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Project [10]: File Input/output

Project [10]: File Input/output

Project Goals
The goal of this project is to:
1. Get students familiar with functions to read from and write to files, in text and binary modes
Important Notes:
1. Formatting: Make sure that you follow the precise recommendations for the output content and
formatting: for example, do not change the text in the first problem from “Please enter item data
(part number, quantity, price): ” to “Enter the item: ”. Your assignment will be auto-graded
and any changes in formatting will result in a loss in the grade.
2. Comments: Header comments are required on all files and recommended for the rest of the program.
Points will be deducted if no header comments are included.
3. Restriction: The use of goto statements anywhere within this program is prohibited. Points will be
deducted if goto is used.
Problem 1
Write a program to repeatedly ask the user to enter information regarding inventory for a business (item part
number, quantity, price) and then saves the information to a file called inventory.txt. The program stops the
loop when the user enters 0 for the part number.
The program should function as follows (items underlined are to be entered by the user):
This program stores a business inventory.
Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 3, 1, 2.4
Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 1, 4, 3.0
Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 0
Thank you. Inventory stored in file inventory.txt.
• Your program must write to the file in binary mode, using the fwrite function
Save your program as save_inventory.c
Challenge for problem 1 (10 extra credit points):
Modify your program to check if the user enters an identical part number again. If this occurs, the program should
print a message and ask for the input again.
The program should function as follows (items underlined are to be entered by the user):
This program stores a business inventory.
Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 3, 1, 2.4
Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 1, 4, 3.0
Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 3, 4, 3.0
This item has been entered before.
Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 2, 4, 1.3
Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 0
Thank you. Inventory stored in file inventory.txt.
Save your challenge separately as save_inventory_c.c
Problem 2
Write a program to read information from the inventory.txt file and display it to the screen, formatted as
follows: Part#, Quantity, and Item Price in the table header should be separated by tabs. The part number field
should take 5 spaces (values right justified), the quantity field should take 8 spaces (values right justified), and the
price field should take 9 spaces with 2 numbers after the decimal (values right justified, with the $ sign in front of
the price).
The program should function as follows:
Below are the items in your inventory.
Part# Quantity Item Price
 3 1 $ 2.40
 1 4 $ 3.00
 2 4 $ 1.30
• Your program must read from the file in binary mode, using the fread function
Save your program as disp_inventory.c
Grading Rubric
Grading will be done for each problem as follows:
Correctly-named file 5%
Header comment 2%
Program compiles 5%
Correctly-reading data from terminal 18%
Correct result printed 20%
Submission details
To submit your project, you will have to use the submission script. You do this by either:
1. Working on an ECC machine
2. Working on the provided VMware
3. Secure Copying your files (See Mac Support for information)
To Submit your project:
• Have a directory called “project10”
• Save your *.c files in that directory
• To submit: (don’t type the ‘’ symbols)
cd project10
The submission script copies all files in the current directory to our directory. You may submit as many times as you
like before the deadline, we only keep the last submission.

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