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Project 1: RPi Setup

Project 1: RPi Setup
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Your mission, should you choose to accept it (I guess you don't really have a choice), is to get
your Raspberry Pi Zero W set up so that you can SSH into the device from your laptop over USB.
Laptop is expected, as you will then be able to use your Pi in class. You will also connect your Pi
to WiFi. You can get this all done anyway you like, but here is one method.
1. Download the Raspberry Pi image from here ( . I downloaded the Lite one, but you could also do with desktop.
2. Use Etcher ( to write the image to your SD card. Remove the SD card
from your computer (including the micro to regular SD card adapter, if using one), and insert it
back into the computer. Otherwise, you may not be able to view the SD card in your le system.
3. Follow step 1 onwards of the Mac tutorial here ( (no need run the ssh-keygen -R raspberrypi.local command mentioned for Mac in step 7) to
the end or step 1 through step 7 of the Windows tutorial here ( (then try to SSH in). NOTE 1: When performing step 5 for
Mac or Windows, make sure that copying and pasting the new text in cmdline.txt does not cause
other text to be put on a new line. NOTE 2: Before removing the SD card and putting it in the Pi,
as per here (
(citation: From user RonR on Raspberry Pi forums) be sure to also make a le in bootfs named
userconf with the contents:
This makes it so your username is pi and password is raspberry.
4. Once you have booted up your Raspberry Pi and used SSH to get into the device, run the
sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
5. Edit the file so it only contains:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
ssid="Rice Visitor"
6. Reboot (note that the reboot may take two minutes; if it takes longer, you can unplug and plug
back in the Pi)
7. SSH back in and make sure the command:
gets data from Google!
8. Make sure your device is up to date by running these commands:
1. sudo apt update
2. sudo apt upgrade
9. See the report instructions for nishing the project. You can use the command passwd to
change your password if you would like. Don't forget it if you change it!
Submit a short one page PDF report that species in 1-2 paragraphs the steps you took to
complete the assignment, the challenges you encountered, and what kind of projects you would
like to work on with the device. The report should include a screenshot that shows your
netID@raspberrypi as the beginning of the command line prompt. The screenshot should also
show you running sudo apt update and the resulting output being that basically nothing needs
upgraded (this would be you running update after you already ran it as part of step 8 of the
project). Finally, the screenshot should also show a few successful outputs of the command "ping"
, which further veries that you are online. You can hit ctl+c after a few outputs
appear to kill the ping command, so that it doesn't run forever.
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