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Project 1 – Structural Verilog & FPGA Programming

CSE 331 Computer Organizations
Project 1 – Structural Verilog & FPGA Programming

1. Design a digital circuit that detects which of the two 5-bit input numbers
(InA and InB) is larger. The circuit will output a two bit signal called Out
such that:
Situation Out
InA = InB = 0 00
InA InB 01
InA < InB 10
InA = InB ≠ 0 11
Use structural Verilog and Quartus.
2. Write a Verilog testbench for your circuit and simulate by ModelSim to see
the correctness of your design.
3. Upload your design to DE0 FPGA board and verify it on the board.
4. Bonus (15pts): If you design without using any addition or subtraction
1. All project details (even the schematic) will be announced at next PS
(October 17). So attend the PS for your own good!
2. Behavioral Verilog is not permitted. Thus, first draw your schematic on a
3. Designs that are not even simulating can at most get 20pts.
4. You should show your simulation and board execution during demo hour
and be graded accordingly. Demo hour will be announced on Moodle.

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