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Project 1: Implementing Lexer for SpartyTalk

Project 1: Implementing Lexer for SpartyTalk

In this project, we begin implementing the language called SpartyTalk by scanning its source code for tokens
corresponding to 16 basic lexemes. The lexemes we are going to use in this project is only a subset of the full
set of lexemes that will be introduced throughout the semester. The basic 16 lexemes allow to write simple
programs like the one below:
nvar a = -10.5;
svar b = "hello\n";
svar c = "world";
svar d = b + c + c;
nvar e = a * 2;
nvar f = 3.5 / a;
f = f / 7.5 * 3;
spartysays "hi " + e;
The language separates instructions with semicolons, just like in C/C++ or Rust. Instead of having a main()
function, the execution starting point in SpartyTalk is the gogreen instruction, and the end of the execution is
determined by the gowhite instruction.
SpartyTalk is a strongly-typed language, and it does not like type inference like Python or Rust (i.e., guessing
types based on the assigned value). Instead, it requires explicit specification of type during the
declaration/initialization of a variable, just like in C/C++. We currently have two basic data types: numbers and
strings. We use the svar keyword to declare a string variable and nvar keyword for declaring a numeric
variable. SpartyTalk does not like ambiguity, so the variables must be initialized (e.g., assigned a value during
the declaration).
SpartyTalk produces output using the spartysays command. Also, our language currently supports four
operations: +, -, *, and /. If + is used with numbers, it performs arithmetic addition. If + is used with strings, it
performs concatenation. If + is used between a string and a number, it converts the number to a string and
performs concatenation (like in Python).
However, all the above rules are just for your future reference, and they do not play any role in this project. The
goal of this project is to create a SpartyTalk lexer and use this lexer to extract tokens from source code. Our
tokens will be based on the 16 basic lexemes described in the table below.
Lexeme Name Meaning Format
GOGREEN Start the program Lowercase gogreen command
GOWHITE End of the program Lowercase gowhite command
SPARTYSAYS Output a string and add a newline Lowercase spartysays command
SEMICOLON End of the current instruction Just a ; sign, like in C or Rust
NVAR Declare a numerical variable Lowercase nvar command
SVAR Declare a string variable Lowercase svar command
IDENTIFIER Identifiers are used for variable names; they
will also be used for function names in the
Case-sensitive. Must start with a lowercase
or uppercase Latin/English letter. It can use
digits, but it cannot start with a digit. No other
symbols are allowed except letters and digits.
NUMBER A literal of a unified numeric type (used for
both integers, floating point numbers, and
big numbers)
Can be an integer (e.g., 10), or a floating
point number (e.g., 3.14). Can be negative
(e.g., -3.14) or explicitly positive (e.g.,
+3.14). If no + or - signs are provided, the
number is assumed to be non-negative. No
scientific notation or other symbols (except
for digits, . (dot), +, or -) are allowed. The
number cannot start with a dot (i.e., use 0.5,
not .5). The number must not end with a dot
either (i.e., use 10 instead of 10.)
STRING A double-quote style string literal. Lexically, everything between two double
quotes is a string literal. We will deal with
escape characters later in the semester.
PLUS Plus operation is used for arithmetic
addition and string concatenation
Just a + sign. Not to be confused with the
explicit positive sign as part of the NUMBER
MINUS Minus arithmetic operation Just a - sign.Not to be confused with the
negative sign as part of the NUMBER
MUL Arithmetic multiplication Just a * sign.
DIV Arithmetic division Just a / sign.
ASSIGNMENT Assigns the value of the right expression to
the variable on the left
Just a = sign.
OPEN_PARENS Opening parenthesis Just a ( sign.
CLOSE_PARENS Closing parenthesis Just a ) sign.
Implement the lex_spartytalk() function in The function takes a single argument — a
SpartyTalk program in the form of a string. The function returns a 3-tuple with the following fields:
● Field 1: List of objects of the Token class if lexing succeeds, and None if lexing fails due to the
LexingError exception.
● Field 2: This field has -1 if lexing succeeds. If lexing fails, it has the line number at which lexing failed.
● Field 3: This field has -1 if lexing succeeds. If lexing fails, it has the column number at which lexing
Note: lex_spartytalk() should catch LexingError exceptions, and it must not raise any exceptions by
This is an example of an output tuple of lex_spartytalk() in case of success:
[ Token('GOGREEN', 'gogreen'),
Token('SEMICOLON', ';'),
Token('GOWHITE', 'gowhite'),
Token('SEMICOLON', ';')
And this is an example of an output tuple of lex_spartytalk() in case of lexing error:
(None, 3, 2)
Testing and Grading
The solution will be graded using 40 autograding tests: 20 tests in and 20 additional hidden
tests that will be used by the instructors while grading. The hidden tests will not introduce any new challenges
on top of the ones already tested by the open tests. To run the tests, run the pytest command while in the
project directory. Each test is worth 2 points, resulting in 80 total possible points. Please read the open tests to
better understand the requirements of the implementation, but do not modify the tests. Submit the solution to
Have fun!

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