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Project 1  Read words from a given file

Project 1 
For this project you will read words from a given file into your program. Each word consists
strictly of the letters A-Z and a-z. Any whitespace, punctuation, digit, etc. will separate words.
An example would be this!is A&Word. This text would represent the 4 words this, is, A, and
Word. Each word should be converted to lower case so that only lower case letters remain.
Once you have read all of the words, you should output the total number of words read. Your
next task is to determine how many distinct words appear in the file and output that value.
Finally, you will prompt the user to enter a word and report how many occurrences of the
given word are in the file. You will continue to prompt the user until they enter the EOF
When the user enters a word to search for, a ‘?’ character may be present as some of the
letters for the search. This special character represents the ability to match any character,
including the empty character. For example, colo?r matches both "color" and "colour". This
query should report every word that matches.
Keep in mind that the ? character in the source input file is not a wildcard match. In the original
source, it is just another non-letter character.
There will be no more than 10,000 distinct words in the source file, and when multiple words
match a query, the results should appear in the order that the result words appear in the
original text.
Please carefully read the following requirements:
• You must supply a makefile. We will discuss makefiles in class (1/25)
• You must use C++ streams for all I/O
• Youmustformat youroutput asshownin theexamplebelow.
• Youmustdo yourownwork,youmustnotshare code.
• You mustsubmit your projectina zipfile as specified undersubmission
Here is an example document“sample.txt”
Cryptography is both the practice and study of the techniques used to
communicate and/or store information or data privately and
securely, without being intercepted by third parties. This can include
processes such as encryption, hashing, and steganography. Until the
modern era, cryptography almost exclusively referred to encryption, but
now cryptography is a broad field with applications in many critical
areas of our lives.
Youmustbe able to run the programasshown belowand getthe identicaloutput
$ make
g++ -Wall -std=c++11 main.c -o project1
$ ./project1 sample.txt
The number of words found in the file was 64
The number of unique words found in the file was 52
Please enter a word: of
The word of appears 2 times in the document
Please enter a word: is
The word is appears 2 times in the document
Please enter a word: or
The word or appears 2 times in the document
Please enter a word: a?d
The word and appears 4 times in the document
Please enter a word: a??
The word and appears 4 times in the document
The word as appears 1 time in the document
The word a appears 1 time in the document
Please enter a word: ^C
We highly recommend that you create your own tests to make sure you have covered all
possibilities. Those students that do not test their code have a higher chance of having
errors during grading.
Rememberthat youmustsubmit the project before due date. Late submissions will cause a 10%
per day late. No submissions willbe accepted after 2 dayslate. Please read the syllabusfor more
For this project you must compress the ˘contents of your project directory into a zip file.
This means if you unzip this file you would get only the contents of the directory and not
the directory itself. The format of the zip file should be LAST- You
can test this on the cs-intro server with the command (changeto yourname)
$ unzip Archive:
inflating: main.cpp inflating:
makefile inflating: sample.txt
$ ls
main.cpp makefile sample.txt
Once you have created your zip file please submit it to blackboard for grading. Failure to
follow the submission instructions will result in a reduction of your grade.

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