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Project 1: Processes, IPC, and Linux Modules SOLVED

CS342 Operating Systems 
Project 1: Processes, IPC, and Linux Modules

You will do this project individually. You have to program in Linux using C
programming language.
Part A: Concurrent Processes and IPC. [70 points]
Objective: Practicing process creation, process communication (by use of POSIX message queues),
multi-process application development.
Develop a concurrent sort program (application) that will use multiple processes to
sort a binary file of positive integers. The application will take a binary file as input
and will sort it into a textfile. The binary input file will be a sequence of integers (8
byte values in a 64-bit machine; we are assuming a little-endian architecture like Intel
x86). Assuming 8 byte integers, if there are 10 integers in the file, the file size will be
The main process of your application will create n message queues and n child
processes (worker processes): one message queue per worker process. A message
queue for a worker process will be used to pass information from the worker process
to the parent main process. Note that when a child is created, its address space
(memory) is populated from parent's (hence initial one way information passing can
be done once from parent to child, including open file and message queue
descriptors), but since the address spaces are different, after a while later, they may
contain different things in their memory and they can not access their variables.
Therefore, in order to exchange information, they need to use an IPC mechanism like
pipes or message queues. You will use POSIX message queues in this project [4,5,6].
After creating the worker processes, the main process will wait for sorted integers to
arrive from message queues. Each worker process will read the integers from a
portion of the input file and will sort them (you will use a linked list to keep integers
in a worker process). Then, sorted integers will be sent via the respective message
queue to the main process. The main process will receive the sorted integers from
message queues and merge them efficiently (i.e., while receiving) into an output text
file. The can be done by retrieving the minimum integer from the head of queues
each time. When a worker has sent all its integers, it will terminate. Before
termination, a worker can send a special integer like 0 to indicate the end of the
stream. After receiving and merging all sorted integers, the main process will also
terminate. Before termination, the main process will remove all the message queues
(clean up).
Each worker process will process a portion of the input file. Assume there are m
integers in the input file and there are n worker processes. Let m = nk + r, where 0
<= r <= n-1 and k 0. The first worker process will read and process the first
portion of the input file, i.e. the first k integers in the file. The second worker process
will read the next portion of the file, i.e., the next k integers; and so on. The last
worker will process k + r integers (the last portion of the file). A worker thread will
use random file access (see the lseek() system call) to jump to the start of its portion
in the input file and then will read integers from there sequentially.
The program executable will be named as csort and will have the following
csort <n <bin_infile <text_outfile
Here <n is the worker count, <bin_infile is binary input file and <text_outfile is
output text file. An example invocation can be:
csort 3 in.bin out.txt
An example output file content can be (assuming there are just 4 integers):
The minimum number of workers (MIN_WORKERS) is 1 and maximum
Part B: Kernel Module Programming. [30 points]
Objective: Learning how to develop a Linux loadable kernel module; touching to and interacting with
Linux kernel; starting writing kernel code.
Develop a simple Linux kernel module and test it (insert and remove). First learn how
to write a kernel module. Read the related parts from the 9th edition of our textbook
[1]. There are additional references that you can benefit from [2].
Your module will print out (using printk kernel function) as much information as
possible about a process from its PCB (process control block - task_struct structure).
The pid of the process will be given as input to your module at insertion time (load
time). Your module will search for the PCB of the process with the given pid and will
print as much information as possible by utilizing the PCB. Memory and file system
related information will be printed out as well. When you use printk, the output will
go to the kernel message buffer (not to the screen). You can the content of this buffer
by using the dmesg command. Look to the last part of the output to see the printed
information. Name your module as modpcb. Your module C file will be named as
[1]. Operating System Concepts, Silberschatz et al., 9th edition, Wiley, 2014, pages 94-98 and
pages 156-158.
[2]. The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide. [Accessed: Feb 11, 2016].
[3]. Linux Device Drivers. Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman.
O'Reilly, 3rd Edition. [Accessed: Feb 11, 2016].
[4] Supplementary Notes. CS342 webpage; in Lecture notes section. [Accessed: Feb 11, 2106].
[5]. Linux Message Queue Overview. [Accessed:
Feb 11, 2016].
[6]. The Linux Programming Interface.
POSIX_Message_Queues.pdf. [Accessed: Feb 11, 2016].
Put the following files into a project directory named with your ID, tar the directory
(using tar xvf), zip it (using gzip) and upload it to Moodle. For example, a student
with ID 20140013 will create a directory named 20140013, will put the files there, tar
and gzip the directory and upload the file. The uploaded file will be 20140013.tar.gz.
In group projects, one of the students will upload and his ID will be used.
• csort.c: contains your C program in part A
• modpcb.c: contains the module code of part B
• Makefile: Compiles the program and the module.
• README: Your name and ID and any additional information that you want to
Additional Information and Clarifications:
• Suggestion: work incrementally; step by step; implement something, test it, and
when you are sure it is working move on with the next thing.
• More clarifications, additional information and explanations that can be useful
for you may be put to the course website, just near this project PDF. Check it
• Parent can create/open message queues and pass their descriptors (IDs) to the child
processes automatically when creating child processes with fork() (that means
fork already copies the address space of parent to the children and therefore the
descriptors (IDs) are automatically passed to the children). This means, the
children do not need to open the message queues again; They already have the
message queue descriptors and can start accessing the queues with them.
• You can use command line utilities like ipcs, ipcrm, etc. to see the messages queues
created and remove them outside of your program.
• The following web page contains a project skelaton. You can clone it into your
local machine, if you wish.
• You can implement any sorting algorithm you wish.
Provided Code:
Below are the files that are also provided in github.
obj-m += modpcb.o testmodule.o
gcc -g -Wall -o csort csort.c -lrt
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
rm -fr *~ csort *.o *.ko *.mod.c *.order
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean
#include <stdlib.h
#include <mqueue.h
#include <stdio.h
#include <unistd.h
#include <errno.h
#include <string.h
int main()
mqd_t mq;
struct mq_attr mq_attr;
/* just shown one message queue creation. More needed if more than
one child needs to be created.
mq = mq_open("/mqname1", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666, NULL);
if (mq == -1) {
perror("can not create msg queue\n");
printf("mq created, mq id = %d\n", (int) mq);
mq_getattr(mq, &mq_attr);
printf("mq maximum msgsize = %d\n", (int) mq_attr.mq_msgsize);
return 0;
#include <linux/init.h
#include <linux/module.h
#include <linux/kernel.h
#include <linux/init.h
#include <linux/module.h
#include <linux/kernel.h
/* This function is called when the module is loaded. */
int simple_init(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "Loading Module\n");
return 0;
/* This function is called when the module is removed. */
void simple_exit(void) {
printk(KERN_INFO "Removing Module\n");
/* Macros for registering module entry and exit points. */
module_init( simple_init );
module_exit( simple_exit );

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