CS323 - Compilers Project 1
Lexical Analysis & Syntax Analysis
1 Overview
In CS323 projects, we will write a compiler for a toy programming language called SPL,
the abbreviation for Sustech Programming Language. SPL is a C-like programming language that removes most advanced features in C standard, such as macros or pointers. It
is strongly typed, with several primitive types and structure type (as we borrowed from C),
and supports C-like control flow such as if-statement and while-statement. Also, it supports
basic user interaction by providing two built-in function read and write, which makes it
During this semester, you will learn how to build your own compiler from scratch. Our
compiler compiles a SPL program into MIPS32 assembly. You are expected to realize it
through lexical and syntax analysis, semantics checking, intermediate code and target code
generation. At the end of this semester, your compiler will be able to translate a SPL program
into MIPS32 code, which can be run on a REAL MIPS simulator, in one-shot.
You are suggested to configure the development environment by yourself. Detailed information can be found in Section 2. To make things easier, we also provide you a virtual
machine, which already includes tools that are required during this semester.
In the first project, you are required to implement a SPL parser. Specifically, your parser
will perform lexical analysis and syntax analysis on the SPL source code. You will use two
powerful open-source tools, Flex1 and Bison2
, to realize your parser. you will implement
it by C programming language. In modern compiler design and implementation, lexical
analysis and syntax analysis can be totally automated (so you don’t need to implement your
NFA/DFA, or parsing algorithms), typical tools are Lex/Flex for generating lexical analyzer,
and Yacc/Bison for generating parser. Though you can complete project 1 without too much
theoretical knowledge, it doesn’t mean the theory is not important. You will learn how to
recognize tokens using regular expressions and how to check code structures using contextfree grammars in the lecture. As for your project, what you need to do is just specifying the
regular expressions and grammar rules.
One thing to note is that, you will finish the subsequent parts of your compiler on top of
this work, thus it is important to keep your code maintainable and extensible.
2 Development Environment
To ease your burden, we have made a virtual machine containing necessary dependencies and
debugging tools. It is built on top of a Ubuntu 18.04 (64-bit) image, with pure command line
interface (you can download the base image here). We will evaluate your work on exactly
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the same VM. However, the image is provided as is and it will not be regularly maintained.
Therefore, you are highly frecommended to set up your own development environment. Here,
we list the necessary dependencies as follow:
• GCC version 7.4.0
• GNU Make version 4.1
• GNU Flex version 2.6.4
• GNU Bison version 3.0.4
• Python version 3.6.8
• urwid (Python module) 2.0.1
• Spim version 8.0
You can customize the virtual machine or your own machine to fulfill your requirements
during coding, testing and debugging. However, you should ensure that your submitted code
can be compiled and run smoothly in our provided environment. We will not install any
other software, tools or third-party libraries on the evaluating machine.
2.1 Virtual Machine Setup
We provide you a VMware image of our virtual machine, you can download the zip archive
at this site. You can set up the virtual machine by opening the unzipped archive as a copied
virtual machine in VMware workstation. To use the lab vm, login as student:compiler,
which is already a privileged user.
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3 Flex for Lexical Analysis
Flex is a fast lexical analyzer (or lexer ) generator. You should specify the token patterns
to match and actions to apply for each token. Flex takes your specification and generates
a combined NFA that recognizes all your patterns, then converts it to an equivalent DFA,
minimizes the automaton as much as possible, finally generates C code that implements the
lexer. Flex is similar to its predecessor, Lex, designed by Lesk and Schmidt. While we will
use Flex in the projects, almost all features we use are present in Lex.
This section is designed to give you a quick introduction to the Flex tool. We hope it
serves as a useful reference for the project 1. To learn more about Flex, run info flex in the
command line, or read the documentation at http://dinosaur.compilertools.net/flex/.
3.1 Coding with Flex
Flex is designed for use with C code and generates a lexer/scanner written in C. The lexer
is specified using regular expressions for patterns and C code for the actions. The lexical
specification files are identified by a .l extension. You invoke flex on a .l file and it creates
lex.yy.c, a source file containing C code that implements a finite automaton encoding all
your rules and corresponding actions you specified. The file provides an extern function
yylex() that will read the from input stream pointed by yyin. You compile that C source
file normally, link with the Flex library (by GCC option -lfl), then you have built a lexer!
User subroutines
The optional Declarations and User subroutines sections are used for ordinary C code
that you want copied verbatim to the generated C file. Declarations are copied to the top of
the file, and user subroutines to the bottom. The optional Definitions section is where
you specify options for the scanner and can set up definitions to give names to regexes as a
simple substitution mechanism that allows for more readable code in the Rules section that
follows. The required Rules section is where you specify the patterns that identify tokens
and corresponding actions to perform upon recognizing each token. Each section is separated
by two % marks. If the code contains only the required Rules section, it should also begin
with a line %%.
To see how Flex works, we have a simple application that includes all aforementioned
sections in a .l source file. For those optional sections, Flex has default routine to handle
with their absence, which will be introduced later.
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Listing 1: A wc application in Flex
1 %{
2 // just let you know you have macros!
3 #define EXIT_OK 0
4 #define EXIT_FAIL 1
5 // and global variables
6 int chars = 0;
7 int words = 0;
8 int lines = 0;
9 %}
10 letter [a-zA-Z]
11 %%
12 {letter}+ { words++; chars+=strlen(yytext); }
13 \n { chars++; lines++; }
14 <<EOF>> { if(yyleng > 1){ lines++; } return 0; }
15 . { chars++; }
16 %%
17 int main(int argc, char **argv){
18 char *file_path;
19 if(argc < 2){
20 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <file_path>\n", argv[0]);
21 return EXIT_FAIL;
22 }
23 else if(argc == 2){
24 file_path = argv[1];
25 if(!(yyin = fopen(file_path, "r"))){
26 perror(argv[1]);
27 return EXIT_FAIL;
28 }
29 yylex();
30 printf("%-8d%-8d%-8d%s\n", lines, words, chars, file_path);
31 return EXIT_OK;
32 }
33 else{
34 fputs("Too much arguments!\n", stderr);
35 return EXIT_FAIL;
36 }
37 }
The program above works like a wc utility presented in most Unix systems. In the
Declarations section, we define two macros EXIT OK and EXIT FAIL, and three global variables that store the number of characters, words and lines, respectively. Just like coding
with C, you can also include libraries, declare external variables in this section. Then the
Definitions section follows. The general format of this section is:
name definition
which means you name a regex specified by the definition. You can define multiple definitions
here. The Definitions section is optional, since you can always write the full regexes in the
Rules section. A single rule is defined as:
pattern {action}
As the lexer reads characters from the input stream, it will gather them until it forms the
longest possible match for any of the available patterns. If two or more patterns match an
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equally long sequence, the pattern listed first in the source code is applied. The action is
written in C, it depends on what procedure you are trying to do with each token. For a lexer
designed to be used by a compiler, the action will usually record the token attributes and
return a code that identifies the token type.
In code listing 1, we define the name letter, which corresponds to the alphabetic characters, then we specify four action rules that reference global variables defined by both Flex
library and ourselves. The global variables yytext and yyleng store the matched lexeme and
its length. Action for each pattern is intuitive. In 3.2, we will show more available patterns
supported by Flex. The third pattern is a special pattern provided by Flex, it is matched
when the input stream reaches the end, it will return 0 by default. In the customized rule, 0
should also be returned to signal the end-of-file, otherwise the lexer will never stop scanning.
We defined our own main function at the bottom. By default, Flex provides a simple
main that will repeatedly calls yylex until it reaches EOF. You should compile and link the
lexer into your project and use your own main to control the behavior whenever tokens are
matched. In the main routine, we reference the variable yyin and invoke the library function
yylex. The former is a pointer pointing to the input file descriptor and is stdin by default;
the latter is the entry point to our lexing procedure. More library-defined global variables
and functions will be introduced later in 3.3.
3.2 Patterns in Flex
We show you some useful patterns supported by Flex in Table 1, while not yet complete,
they are sufficient for your compiler construction. For more details about the supported regex
patterns, please refer to the Flex manual.
3.3 More Flex Features
In this section, we will introduce more features supported by Flex, which can reduce your
workload during coding. However, they are totally optional since you can still complete your
lexer without these advanced features.
1. The yylineno option
A compiler often needs to record information of line number of the source file, in case of
error reporting, debugging, etc.To support this functionality, you can maintain a global variable lineno with initial value 1, and increment it when a new line character is encountered,
i.e., lineno++ for pattern "\n".
However, Flex has already provided built-in mechanism for this, by a global variable
yylineno which will automatically increase by 1 after scanning each line. To use this feature,
you should add a single line in the Definitions section:
%option yylineno
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Table 1: Patterns supported by Flex (not complete)
Pattern Regex Description
Character classes [0-9] This means alternation of the characters in the range
listed (in this case: 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9). More than
one range may be specified, e.g. [0-9A-Za-z] as well as
specifying individual characters, as with [aeiou0-9].
Character exclusion ^ The first character in a character class may be ^ to indicate the complement of the set of characters specified.
For example, [^0-9] matches any non-digit character.
Arbitrary character . Matches any single character except newline.
Selection x|y Either x or y can be matched.
Single repetition x? 0 or 1 occurrence of x.
Nonzero repetition x+ x repeated one or more times; equivalent to xx*.
Specified repetition x{n,m} x repeated between n and m times.
Beginning of line ^x Match x at beginning of line only.
End of line x$ Match x at end of line only.
Context-sensitivity ab/cd Match ab but only when followed by cd. The lookahead
characters are left in the input stream to be read for the
next token.
Literal strings "x" This means x even if x would normally have special
meaning. Thus, "x*" may be used to match x followed
by an asterisk. You can turn off the special meaning of
just one character by preceding it with a backslash, .e.g.,
\. matches exactly the period character and nothing
Definitions {name} Replace with the earlier defined pattern called name.
This kind of substitution allows you to reuse pattern
pieces and define more readable patterns.
2. The library function input and unput
Flex library function input() takes no input, which will read a single character from the
input buffer and return it. By this function, you are able to realize some actions without
specifying the concrete regex. For example, you can discard all characters behind "//" in
the line by the following code:
"//" { char c; while((c=input()) != ’\n’); }
Inversely, the function unput(char c) puts c back into the input buffer. You can realize multiple-lines comment with this function, which is an optional implementation in this
project. Note that pushing characters back should be done reversely.
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3. The library function yyless and yymore
yyless(int n) returns the yyleng-n characters in the postfix of current lexeme back
to the input buffer, where they will be rescanned when the lexer looks for the next match.
yytext and yyleng are adjusted appropriately (e.g., yyleng will now be equal to n).
yymore() tells the lexer that the next time it matches a rule, the corresponding token
should be appended onto the current value of yytext rather than replacing it.
If you want to support string literal, you should consider the case when there are
nested double-quotation mark in the lexeme, for example, "And God said, \"Let there
be light,\" and there was light." By cooperating yyless and yymore, your lexer is
able to recognize string literals:
\"[^\"]*\" {
if(yytext[yyleng-2] == ’\\’) {
} else {
/* process the string literal */
3.4 Writing Your Lexer
To realize your lexer, you should firstly (and carefully) read the token specification of SPL
in Appendix A and the detailed explanation. You should write regular expressions for the
first four tokens, while the remaining part of the specification is rather simple. In this stage,
your job is only to recognize each token, hence you can simply print out the tokens in their
corresponding actions:
"TYPE" { printf("TYPE %s\n", yytext); }
To report lexical error, you can add a fallback rule:
. { printf("Error type A at Line %d: Unknown characters \’%s\’\ n",
yylineno, yytext); }
Here is a sample program of SPL:
Listing 2: A sample SPL source code
1 int test_spl()
2 {
3 int i = 0, j = 1;
4 float i = 1;
5 }
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For this source code, your lexer should print:
TYPE int
ID test_spl
TYPE int
ID i
ID j
TYPE float
ID i
4 Bison for Syntax Analysis
Bison is a parser generator. You provide the input of a grammar specification and Bison will
generate an LALR(1) parser to recognize sentences in that grammar. The name is a great
example of a CS in-joke. Bison is an upgraded version of the older tool Yacc (“Yet Another
Compiler Compiler”). It is probably the most common LALR tool. Our programming
projects are configured to use the updated version Bison, a close relative of the yak, but
all features we use are also present in the original tool. So this handout serves as a brief
overview of both. For those who really want to dig deep and learn everything about parser
generators, please refer to Bison’s official manual: https://www.gnu.org/software/bison/
Bison generates a parser, which accepts the input token stream from Flex, to recognize
code in the specified context-free grammar (CFG). By default, Bison generates a LALR(1)
parser. Note that the programmer is always shielded from the parsing algorithm applied by
the compiler. For example, JTB3 by Java generates an LL(1) parser for the JavaCC. As a
compiler designer, what you are going to do is writing the grammar/syntax specification, and
the action for each production. In theory, the output of a parser is a parse tree, though we
are able to go beyond, i.e., analyzing the code semantics with Bison.
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4.1 Interacting Flex and Bison
Bison source code has a similar structure as Flex source code, which also contains optional
Declarations, Definitions and User routines sections.
User subroutines
In Bison, just as you utilize Flex, you can associate an action with each pattern (this time a
production), which allows you to do whatever processing as you reduce using that production.
Unlike in Flex, the optional Definitions section is where we configure various parser features
such as defining token codes, establishing operator precedence and associativity, and setting
up the global variables used to communicate between the lexer and parser.
To see how Bison compiles a CFG into an executable, we provide example Bison code in
Listing 3. It implements a simple calculator with conventional precedence for each operation:
Listing 3: The Bison source code syntax.y for calc
1 %{
2 #include"lex.yy.c"
3 void yyerror(const char*);
4 %}
5 %token INT
6 %token ADD SUB MUL DIV
7 %%
8 Calc: /* empty */
9 | Exp { printf("= %d\n", $1); }
10 ;
11 Exp: Factor
12 | Exp ADD Factor { $$ = $1 + $3; }
13 | Exp SUB Factor { $$ = $1 - $3; }
14 ;
15 Factor: Term
16 | Factor MUL Term { $$ = $1 * $3; }
17 | Factor DIV Term { $$ = $1 / $3; }
18 ;
19 Term: INT
20 ;
21 %%
22 void yyerror(const char *s){
23 fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
24 }
25 int main(){
26 yyparse();
27 }
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We define our main function at the end of the source file. We invoke the Bison function
yyparse, in which the token stream will be read via yylex. The routine yyerror is called
when parser encounters an error, in which the next token cannot be shifted during parsing.
Though yyerror is invoked every time an error occurs, it should be defined by ourselves. You
should be able to report more than general syntax error messages in the yyerror function.
We include the Flex-generated lex.yy.c file at the Declarations section, since we will
apply yylex defined in it. It’s worth mentioning that, the Declarations section will be
copied verbatim into the generated C file, rather than statically linked during Bison compilation, hence we are able to compile our .y file successfully with the absence of lex.yy.c file.
Lines 5–6 define tokens of the language. In this case, they are number literals and arithmetic
operators. These tokens can be returned by Flex actions.
All defined tokens are terminals in the language, where the nonterminals are specified in
the Productions section. The first nonterminal presented is assumed to identify the start
symbol for the grammar. For each rule, a colon is used in place of the arrow, a vertical bar
separates the various productions, and a semicolon terminates the rule. The action for each
production is enclosed by braces. If no rules are assigned, Bison will insert a default action {
$$ = $1 }. The variables whose name starts with the dollar sign (‘$’) are associated with
each variable’s attribute value at each production and the order increases from left to right.
As an example, in Listing 3, Line 12 evaluates the result of add operator. The ‘$$’ is the
attribute of the left-side of the production, i.e., Exp, while ‘$1’ and ‘$3’ correspond to the
attributes of right-side nonterminals Exp and Factor.
Since we read the token stream from lexer-defined functions, we should update Flex source
code accordingly:
Listing 4: The Flex source code lex.l for calc
1 %{
2 #include"syntax.tab.h"
3 %}
4 %%
5 [0-9]+ { yylval = atoi(yytext); return INT; }
6 "+" { return ADD; }
7 "-" { return SUB; }
8 "*" { return MUL; }
9 "/" { return DIV; }
In each action, we return the tokens defined in syntax.tab.h, which is generated from
Bison source code. yylval is a predefined Flex variable, which indicates the attribute of the
current token, while the return value tells the parser what kind of token is scanned at the
In order to compile the calculator, we should firstly compile the Bison source code into
C code, and split it into header file and implementation file (by Bison “-d” option):
bison -d syntax.y
This command will produce two files, syntax.tab.h and syntax.tab.c. Then we can compile the Flex code:
flex lex.l
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Next we put them together and compile the source files with GCC:
gcc syntax.tab.c -lfl -ly -o calc.out
The options -lfl and -ly tell GCC to include Flex and Bison/Yacc library, respectively.
After that, we have an executable, which accepts a single arithmetic expression from standard
input and outputs its result to the console. You can validate the calculator by feeding simple
test cases:
echo "1 + 1" | ./calc.out
> = 2
echo "10 - 2*3" | ./calc.out
> = 4
echo "92+1c" | ./calc.out
> syntax error
4.2 More on Bison
1. Token/nonterminal attributes
In the above, we mentioned that, the attribute of the symbol is assigned to the global
variable yylval, but we did not clarify its data type. This variable is declared as of type
YYSTYPE, which has a default value int. That’s why we are able to assign a integer value to
yylval in the aforementioned Flex source code. However, in our parser, the attribute of each
nonterminal/token should be abstracted into a syntax tree node. How can we implement it?
One way to do so is to explicitly redefine the YYSTYPE macro. In other words, you can
insert the following line in the Bison Declarations:
#define YYSTYPE float
to ensure each production results in a floating-point value. To support multi-typed attribute,
you may consider union/struct type.
However, there are more flexible approaches for this goal. Bison provides the %union
directive to indicate the token’s data type, which goes to the Definitions section. For
example, the following union type will be copied as the value of YYSTYPE:
int int_value;
float float_value;
char *string_value;
To indicate the token type, we should modify the token definition. In the Definitions
section, by preceding the token name with the union field name enclosed in a pair of angle brackets, we are able to assign type to a particular token. The same usage applies to
nonterminal symbols, which should be specified by the %type directive.
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%token <int_value> INT
%type <float_value> Exp Factor
As an example, the code above assigns an integer value to the INT token, and a floatingpoint value to Exp and Factor nonterminals. The arithmetic operators are defined without
data type, since their attributes are not significant during expression parsing.
2. Symbol position
At the beginning of this section, we have shown that we can access the attribute of each
symbol (token or nonterminal) via $n, where n = $ refers to the left-side nonterminal of
production, while numerical n refers to the n-th symbol at the right side.
Similarly, we are able to access the location information of each symbol with @n notation.
These two notations are totally in parallel, i.e.,
• $n refers to a YYSTYPE variable yylval, which is the attribute of the symbol
• @n refers to a YYLTYPE variable yylloc, which is the position of the symbol
The default definition of YYLTYPE is a structure containing the first line/column and the
last line/column of the grammar symbol. The information provided is already sufficient.
However, if you directly read the information via @n notation, you will find that the location
value never gets updated! The reason is that, the parser only reduces the token stream, while
the position information is gathered by the lexer. So, in order to update the location, you
have to manage it in the Flex code.
Firstly, you should insert the code below at the header sections in the .l file:
/* library inclusions */
int yycolno = 1;
#define YY_USER_ACTION \
yylloc.first_line = yylineno; \
yylloc.first_column = yycolno; \
yylloc.last_line = yylineno; \
yylloc.last_column = yycolno + yyleng; \
yycolno += yyleng;
The variable yycolno is managed by yourself, which should be reset every time a new
line occurs:
"\n" { yycolno = 1; }
The macro YY USER ACTION is executed at each token recognized by Flex, which is an
empty macro by default.
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3. Conflict resolution
The grammar can be ambiguous, and Bison will not throw exception under such a situation, but will record all potential conflicts in the table, and handle conflicts in such ways:
• For a shift/reduce conflict, always choosing shift
• For a reduce/reduce conflict, reducing with the rule declared first in the .y file
These strategies may change the accepted language, which is undesirable. Even if everything happens to work out, it is not recommended to adopt this default mechanism. You
should resolve conflicts by specifying the precedence and associativity for the operators. The
precedence and associativity for SPL operators are enumerated in Appendix C.2.
Consider our calculator example. If we modify the grammar to make it ambiguous:
Exp: INT
| Exp ADD Exp
| Exp SUB Exp
| Exp MUL Exp
| Exp DIV Exp
When you compile the grammar, Bison will report:
syntax.y: warning: 16 shift/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-sr]
The parser generated from this grammar may then exhibit strange behavior:
echo "3 * 4 + 5" | ./calc.out
> = 27
echo "5 + 3 * 4" | ./calc.out
> = 17
To understand the reason, consider why shift/reduce conflict occurs. For the first expression, when token stream 3 * 4 is on the stack, followed by the tokens + 5, the parser
can choose either reducing with Exp -> Exp MUL Exp or shifting the next token. For such
a shift/reduce conflict, Bison will always shift, hence the parser shifts + 5 and reduces with
Exp -> Exp ADD Exp. To resolve the conflict, we should explicitly assign precedence and
associativity to each operator. See the following token definition code:
%left ADD SUB
%left MUL DIV
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The code states the associativity for arithmetic operators, i.e., all of them associate from
left to right. Similarly, you can apply %right directive to indicate a right-to-left operator,
and %nonassoc for a non-associative operator. The code also assigns precedence for the
operators by ordering the token definition: the lower-precedence operator appears earlier, so
MUL has a higher precedence than ADD and SUB.
Assigning precedence and associativity resolves the conflicts. For a shift/reduce conflict,
if the precedence of the token to be shifted is higher than that of the rule to reduce, it
chooses to shift and vice versa. The precedence of a rule is determined by the precedence of
the rightmost terminal on the right-hand side. So if a 5 + 3 is on the stack and * is coming
up, the * has a higher precedence than the 5 + 3, so it shifts. If 3 * 4 is on the stack and
+ is coming up, it reduces. If 5 + 3 is on the stack and + is coming up, the associativity
breaks the tie: a left-to-right associativity will reduce the rule and then go on; a right-to-left
associativity will shift and postpone the reduction.
The associativity of the production can also be explicitly set with the %prec directive.
When %prec is placed at the end of a production with a terminal as argument, it explicitly
sets the precedence of the production to the same precedence as that terminal. This is
useful where the production’s right side has no terminals, or when you want to explicitly
assign precedence to the production. This feature may help you to eliminate the shift/reduce
conflict warning for a dangling-else ambiguity (it is present in our SPL specification), even if
Bison’s default strategy for this conflict is consistent with the C language standard.
4. Error recovery
Bison supports error recovery by providing a special error token. When the Bisongenerated parser encounters an error, it triggers the following error recovery routine:
1. Invoke yyerror reporting function (which you may overwrite)
2. Pop out all un-reduced tokens, until the error can be shifted
3. Shift error, then drop tokens until one can be pushed after error (re-synchronization)
4. If three symbols can be successfully shifted, continue parsing, otherwise, back to step 2
To recover from an error state, you should place the error in a correct context. For
example, the following recovery patterns help the parser recover from programs that have
missing semicolons, right curly brackets or right parentheses.
Stmt: Exp error
CompSt: LC DefList StmtList error
Exp: ID LP Args error
However, where to put the error token is more of an art than a science: putting error at
fairly high levels tends to protect you from all sorts of errors, while putting error at a lower
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level can help minimize the number of tokens to be discarded. For compiler construction,
one reasonable strategy is to put it before ending the statement, and use punctuation as
the synchronizing tokens. Another practice is to add incorrect productions into the syntax
specification, which allows your parser to recognize these illegal forms.
Error recovery is largely a trial-and-error process, you can experiment with real-world
compilers to see how good they are at recognizing errors (they are expected to hit this one
perfectly), reporting errors clearly (less perfect), and gracefully recovering (far from perfect).
4.3 Parser Implementation
Realizing a parser is more complicated than a lexer. You have to carefully read and understand each production to handle potential syntax conflicts/errors as much as possible.
We highly recommend you to build your parser without any action for all productions at
the beginning. For a syntactically correct SPL program, this parser should run smoothly and
exit without any output or error message; as for a program with syntax errors, your parser at
this stage will only output "syntax error". Then you can handle general issues for parser,
such as conflict resolution and error recovery.
To ensure that your parser can be compiled smoothly and run correctly, we provide you
some hints for debugging your Bison programs:
• Compile your .y file with -v option, which generates a syntax.output text file that
illustrates the LALR automaton, about its states, transitions, etc.
• Compile .y with -t, and add yydebug = 1; before invoking yyparse, which enables
your parser with verbose output.
After that, you should construct a parse tree in the action of each production. As we’ve
done in Listing 3, for a nonterminal symbol, you can assign a tree node to attribute $$ and
insert its children nodes one-by-one by some sort of insert($$, $n) (alternatively, consider
variadic function for node constructor). For a terminal symbol, assign it with tree node via
yylval in the Flex code, the usage of which is already shown in Listing 4.
Printing out the parse tree can be implemented as a pre-order traversal from the root
node. In a object-oriented design paradigm, this method should be a member of type node,
rather than the routine completed by the main function.
5 Project Requirements
5.1 Parser Requirements
5.1.1 Basic requirements
You are required to implement a parser that accepts a single command line argument (the
SPL file path), and outputs the parse tree for a syntactically valid SPL program, or the
SUSTech CS323 - Compilers Project 1 September 14, 2021
message reporting all existing lexical/syntax errors in the code. You should compile your
parser as the splc target in make, and move the executable to the bin directory.
For example, the Makefile is placed under the project root directory, then we make the
splc target by:
make splc
which generates the parser executable. Then we run the parser by:
bin/splc test/test 1 r01.spl
the parser should output the corresponding result specified in the text file test/test 1 r01.out,
and we will verify the output by the diff utility.
5.1.2 Required features
Your parser should be able to recognize the following errors:
• Lexical error (error type A) when there are undefined characters or tokens in the SPL
program, or identifiers starting with digits.
• Syntax error (error type B) when the program has an illegal structure, such as missing
closing symbol. Please find as many syntax errors as possible.
For a syntactically correct SPL program, your parser should print out its parse tree.
Consider the following SPL code:
Listing 5: SPL test case 1
1 int test_1_r01(int a, int b)
2 {
3 c = ’c’;
4 if (a > b)
5 {
6 return a;
7 }
8 else
9 {
10 return b;
11 }
12 }
This program is free from syntax errors, while there is a semantic error: the local variable c
is referenced without a definition, which is not allowed in C standard. Your parser should
print its corresponding parse tree as follows (a caliper is helpful):
Program (1)
ExtDefList (1)
ExtDef (1)
Specifier (1)
TYPE: int
FunDec (1)
SUSTech CS323 - Compilers Project 1 September 14, 2021
ID: test_1_r01
VarList (1)
ParamDec (1)
Specifier (1)
TYPE: int
VarDec (1)
ID: a
VarList (1)
ParamDec (1)
Specifier (1)
TYPE: int
VarDec (1)
ID: b
CompSt (2)
StmtList (3)
Stmt (3)
Exp (3)
Exp (3)
ID: c
Exp (3)
CHAR: ’c’
StmtList (4)
Stmt (4)
Exp (4)
Exp (4)
ID: a
Exp (4)
ID: b
Stmt (5)
CompSt (5)
StmtList (6)
Stmt (6)
Exp (6)
ID: a
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Stmt (9)
CompSt (9)
StmtList (10)
Stmt (10)
Exp (10)
ID: b
Listing 6: SPL test case 2
1 int test_1_r03()
2 {
3 int i = 0, j = 1;
4 float i = $;
5 if(i < 9.0) {
6 return 1
7 }
8 return @;
9 }
The program in Listing 6 contains two lexical errors and one syntax error, so your parser
should report all of them:
Error type A at Line 4: Mysterious lexeme $
Error type B at Line 7: Missing semicolon ’;’
Error type A at Line 8: Mysterious lexeme @
Note that the syntax error is reported at Line 7, while, intuitively, it appears to be at the
end of Line 6. We do not require the exact position for a syntax error. In such a case, either
Line 6 or Line 7 is fine.
Additionally, you should implement these capabilities:
• Supporting hexadecimal representation of integers such as 0x12. You should be able
to detect illegal form of hex-int, like 0x5gg, and report lexical errors.
• Supporting hex-form characters, such as \x90, also, you need to detect its illegal form
like \xt0 and report lexical errors.
SUSTech CS323 - Compilers Project 1 September 14, 2021
5.1.3 Bonus features
You are encouraged to implement other features that are not mentioned before, you may
receive bonus points for implementing additional features. To show your parser’s ability,
you should provide your own testcases in the submitted files, and clearly introduce them
in the report. You may consider the following features adopted by most general-purpose
programming languages:
• single- and/or multi-line comment (C.3)
• macro preprocessor
• file inclusion
• for statements
• ...
5.2 Self-written Test Cases
You are required to write 5 test cases (i.e., SPL programs and the corresponding parser outputs) for overall evaluation. We will evaluate your compiler with all test cases written by the
students enrolled in this course. Your test cases should strictly follow the SPL specification
in the Appendix.
For evaluation purpose, your test cases should contain at least 2 type A errors and 2 type
B errors. They can appear in the same SPL program, or distribute across individual test
cases. We will provide you a set of sample test cases for reference. You can write arbitrarily
complex programs and the only requirement is that they should follow the SPL specification,
or you should point out its lexical/syntax errors. The grading of this part will be based on
the quality and the creativeness of your test cases.
5.3 Grading Policy
The maximum score of this project, excluding the bonus part, is 100 points. Your score
depends on the number of test cases your parser can pass, the quality of your provided test
cases, and the quality of your report. Your parser will be evaluated with the test cases written
by the students enrolled in this course. If your parser passes all submitted test cases, you
will get 80 points. Failing to pass some test cases may result in an decrease of the grade.
Your submitted test cases will be graded independently, with a maximum score of 10 points,
according to the quality and the creativeness. Your project report accounts for the remaining
10 points.
If you implemented other bonus features, you should provide extra test cases. Note that
these test cases will not be used to evaluate the parsers written by other students, since they
may not choose to implement those bonus features. The bonus points you can get depend
on the difficulty of the features and how well you have implemented and tested them. The
maximum bonus you can get for this project is 20 points. The bonus points can only be used
to redeem the points you lose for projects or programming assignments.
SUSTech CS323 - Compilers Project 1 September 14, 2021
There may be multiple members in your team. In that case, we will evaluate the contribution of each member and rate his/her contribution using four levels: A (significant), B
(moderate), C (low), and D (very little contribution). If the rating is A, the member will
get 100% of the grade obtained by the team as a whole (G). If the rating is B, the member
will get 85% of G. If the rating is C, the member will get 60% of G. If the rating is D, the
member will get 30% of G. We hope everyone gets rated as A or B.
6 Submission
What to submit You are required to submit your C/flex/bison source code and other
related files in a .zip archive with file name format: StudentID-projectNumber.zip
(e.g., 11849180-project1.zip). Each team only needs to make one submission. In this project,
the zip file tree is:
splc // generated
... // your self-written testcases
... // your extra testcases
... // C/Flex/Bison source code
• bin directory contains a single executable file named splc, which is generated by an splc
target in the Makefile. Make sure it works properly in our environment (Section 2).
• report directory contains a pdf file that illustrates your design and implementation, you
should focus on the optional/bonus features your have realized, since the required part is
rather simple and straight-forward. Your report should not exceed 4 pages, we suggest
you to use 11pt font size and single-line spacing for main content.
• test directory is your self-written testcases. Make sure to include your output files in the
directory, which records the message follow the output requirements (Section 5.1.2). The
SUSTech CS323 - Compilers Project 1 September 14, 2021
code file name should end with .spl extension and output file name should end with .out.
Remember to include your student ID in the file names.
• test-ex stores all your extra testcases. We will not use these testcases to evaluate other
students’ parsers. The only purpose of them is just to examine your parser’s bonus features.
• The Makefile is provided. You can add any targets, but most importantly, you have to
guarantee the splc target compiles and generates a single executable splc (the
parser) in the bin/ directory. Otherwise, we cannot evaluate your work and you will
get 0 for this project.
• In this project, you will write code in C/Flex/Bison, you can place them directly under
the submitted directory, or under separate folders like src and include. Again, it’s your
job to ensure the code can be compiled successfully.
How to submit You should upload your zip file on SAKAI before the 11:55 PM, October
11, 2021. We will check and grade in-time submissions during the lab session on October
12, 2021. Late submissions are still allowed within 2 weeks after the deadline (grace period).
If you submit your project before October 18 (11:55 PM), your score will be 80% of the score
you could get if the submission was made before the deadline. If you make submission before
October 25 (11:55 PM), you will get only 60%. Any submissions after October 25 will not
be graded, meaning that you will get a zero for project 1.
Contact For any question regarding this project, feel free to contact our teaching team via
emails (typically reply within 24 hours). Please use the following subject:
[CS323] Project 1 (YourName-StudentID)
e.g., [CS323] Project 1 (WangSinan-11849180)
7 Resources
Here we list some links that you may find useful information during this course.
• C language tutorial: http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~brian/cprog.html
• Simple Makefile tutorial: http://www.cs.colby.edu/maxwell/courses/tutorials/
• Compiler tools (Flex & Bison) introduction: http://dinosaur.compilertools.net/
• Flex & Bison introduction: https://aquamentus.com/flex_bison.html
• Stanford University CS143 Compilers: https://web.stanford.edu/class/archive/
SUSTech CS323 - Compilers Project 1 September 14, 2021
• GNU C Compiler Internals/GNU C Compiler Architecture: https://en.wikibooks.
• Buffer Overflow Exploit - Dhaval Kapil:
• Assemblers, Linkers, and the SPIM Simulator: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~larus/
• Kempe’s graph-coloring algorithm https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~appel/Color.
SUSTech CS323 - Compilers Project 1 September 14, 2021
A Token Specification
The following token specification defines the valid token in SPL. You can easily make a lexer
with Flex by following the specification. However, we do not specify the patterns of the first
four tokens: INT, FLOAT, CHAR and ID, it is your job to carefully design and write their regular
INT -> /* integer in 32-bits (decimal or hexadecimal) */
FLOAT -> /* floating point number (only dot-form) */
CHAR -> /* single character (printable or hex-form) */
ID -> /* valid identifier */
TYPE -> int | float | char
STRUCT -> struct
IF -> if
ELSE -> else
WHILE -> while
RETURN -> return
DOT -> .
SEMI -> ;
COMMA -> ,
LT -> <
LE -> <=
GT -> >
GE -> >=
NE -> !=
EQ -> ==
PLUS -> +
MINUS -> -
MUL -> *
DIV -> /
AND -> &&
OR -> ||
NOT -> !
LP -> (
RP -> )
LB -> [
RB -> ]
LC -> {
RC -> }
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B Grammar Specification4
/* high-level definition */
Program -> ExtDefList
ExtDefList -> ExtDef ExtDefList
| $
ExtDef -> Specifier ExtDecList SEMI
| Specifier SEMI
| Specifier FunDec CompSt
ExtDecList -> VarDec
| VarDec COMMA ExtDecList
/* specifier */
Specifier -> TYPE
| StructSpecifier
StructSpecifier -> STRUCT ID LC DefList RC
/* declarator */
VarDec -> ID
| VarDec LB INT RB
FunDec -> ID LP VarList RP
VarList -> ParamDec COMMA VarList
| ParamDec
ParamDec -> Specifier VarDec
/* statement */
CompSt -> LC DefList StmtList RC
StmtList -> Stmt StmtList
| $
Stmt -> Exp SEMI
| CompSt
| IF LP Exp RP Stmt
| IF LP Exp RP Stmt ELSE Stmt
| WHILE LP Exp RP Stmt
/* local definition */
DefList -> Def DefList
| $
4The dollar sign “$” represents the empty string terminal.
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Def -> Specifier DecList SEMI
DecList -> Dec
| Dec COMMA DecList
Dec -> VarDec
| VarDec ASSIGN Exp
/* Expression */
Exp -> Exp ASSIGN Exp
| Exp AND Exp
| Exp OR Exp
| Exp LT Exp
| Exp LE Exp
| Exp GT Exp
| Exp GE Exp
| Exp NE Exp
| Exp EQ Exp
| Exp PLUS Exp
| Exp MINUS Exp
| Exp MUL Exp
| Exp DIV Exp
| LP Exp RP
| NOT Exp
| ID LP Args RP
| Exp LB Exp RB
| Exp DOT ID
| ID
Args -> Exp COMMA Args
| Exp
C Additions
C.1 Tokens
We have already listed the token specification of SPL in Appendix A. You need to write
regular expressions for the first four tokens, the remaining tokens correspond to the lexemes
specified at the arrows’ right side. (except the TYPE which can be one of the int, float or
char) Here, we give more details about the tokens.
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• INT represents an unsigned-integer literal. You can assume that they are always in
32-bits range. We have two types of integer literals, decimal (base 10) and hexadecimal
(base 16) forms. An integer lexeme in decimal form is a consecutive sequence of digits
0-9, and it cannot start with “0”, except 0 itself. A hexadecimal integer lexeme always
starts with “0x” or “0X”, followed by a sequence of hex-digits (0-9, a-f), again, the digit
sequence cannot start with “0”, except 0x0 itself.
• FLOAT represents an unsigned floating-point5 number in IEEE-754 standard. You can
assume that they are always in valid single-precision format. We do not consider the
scientific notation, which is represented by a number’s base-10 mantissa and exponent.
A valid floating-point number always contains a single dot character (i.e., “.”), and
there must be always digit sequence on the dot’s both side.
• CHAR represents a single character contained in a pair of single-quotes. We do not consider those characters represented by escape sequence, e.g., “\n” (the newline character)
or “\t” (the horizontal tab character).
• ID stands for identifier, which consists of 3 types of characters: the underscore ( ),
digits (0-9), and letters (A-Z and a-z). A valid identifier cannot start with digit. You
can assume that the length of identifiers will not exceed 32.
C.2 Grammar rules
Here we explain the general definition of each set of productions. You should understand the
meaning of each production before implementing the parser.
• High-level definition specifies the top-level syntax for a SPL program, including
global variable declarations and function definitions.
• Specifier is related to the type system, in SPL, we have primitive types (int, float
and char) and structure type.
• Declarator defines the variable and function declaration. Note that the array type is
specified by the declarator.
• Statement specifies several program structures, such as branching structure or loop
structure. They are mostly enclosed by curly braces, or end with a semicolon.
• Local definition includes the declaration and assignment of local variables.
• Expression can be a single constant, or operations on variables. Note that these
operators have their precedence and associativity, as shown in Table 2.
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Table 2: Operators in SPL
Precedence Operator Associativity Description
( )
left to right
parenthesis or function invocation
[ ] array indexing
. structure member accessing
right to left negative number
! logical NOT
left to right
/ division
+ addition
- subtraction
< less than
<= less than or equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
== equal to
!= not equal to
6 && logical AND
7 || logical OR
8 = right to left assignment
C.3 Comments
You can optionally implement your compiler to support comments. There are two types of
comment styles for SPL, single-line and multi-line comments.
A single-line comment starts with two slashes “//”, all symbols followed until a newline
character will be dropped by the lexer.
A multi-line comment starts with “/*”, and ends with the first “*/” after that. Note
that multi-line comments cannot be nested, i.e., you cannot put another multi-line comment
within “/*” and “*/”.