission
1. Summarize your experiment in Section 5 and 6. Compile your report in PDF format.
2. All the source codes.
3. Zip above and submit through Bblearn.

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