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Project #1 – Processes, IPC, and Threads

CS342 Operating Systems 
Project #1 – Processes, IPC, and Threads

This project will be done individually. You will use the C programming language.
You will develop your programs in Linux.
Part A (50 pts): In this project you will implement an application that will compute
some simple statistics over an integer data set. The application will have two parts:
client and server. The client program will be called as statclient. The server
program will be called statserver. The client will get a request from a user about what
statistics to compute and the related parameters. Then this request will be sent to the
server over a POSIX message queue. The server will receive this request and
compute the requested statistics using multiple child processes that will act on
data concurrently. When needed, child processes will pass data to the parent using
pipes. There will be one pipe per child. After computing the result, the server
(parent) will send the result to the client using another message queue. After
receiving the result, client will print that out.
The following are the requests that a user can type at the client prompt (meaning of
the request is self-explanatory). After completing one request, the client will wait for
another request.
count <start> <end>
avg <start> <end>
range <start> <end> <K>
The request “count” is to find the number all integers in the whole data set.
The request “avg” is to find the average of all integers in the whole data set. The
request “count <start><end>” is to find the number of integers in range [<start>,
<end>], inclusive. The request “avg <start><end>” is to find the average of all
integers in range [<start>, <end>]. The request “range <start> <end> <K>” is to
find the top <K> integers in range [<start>, <end>] in ascending order. In this
request, <K> is the maxiumum number of integers to return. If the [<start>, <end>]
has more integers than <K>, only <K> largest of them will be returned in ascending
sorted order. <K> can be at most 1000, and at least 1.
Between client and server, there will be two message queues; one for sending the
request, and the other for receiving the result. The server will compute the needed
result from the integer data stored in multiple files. The names of the files will be
indicated to the server at server start time. The following is how we will invoke the
statserver <N> <filename1> <filename2> … <filenameN>
Here <N> is the number of input data files. The min value of <N> is 1. The max value
of <N> is 10. For example, if <N> is 3, then:
./statserver 3 infile1.txt infile2.txt infile3.txt
An input file is an ascii file and will contain positive integers (one integer per line)
There may be a very large number of integers (millions) in a file. The client will be
invoked as follows:
Then the client program will print out a command prompt asking a request to be
typed by the user. Some example requests are:
avg 100 3000
count 75 340000
range 20000 25000 50
When the request “range 20000 25000 50” is entered, no statistics will be computed,
but the largest 50 numbers between 20000 and 25000 will be returned from the
server to the client in sorted order (from smaller to larger). Duplicates will not be
When the server receives a request, it will create as many child processes as the
number of input files. That means, each input file will be processed by another child
process. Hence the children will process the files concurrently. The results they
obtain, if any, will be sent to the parent process via the pipes. When a child finishes
sending data, it will indicate this by sending -1. So, when the server main process
receives -1 form a pipe, it understands that no more data will arrive from that pipe
and that child.
Part B (30 pts): Do the same project using threads now, instead of child
processes. This time you will not use pipes. Global variables can be used by all server
threads (main thread and the created threads). This time the program names will be:
statserver_th and statclient_th.
Part C – Experiments (20 pts): Compare the running time of child process usage
and thread usage. Which one is faster. Do experiments and show results. Support
your conclusions with your experiment results. Plot some graphs.
Put all your files into a directory named with your Student Id. In a README.txt file
write your name, ID, etc. The set of files in the directory will include README.txt,
Makefile, statserver.c, statclient.c, statserver_th.c, statclient_th.c, and report.pdf.
When we type make, all your programs should be complied and the related
executables should be generated. The tar and gzip the directory. For example, a
student with ID 21404312 will create a directory named “21404312” and will put the
files there. Then he will tar the directory (package the directory) as follows:
tar cvf 21404312.tar 21404312
Then he will gzip the tar file as follows:
gzip 21404312.tar}
In this way he will obtain a file called 21404312.tar.gz. Then he will upload this file
in Moodle.
Late submission will not be accepted (no exception). A late submission will get 0
automatically (you will not be able to argue it). Make sure you make a submission one
day before the deadline. You can then overwrite it.
Tips and Clarifications
• Start early, work incrementally.
• In server, create the pipes first, before creating the children using fork(). 

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