ECE250: Lab Project 1
1. Project Description
The goal of this project is to design and implement a dynamic deque data structure. A deque
is a queue that stores elements in an ordered list and allows insertions and deletions at both
ends in O(1) time, and has no limitations in its size. This means a deque can dynamically
grow in size. You have to implement a deque using a linked list data structure. In order to
simplify the implementation of a deque for this project, we will assume that the deque can
store only elements of type int.
Design your solution using the object-oriented paradigm. You will create a design in which a
deque is represented by a class that: (i) stores properties (data members) and (ii) provides
services (function members).
Do not use classes from the C++ STL library for this project. Instead, we ask that you write
your own linked list class, and use it in your implementation.
2. Program Design
Write a short description of your design. You will submit this document along with your
C++ solution files for marking. This document must include your design decisions. Please
refer to the course website for “Programming Guidelines” and the expected content for your
design document.
3. Input output requirements
Write a test program named dequedriver.cpp that reads commands from standard input
and writes the output to standard output. This program will respond to the commands
described in this section.
Command Parameters Description Output
enqueue_front i
i is an integer
Add element at the front success
enqueue_back i
i is an integer
Add element at the end success
dequeue_front Remove element from the
success or failure*
dequeue_back Remove element from the
success or failure*
clear Clears the content of the
deque if the queue is not
already empty
Command Parameters Description Output
front i
i is the expected
element at the
front of deque
Access the first element and
compare to i, if equal,
return success, else failure
success or failure*
back i
i is the expected
element at the
end of deque
Access the last element and
compare to i, if equal,
return success, else failure
success or failure*
empty Test if deque is empty success or failure
success if empty
failure if not empty
size Return the size of the queue size is s
print Print all the values in the
deque two times:
• from front to back
• from back to front
Note: For an empty deque,
print nothing
An example:
0 1 2 3 … 9
9 8 7 6 … 0
* Failure must be detected by handling an exception. That is, the function will “throw” an
exception and the driver program will “catch” the exception, creating the output “failure” for
these cases. You can define an exception called “deque_empty” to be used on these cases.
4. Test Files
The course web site contains example input files with the corresponding output. The files
are named test01.in, test02.in and so on with their corresponding output files named
test01.out, test02.out and so on.
3. Performance
All operations must be implemented in O(1) times, except clear and print operations which
have linear time complexity (O(n)).
4. How to Submit Your Program
Once you have completed your solution and tested it comprehensively in your computer or
on the lab computers, you have to transfer your files to the eceUbuntu server and test there
since we perform the automated testing using this environment.
Once you finish testing in the eceUbuntu server, you will create a compressed file (tar.gz)
that should contain:
• A typed document (maximum two pages) describing your design. A document
beyond 2 pages will not be marked. Submit this document in PDF format. The name
of this file should be:
xxxxxxxx _design_ pn.pdf
where xxxxxxxx is your UW user id (e.g., jsmith) and n is the project number that is
1 (one) for this submission.
• A test program (dequedriver.cpp) containing your main() function
• Required header files and classes (ending in .h .cpp)
• A make file (named Makefile), with instructions to compile your solution and create
an executable named dequedriver
The name of your compressed file should be xxxxxxxx_pn.tar.gz, where xxxxxxxx is
your UW user id (e.g., jsmith) and n is the project number that is 1 (one) for this