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Project 1 - Systems and Networks 

Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks 
1 Requirements
• Download the proper version of Brandonsim. A copy of Brandonsim is available under Files on Canvas.
In order to run Brandonsim, Java must be installed. If you are a Mac user, you may need to right-click
on the JAR file and select “Open” in the menu to bypass Gatekeeper restrictions.
• Brandonsim is not perfect and does have small bugs. In certain scenarios, files have been corrupted
and students have had to re-do the entire project. Please back up your work using some form of version
control, such as a local/private git repository or Dropbox. Do not use public git repositories, it
is against the Georgia Tech Honor Code.
• The BOB-2200 assembler is written in Python. If you do not have Python 2.6 or newer installed on
your system, you will need to install it before you continue.
2 Project Overview and Description
Project 1 is designed to give you a good feel for exactly how a processor works. In Phase 1, you will design
a datapath in Brandonsim to implement a supplied instruction set architecture. You will use the datapath
as a tool to determine the control signals needed to execute each instruction. In Phases 2 and 3 you are
required to build a simple finite state machine (the “control unit”) to control your computer and actually
run programs on it.
Note: You will need to have a working knowledge of Brandonsim. Make sure that you know how to make
basic circuits as well as subcircuits before proceeding. The TAs are always here if you need help.
Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Fall 2018
3 Phase 1 - Implement the Datapath
00: ADD
01: SUB
10: NAND
11: A + 1
16 x 32 bits
x 32 bits
CmpOut - to control logic
OP: 4-bit opcode to control logic
Rx: 4-bit register number to control logic
Ry: 4-bit register number to control logic
Rz: 4-bit register number to control logic
BOB-2200 Datapath
Figure 1: Datapath for the BOB-2200 Processor
In this phase of the project, you must learn the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) for the processor we will
be implementing. Afterwards, we will implement a complete BOB-2200 datapath in Brandonsim using what
you have just learned.
You must do the following:
1. Learn and understand the BOB-2200 ISA. The ISA is fully specified and defined in Appendix A: BOB2200 Instruction Set Architecture. Do not move on until you have fully read and understood
the ISA specification. Every single detail will be relevant to implementing your datapath in the
next step.
2. Using Brandonsim, implement the BOB-2200 datapath. To do this, you will need to use the details of
the BOB-2200 datapath defined in Appendix A: BOB-2200 Instruction Set Architecture. You should
model your datapath on Figure 1.
3.1 Hints
3.1.1 Subcircuits
Brandonsim enables you to break create reusable components in the form of subcircuits. We highly recommend that you break your design up into subcircuits. At a minimum, you will want to implement
your ALU in a subcircuit. The control unit you implement in Phase 2 is another prime candidate for a
Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Fall 2018
3.1.2 Debugging
As you build the datapath, you should consider adding functionality that will allow you to operate the whole
datapath by hand. This will make testing individual operations quite simple. We suggest your datapath
include devices that will allow you to put arbitrary values on the bus and to view the current value of the
bus. Feel free to add any additional hardware that will help you understand what is going on.
3.1.3 Memory Addresses
Because of Brandonsim limitations, the RAM module is limited to no more than 24 address bits. Therefore,
per our ISA, any 32-bit values used as memory addresses will be truncated to 24 bits (with the 8 most
significant bits disregarded). We recommend you implement this (i.e. truncate the most significant bits)
before feeding the address value from the MAR (Memory Address Register) to the RAM.
3.1.4 Comparison Logic
The “comparison logic” box in Figure 1 is responsible for performing the comparison logic associated with
the BNE and SLT instructions. The comparison logic should read the current value on the bus. When
executing BNE or SLT, you should compute A − B using the ALU. While this result of the ALU is being
driven on the bus, the comparison logic should read the result A − B and output a “true” or “false” value
for either the condition A! = B or A < B depending on the CondType signal.
Your comparison logic should be purely combinational. Feel free to use any Brandonsim components you
wish to aid in your implementation.
For the SLT instruction, you will need to drive the output of the comparison register to the data bus. Note
the tri-state buffer controlled by the DrCmp signal. Keep in mind that the CmpOut signal must be
a 1-bit value, but the data bus is 32-bits wide.
3.1.5 Zero Register
Your zero register must be implemented such that writes to it are ineffective, i.e., attempting to write a
non-zero value to the zero register will do nothing. Do not forget to do this or you will lose points!
3.1.6 Register Select
From lecture and the textbook, you should be familiar with the “register select” (RegSel) multiplexer. The
mux is responsible for feeding the register number from the correct field in the instruction into the register
file. See Table 4 for a list of inputs your mux should have.
4 Phase 2 - Implement the Microcontrol Unit
In this phase of the project, you will use Brandonsim to implement the microcontrol unit for the BOB2200 processor. This component is referred to as the “Control Logic” in the images and schematics. The
microcontroller will contain all of the signal lines to the various parts of the datapath.
You must do the following:
1. Read and understand the microcontroller logic:
• Please refer to Appendix B: Microcontrol Unit for details.
Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Fall 2018
• Note: You will be required to generate the control signals for each state of the processor in
the next phase, so make sure you understand the connections between the datapath and the
microcontrol unit before moving on.
2. Implement the Microcontrol Unit using Brandonsim. The appendix contains all of the necessary
information. Take note that the input and output signals on the schematics directly match the signals
marked in the BOB-2200 datapath schematic (see Figure 1).
5 Phase 3 - Microcode and Testing
In this final stage of the project, you will write the microcode control program that will be loaded into the
microcontrol unit you implemented in Phase 2. Then, you will hook up the control unit you built in Phase 2
of the project to the datapath you implemented in Phase 1. Finally, you will test your completed computer
using a simple test program and ensure that it properly executes.
You must do the following:
1. Fill out the microcode.xlsx (Excel spreadsheet) file that we have provided. You will need to mark
which control signal is high (that is 1) for each of the states. We have given you a starting template.
2. After you have completed all the states, convert the binary strings you just computed into hex and
move them to the main ROM (the Excel sheet will do this for you; just copy-and-paste the hex column
into the Brandonsim ROM). Do the same for the sequencer and condition ROMs.
3. Connect the completed control unit to the datapath you implemented in Phase 1. Using Figures 1 and
2, connect the control signals to their appropriate spots.
4. Finally, it is time to test your completed computer. Use the provided assembler (found in the “assembly” folder) to convert a test program from assembly to hex. For instructions on how to use the
assembler and simulator, see README.txt in the “assembly” folder. Note: The simulator does
not test your project, it simply provides a model. To test your design, you must load the
assembled HEX into Brandonsim.
We recommend using test programs that contain a single instruction since you are bound to have a
few bugs at this stage of the project. Once you have built confidence, test your processor with the
provided pow.s program as a more comprehensive test case.
6 Deliverables
Please submit all of the following files in a .tar.gz archive generated by our Makefile.
The Makefile will work on any Unix or Linux-based machine (on Ubuntu, you may need to sudo apt-get
install build-essential if you have never installed the build tools).
Run make submit to automatically package your project into the correct archive format. The generated
archive should contain at a minimum the following files:
• Brandonsim Datapath File (BOB-2200.circ)
• Microcode file (microcode.xlsx)
Always re-download your assignment from Canvas after submitting to ensure that all necessary
files were properly uploaded. If what we download does not work, you will get a 0 regardless
of what is on your machine.
This project will be demoed. In order to receive full credit, you must sign up for a demo slot and
complete the demo. We will announce when demo times are released.
Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Fall 2018
7 Appendix A: BOB-2200 Instruction Set Architecture
The BOB-2200 is a simple, yet capable computer architecture. The BOB-2200 combines attributes of both
ARM and the LC-2200 ISA defined in the Ramachandran & Leahy textbook for CS 2200.
The BOB-2200 is a word-addressable, 32-bit computer. All addresses refer to words, i.e. the first
word (four bytes) in memory occupies address 0x0, the second word, 0x1, etc.
All memory addresses are truncated to 24 bits on access, discarding the 8 most significant bits if the address
was stored in a 32-bit register. This provides roughly 67 MB of addressable memory.
7.1 Registers
The BOB-2200 has 16 general-purpose registers. While there are no hardware-enforced restraints on the
uses of these registers, your code is expected to follow the conventions outlined below.
Table 1: Registers and their Uses
Register Number Name Use Callee Save?
0 $zero Always Zero NA
1 $at Assembler/Target Address NA
2 $v0 Return Value No
3 $a0 Argument 1 No
4 $a1 Argument 2 No
5 $a2 Argument 3 No
6 $t0 Temporary Variable No
7 $t1 Temporary Variable No
8 $t2 Temporary Variable No
9 $s0 Saved Register Yes
10 $s1 Saved Register Yes
11 $s2 Saved Register Yes
12 $k0 Reserved for OS and Traps NA
13 $sp Stack Pointer No
14 $fp Frame Pointer Yes
15 $ra Return Address No
1. Register 0 is always read as zero. Any values written to it are discarded. Note: for the purposes of
this project, you must implement the zero register. Regardless of what is written to this register, it
should always output zero.
2. Register 1 is used to hold the target address of a jump. It may also be used by pseudo-instructions
generated by the assembler.
3. Register 2 is where you should store any returned value from a subroutine call.
4. Registers 3 - 5 are used to store function/subroutine arguments. Note: registers 2 through 8 should
be placed on the stack if the caller wants to retain those values. These registers are fair game for the
callee (subroutine) to trash.
5. Registers 6 - 8 are designated for temporary variables. The caller must save these registers if they
want these values to be retained.
6. Registers 9 - 11 are saved registers. The caller may assume that these registers are never tampered
with by the subroutine. If the subroutine needs these registers, then it should place them on the stack
and restore them before they jump back to the caller.
Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Fall 2018
7. Register 12 is reserved for handling interrupts. While it should be implemented, it otherwise will not
have any special use on this assignment.
8. Register 13 is your anchor on the stack. It keeps track of the top of the activation record for a
9. Register 14 is used to point to the first address on the activation record for the currently executing
process. Don’t worry about using this register.
10. Register 15 is used to store the address a subroutine should return to when it is finished executing.
7.2 Instruction Overview
The BOB-2200 supports a variety of instruction forms, only a few of which we will use for this project. The
instructions we will implement in this project are summarized below.
Table 2: BOB-2200 Instruction Set
ADD 0000 DR SR1 unused SR2
NAND 0001 DR SR1 unused SR2
ADDI 0010 DR SR1 immval20
LW 0011 DR BaseR offset20
SW 0100 SR BaseR offset20
BNE 0101 SR1 SR2 offset20
JALR 0110 RA AT unused
HALT 0111 unused
SLT 1000 DR SR1 unused SR2
LEA 1001 DR unused offset20
7.2.1 Conditional Branching
Conditional branching in the BOB-2200 ISA is provided via the BNE (“branch if not equal”) instruction.
BNE will branch to address ”incrementedPC + offset20” only if SR1 and SR2 are not equal
Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Fall 2018
7.3 Detailed Instruction Reference
7.3.1 ADD
Assembler Syntax
0000 DR SR1 unused SR2
DR = SR1 + SR2;
The ADD instruction obtains the first source operand from the SR1 register. The second source operand is
obtained from the SR2 register. The second operand is added to the first source operand, and the result is
stored in DR.
7.3.2 NAND
Assembler Syntax
0001 DR SR1 unused SR2
DR = ~(SR1 & SR2);
The NAND instruction performs a logical NAND (AND NOT) on the source operands obtained from SR1
and SR2. The result is stored in DR.
HINT: A logical NOT can be achieved by performing a NAND with both source operands the same.
For instance,
...achieves the following logical operation: DR ← SR1.
Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Fall 2018
7.3.3 ADDI
Assembler Syntax
ADDI DR, SR1, immval20
0010 DR SR1 immval20
DR = SR1 + SEXT(immval20);
The ADDI instruction obtains the first source operand from the SR1 register. The second source operand is
obtained by sign-extending the immval20 field to 32 bits. The resulting operand is added to the first source
operand, and the result is stored in DR.
7.3.4 LW
Assembler Syntax
LW DR, offset20(BaseR)
0011 DR BaseR offset20
DR = MEM[BaseR + SEXT(offset20)];
An address is computed by sign-extending bits [19:0] to 32 bits and then adding this result to the contents
of the register specified by bits [23:20]. The 32-bit word at this address is loaded into DR.
Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Fall 2018
7.3.5 SW
Assembler Syntax
SW SR, offset20(BaseR)
0100 SR BaseR offset20
MEM[BaseR + SEXT(offset20)] = SR;
An address is computed by sign-extending bits [19:0] to 32 bits and then adding this result to the contents
of the register specified by bits [23:20]. The 32-bit word obtained from register SR is then stored at this
7.3.6 BNE
Assembler Syntax
BNE SR1, SR2, offset20
0101 SR1 SR2 offset20
if (SR1 != SR2) {
PC = incrementedPC + offset20
A branch is taken if SR1 and SR2 are not equal. If this is the case, the PC will be set to the sum of the
incremented PC (since we have already undergone fetch) and the sign-extended offset[19:0].
Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Fall 2018
7.3.7 JALR
Assembler Syntax
0110 RA AT unused
RA = PC;
PC = AT;
First, the incremented PC (address of the instruction + 1) is stored into register RA. Next, the PC is loaded
with the value of register AT, and the computer resumes execution at the new PC.
7.3.8 HALT
Assembler Syntax
0111 unused
The machine is brought to a halt and executes no further instructions.
7.3.9 SLT
Assembler Syntax
1000 DR SR1 unused SR2
if (SR1 < SR2) {
DR = 1
} else {
DR = 0
If SR1 is less than SR2, a 1 should be stored into DR. Otherwise a 0 should be stored in DR.
Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Fall 2018
7.3.10 LEA
Assembler Syntax
LEA DR, label
1001 DR unused PCoffset20
DR = PC + SEXT(PCoffset20);
An address is computed by sign-extending bits [19:0] to 32 bits and adding this result to the incremented
PC (address of instruction + 1). This instruction effectively performs the same computation as the GOTO
instruction, but rather than performing a branch, merely stores the computed address into register DR.
Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Fall 2018
8 Appendix B: Microcontrol Unit
You will make a microcontrol unit which will drive all of the control signals to various items on the datapath.
This Finite State Machine (FSM) can be constructed in a variety of ways. You could implement it with
combinational logic and flip flops, or you could hard-wire signals using a single ROM. The single ROM
solution will waste a tremendous amount of space since most of the microstates do not depend on the opcode
or the conditional test to determine which signals to assert. For example, since the condition line is an input
for the address, every microstate would have to have an address for condition = 0 as well as condition = 1,
even though this only matters for one particular microstate.
To solve this problem, we will use a three ROM microcontroller. In this arrangement, we will have three
• the main ROM, which outputs the control signals,
• the sequencer ROM, which helps to determine which microstate to go at the end of the FETCH state,
• and the condition ROM, which helps determine whether or not to skip during the SKP instruction.
Examine the following:
Figure 2: Three ROM Microcontrol Unit
As you can see, there are three different locations that the next state can come from: part of the output
from the previous state (main ROM), the sequencer ROM, and the condition ROM. The mux controls which
of these sources gets through to the state register. If the previous state’s “next state” field determines where
to go, neither the OPTest nor ChkComp signals will be asserted. If the opcode from the IR determines the
next state (such as at the end of the FETCH state), the OPTest signal will be asserted. If the comparison
circuitry determines the next state (such as in the SKP instruction), the ChkCmp signal will be asserted.
Note that these two signals should never be asserted at the same time since nothing is input into the “11”
pin on the MUX.
Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Fall 2018
The sequencer ROM should have one address per instruction, and the condition ROM should have one
address for condition true and one for condition false.
Note: Brandonsim has a minimum of two address bits for a ROM (i.e. four addresses), even though only
one address bit (two addresses) is needed for the condition ROM. Just ignore the other two addresses. You
should design it so that the high address bit for this ROM is permanently set to zero.
Before getting down to specifics you need to determine the control scheme for the datapath. To do this
examine each instruction, one by one, and construct a finite state bubble diagram showing exactly what
control signals will be set in each state. Also determine what are the conditions necessary to pass from one
state to the next. You can experiment by manually controlling your control signals on the bus you’ve created
in Phase 1 - Implement the Datapath to make sure that your logic is sound.
Once the finite state bubble diagram is produced, the next step is to encode the contents of the Control
Unit ROM with the provided Excel sheet. Then you must design and build (in Brandonsim) the Control
Unit circuit which will contain the three ROMs, a MUX, and a state register. Your design will be better if
it allows you to single step and ensure that it is working properly. Finally, you will load the Control Unit’s
ROMs with the hexadecimal generated from the Excel sheet.
Note that the input address to the ROM uses bit 0 for the lowest bit of the current state and 5 for the
highest bit for the current state.
Table 3: ROM Output Signals
Bit Purpose Bit Purpose Bit Purpose Bit Purpose Bit Purpose
0 NextState[0] 6 DrREG 12 LdIR 18 WrMEM 24 ChkCmp
1 NextState[1] 7 DrMEM 13 LdMAR 19 RegSelLo 25 DrCmp
2 NextState[2] 8 DrALU 14 LdA 20 RegSelHi 26 CondType
3 NextState[3] 9 DrPC 15 LdB 21 ALULo
4 NextState[4] 10 DrOFF 16 LdCmp 22 ALUHi
5 NextState[5] 11 LdPC 17 WrREG 23 OPTest
Table 4: Register Selection Map
RegSelHi RegSelLo Register
0 0 RX (IR[27:24])
0 1 RY (IR[23:20])
1 0 RZ (IR[3:0])
1 1 unused
Table 5: ALU Function Map
ALUHi ALUlLo Function
0 0 ADD
0 1 SUB
1 0 NAND
1 1 A + 1

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