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Project 1 Tallest basketball player

CMSC 215 Intermediate Programming
Programming Project 1
The first programming project involves writing a program to find the tallest basketball player
whose age is less than or equal to the average of all the players. The program should contain
three classes. The first class Height should contain two integer instance variables for the feet and
inches. The class should be immutable, so it should have no setter methods At a minimum it
should contain the following methods:
 A constructor that accepts feet and inches constructs a Height object
 A method toInches that returns the height in total inches
 A method toString that returns the string representation of the height with a single
quote following the feet and a double quote following the inches
Regardless of what value for inches was supplied to the constructor the toString method should
display the height normalized so the inches are less than 12.
The second class Player should contain three instance variables that include the player’s name,
the player’s height, which should be stored as the type Height, and the player’s age. The class
should be immutable, so it should have no setter methods It should contain the following
 A constructor that accepts a player’s name, height and age constructs a Player object
 Getter methods for each of the instance variables
 A method toString that returns the string representation of a player with each field
appropriately labeled
The toString method of the Player class should call the toString method of the Height class.
The third class Project1 should repeatedly prompt the user for the information for each of the
players. It should create a Player object for each player and add the player to an ArrayList. As
the players are read in, the total age of all players should be computed to enable the average to be
calculate once all have been input. Once all player information has been input, the average age of
all players should be output. Then the list of players should be traversed to find the tallest player
whose age is less than or equal to the average age of all players.
You are to submit two files.
1. The first is a .zip file that contains all the source code for the project. The .zip file
should contain only source code and nothing else, which means only the .java files. If
you elect to use a package the .java files should be in a folder whose name is the
package name. Every outer class should be in a separate .java file with the same name
as the class name. Each file should include a comment block at the top containing your
name, the project name, the date, and a short description of the class contained in that
2. The second is a Word document (PDF or RTF is also acceptable) that contains the
documentation for the project, which should include the following:
a. A UML class diagram that includes all classes you wrote. Do not include
predefined classes.
b. A test plan that includes test cases that you have created indicating what aspects
of the program each one is testing
c. A short paragraph on lessons learned from the project

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