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Project 1 - Recursive Parser of GUI

Project 1
The first programming project involves writing a program that parses, using recursive descent, a GUI
definition language defined in an input file and generates the GUI that it defines. The grammar for this
language is defined below:
gui ::=
Window STRING '(' NUMBER ',' NUMBER ')' layout widgets End '.'
layout ::=
Layout layout_type ':'
layout_type ::=
Flow |
Grid '(' NUMBER ',' NUMBER [',' NUMBER ',' NUMBER] ')'
widgets ::=
widget widgets |
widget ::=
Button STRING ';' |
Group radio_buttons End ';' |
Label STRING ';' |
Panel layout widgets End ';' |
Textfield NUMBER ';'
radio_buttons ::=
radio_button radio_buttons |
radio_button ::=
Radio STRING ';'
In the above grammar, the red symbols are nonterminals, the blue symbols are tokens and the black
punctuation symbols are BNF metasymbols. Among the tokens those in title case are keywords. The
character literals are punctuation tokens.
Below is an explanation of the meaning of some of the symbols in the above productions that should
help you understand the actions that are to be performed when each of the productions is parsed:
 In the window production the string is the name that is to appear in the top border of the
window and the two numbers are the width and height of the window
 In the production for layout_type that define the grid layout, the first two numbers represent
the number of rows and columns, and the optional next two the horizontal and vertical gaps
 In the production for widget that defines a button, the string is the name of the button
 In the production for widget that defines a label, the string is text that is to be placed in the label
 In the production for widget that defines a text field, the number is the width of the text field
 In the production for radio_button, the string is the label of the button
You parser should properly handle the fact that panels can be nested in other panels. Recursive
productions must be implemented using recursion. Syntactically incorrect input files should detect and
report the first error.
Below is an example of an input file:
Window "Calculator" (200, 200) Layout Flow:
Textfield 20;
Panel Layout Grid(4, 3, 5, 5):
Button "7";
Button "8";
Button "9";
Button "4";
Button "5";
Button "6";
Button "1";
Button "2";
Button "3";
Label "";
Button "0";
The above input file should produce the GUI shown below:
Deliverables for this project include the following:
1. Source code correctly implementing all required functionality.
2. Word or PDF file providing screen shots of successfully compiling and executing the program.
3. Description of the process and lesson learned while completing this project (to be included in
the Word or PDF document).
4. A test plan that contains test cases that include both layout types, all widgets and nested panels.
For each test case, the input file should be shown together with the resulting GUI. (to be
included in the Word or PDF document).
Grading rubric:
Attribute Meets Does not meet
Functionality 40 points
Writes a program that parses an
input file defining a GUI definition
language using recursive descent.
Properly handles the fact that
panels can be nested in other
Implements recursive productions
using recursion.
0 points
Does not writes a program that parses
an input file defining a GUI definition
language using recursive descent.
Does not properly handle the fact that
panels can be nested in other panels.
Does not implement recursive
productions using recursion.
Input 20 points
Syntactically incorrect input files
should detect and report the first
0 points
Syntactically incorrect input files do
not detect and report the first error.
Output 20 points
Generates the GUI that the input
file defines.
0 points
Does not generate the GUI that the
input file defines.
Documentation and
20 points
Includes source code correctly
implementing all required
Includes Word or PDF file providing
screen shots of successfully
compiling and executing the
Includes a description of the
process and lesson learned while
completing this project (to be
included in the Word or PDF
0 points
Does not Include source code
correctly implementing all required
Does not include Word or PDF file
providing screen shots of successfully
compiling and executing the program.
Does not include a description of the
process and lesson learned while
completing this project (to be included
in the Word or PDF document).
Includes a test plan that contains
test cases that include both layout
types, all widgets and nested
panels. For each test case, the
input file should be shown together
with the resulting GUI. (to be
included in the Word or PDF
Does not include a test plan that
contains test cases that include both
layout types, all widgets and nested
panels. For each test case, the input
file should be shown together with the
resulting GUI. (to be included in the
Word or PDF document).

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