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Project 2-1: Hash Table Implementation and Test

ECE 2035 Project 2-1: Hash Table Implementation and Test
P2-1 Hash Table Implementation and Test
Building to a given specification (the Application Programmer Interface, or API) and verifying
correctness of your implementation are important concerns in software engineering. APIs
establish a sort of contract between the creators and users of a software library about its expected
behavior and functionality. The interface also allows developers to separate the concerns of design
and implementation of large projects. Early on, design can proceed without distraction from the
details of implementation by instead producing a specification of required components and their
interfaces. Later, the implementation of each module can proceed more independently from the
design of the project as a whole.
Through the end of the course, we will explore this idea by creating and later using a C library
based on a pre-specified API. In this project, you will create a Hash Table library that will later be
used as a component of P2-2, a quest based video game. Compliance to the specification is
particularly important, so we'll take a look at automated testing as a tool for verifying
implementation correctness.
In this video game, the main character will be navigating a two-dimensional world with objects
such as trees, rocks, traps, other characters and obstacles. To complete the quest or mission, the
main character has to interact with these components in the world. As these game components are
sparsely located (spread out) in the two-dimensional world, a hash table will provide a memoryefficient way to to store and access these component attributes.
Hash Table Library
The hash table is made of an array of buckets that can hold any arbitrary data from users. There
will be a hash function provided by the user that maps a key to an index for a specific bucket.
Each bucket can hold multiple entries of data and will be implemented as a singly linked list. An
overview of the hash table implementation is:
• HashTable
• HashTableEntry
Public Interface Functions:
• createHashTable
• destroyHashTable
• insertItem
• getItem
• removeItem
• deleteItem
Private Helper Functions: (only in hash_table.c)
• createHashTableEntry
• findItem
• (Any other useful helper functions)
*Note: The user has to provide a pointer to the custom hash function when the hash table is initialized.
ECE 2035 Project 2-1: Hash Table Implementation and Test
The detailed API for your hash table library can be found in hash_table.h. The functions in
this module create and manipulate hash tables and hash table entries. (e.g., inserting/deleting
entries, accessing entries, creating/destroying the table).
This document is the single source of truth for how you implementation should behave! Any code
that later uses the library will assume that it behaves according to this API.
The files hash_table.h and hash_table_shell.c provide a shell implementation of this
API. Note that the function createHashTable() is provided for you and you need to
complete the remaining functions.
Automated Testing
Up to this point, your testing of projects has likely been mostly ad hoc and manual, such as trying
some different inputs by hand. For this project, we introduce more powerful tools for writing
automated tests. By generating a comprehensive test suite that can run automatically, you can be
confident that your implementation meets the API specification. Automated tests are also useful
during development, since they let you evaluate changes quickly and alert you immediately if
anything breaks.
We'll be using a combination of two tools for this part of the project: Google Test Framework, a
library for writing and automatically executing tests; and make, a build tool to ease compilation.
Additional information on using the test framework will be provided by the TAs.
A simple test suite has been provided in ht_tests_shell.cpp. This test suite has a few
cases that exercise the hash table implementation, but they are provided mainly as examples of
how to use the framework. As you implement your library, you'll need to add many more tests to
exercise all the edge cases for each function. This is the same framework we will use to grade
your submissions, so it is to your advantage to test thoroughly.
A makefile is provided to facilitate using the testing framework. After navigating to the directory
where the module is located, you can compile the module and the test bench by using the
Unix/Linux command :
You can use the following command to remove all the files generated by make:
make clean
Project Submission
In order for your solution to be properly received and graded, there are a few requirements. For
P2-1: Upload the following files to Canvas before the scheduled due date:
• A zip file named containing the following files:
◦ hash_table.h
◦ hash_table.c
◦ ht_tests.cpp
NOTE: follow the above instructions exactly.
ECE 2035 Project 2-1: Hash Table Implementation and Test
You should design, implement, and test your own code. There are many ways to code this
project. Any submitted project containing code (other than the provided framework code)
not fully created and debugged by the student constitutes academic misconduct.
Good luck!
Project Grading: The project grade will be determined as follows:
part description percent
P2-1 Hash Table Implementation 35
P2-2 Baseline features 40
P2-2 Advanced features (up to max of 10 features, for max 50 points) 50
P2-2 TA demo/checkoff
Total 125/100
ECE 2035 Project 2-1: Hash Table Implementation and Test

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