Project 1 - Search
Purpose: One claim is that for sufficiently large lists, binary search is significantly faster
than sequential search. For this project, you will demonstrate the speed difference between
linear search, recursive binary search, and jump search. You will implement each search
function yourself, and time the results. You will need to use lists large enough to show a
difference in speed of 2 significant digits.
This project is about important theoretical and practical algorithms, rather than abstract
data types. Sorting and searching are at the heart of many ideas and algorithms in
Computing as a Science. The timing/speed values we expect assume that you implement
good versions of the algorithms.
Search Functions
Implement the following search algorithms as predicate (boolean) functions. By definition,
this means they return True only if the target is in the list, False otherwise. Assume the
target type is integer, and the list contains only integers. Use of "lyst" as an identifier is NOT
a typo since "list" is a Python type. For all algorithms, the list must be sorted.
• linear_search(lyst, target)
• recursive_binary_search(lyst, target)
– recursive_binary_search_helper(low_index, high_index, lyst, target)
• jump_search(lyst, target)
Main Program: Benchmarking
Create a non-interactive main function that runs each each search, times each run, and
reports the results to the console. * Use large array size, typically in the range 1,000,000 -
10,000,000 values
• Your timing results should be to at least 2 significant digits.
• For all 3 algorithms, report the following results:
1. the first element of the sorted array
2. a number at the middle of the sorted array
3. a number at the end of the sorted array
4. a number NOT in the array (try -1)
• Do not do any printing inside the searches as this will give incorrect timing
Figure 1. Example Benchmark Report for 3 Search Algorithms. Actual search algorithms
expected times may de different.
Random Numbers
Use the functions in the random module for generating lists of numbers.
• random.seed(seed_value): The seed can be any integer value, but should be the same
each time so that you can duplicate results for testing and debugging.
• random.sample(population, k): generates k-length random sequence drawn from
population without replacement. Example: sample(range(10000000), k=60)
Use a built-in sort function to sort the list after it is generated.
Timing functions
Use the time.perf_counter()
to calculate runtimes.
Test Cases
Test Search Timing
While it is difficult to test EXACT search timing, certain searches will be faster than others.
This test will verify that the binary and jump searches are faster than the linear search,
when the target is at the end of the list. In addition to timing, this test will check to see that
the proper value (True or False) is returned from a search. It will search for a target at the
beginning, middle, and end of the list. In addition, it will check for a False returned value if
the target is not in the list.
Test Parameter Types
All searches need to validate the “type” of data passed in. The target must be an integer and
the elements of lyst must also be integers. If not, the search should raise a ValueError
Test Binary Search Recursion
The binary search must use recursion. To test for this, your recursive “helper” function
needs to have one extra line at the beginning:
from recursioncounter import RecursionCounter
# place at the beginning of the module
def recursive_binary_search_helper(lyst, low_index, high_index, target):
RecursionCounter() # recursion helper. DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY
This line to create a RecursionCounter object will allow the UnitTest to verify that your
code really is using recursion.
Test Coding Standards
PyLint will be used to verify that your python code is clean and done according to the PEP8 coding standard. Your code will need to achieve a score of 8.5 or higher.
Grading (100 pts)
This data will come from the results of the Unit Test
• Search Timing (relative) 55
• Parameter Checking 15
• Recursion 15
• Coding Standards 15
Files to turn in (through Canvas)
• search.py (includes the main() driver)