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Project 2-2 GTLegend: A Role-Playing Game

ECE 2035: Project 2-2
GTLegend: A Role-Playing Game
The goal of this project is to build a Quest game on the Mbed platform, therefore fulfilling your life long
goal to be a video game designer. Since the very first video game platforms, top down role-playing games
(RPGs) have held an important place in the video game corpus. Such notable titles as The Legend of Zelda
and Pokemon Red Version are exemplars of this style. In this project, you will build a handheld top-down
RPG game using the gaming circuit constructed during HW3 and your P2-1 hashtable implementation.

In your top down RPG, the protagonist will be controlled by tilting the game board; the accelerometer will
be used as the input for character motion. The buttons will be used to trigger actions in the game.
Crucially, the map area of the game will be much larger than the area you are able to display on the screen.
Objects on the map will be stored in a hash table, and you will look up the correct locations to display them
at every game update.
There are several basic features that your game must implement in order to receive baseline credit;
advanced features are an opportunity to earn full and possibly extra credit. The list of basic features and
examples of some advanced features are given below. (See rubric for grading details.)
Basic Features
These features are for baseline credit and constitute a functional, but minimal, adventure game. Please note
that the story, art, and actions available in the game are intentionally vague, and the specific design of the
game is up to your creativity. RPG games are extremely varied, and this project is an opportunity for you
to make something unique. Have fun with it!
Player Motion & The Map
The Player character in this top-down RPG moves around in the direction of the tilt of your breadboard, as
measured by the accelerometer.
The Map for your game is the world that the character moves around in. The Map is made up of individual
tiles, and a grid of 11 x 9 tiles is displayed on the screen at any time. The character is always displayed in
the center of the screen. The Map should be at least 50 x 50 tiles, and should have walls around the edges
to prevent the Player from leaving the map. The Player should not be able to walk through the walls.
ECE 2035: Project 2-2
You will need to populate the Map with Items relevant to your game - these Items can include scenery,
walls, Non-Player Characters (NPCs), objects, stairs, etc. Implementation details for the Map are discussed
in detail in the accompanying technical document.
World Interaction
There are several buttons available in the hardware setup created in HW3. Two of them have required
1. Action button: This is the primary way the player interacts with the world. Pressing this button
will initiate conversation with NPCs, scroll speech bubbles, unlock doors, etc. The particular
action triggered when this is pressed depends on the player’s location in the world. For example,
pressing the action button while standing near the door and holding the key would trigger unlocking
the door.
2. Omnipotent-Mode button: When this button is pressed, “Omnipotent Mode” is toggled. When in
Omnipotent Mode, the character should be able to walk anywhere in the world. This is to facilitate
grading. For example, if for some reason the door won’t unlock even when you’re holding the key,
your grader can still continue with the quest.
You are free to use the remaining buttons for any features of your choice. These might be useful to open a
menu, for example.
The Quest
The meat of this game, as with all good RPG games, is a quest! In order to win, the Player must complete a
quest by interacting with characters and objects in the world in order to obtain a key and pass through a
locked door.
The quest proceeds in five steps:
1. Talk to an NPC to start the quest. The NPC gives the Player instructions to complete a task in a
different Map ( in a house, in a cave, in a lake, etc.).
2. In the new Map, the Player has to solve a puzzle, by interacting with the Items in the Map. Note
that the Player can also be part of the game (e.g., Player is a piece of a chess game).
3. Talk to same NPC again to complete the quest. The NPC will give the player a key as a reward.
4. Find the locked door, and use the key to open it.
5. Walk through the door and interact with something: a chest, a throne, etc. You win! Display a
game over screen.
All of the interactions in the quest should be triggered by the action button when standing near the target
and should show a speech bubble that delivers the supporting storyline. For example, to begin the quest the
player should stand adjacent to the NPC and press the action button, triggering Step 1 and displaying a
speech bubble with instructions for Step 2. Speech bubbles should cover the bottom part of the map and
should scroll when the player presses the action button. More detail on their implementation is given in the
technical document.
The NPC must say different things in these states:
1. Starting the quest (Step 1: First time talking to the NPC)
2. Quest incomplete (Step 2: After Step 1 is complete, but Step 2 incomplete)
3. Quest completion (Step 3: Giving the key)
4. After quest complete (Beyond Step 3)
ECE 2035: Project 2-2
The door must block player motion when closed, and should be visually different once it is opened. (This
difference can be as simple as the door disappearing from the map, or it can be different art showing an
open door). The door should give some indication that you’re trying to open it, such as a speech bubble or
visual animation, and it should respond differently when the character has/has not obtained the key. Your
door must block the player if the player doesn’t have a key, and it should only open when the player presses
the action button while holding the key.
You should put some effort into making your game look good! At least one sprite is required as a basic
feature. A sprite in this context is a tile that’s more than just a rectangle. You should be using the
uLCD.BLIT or draw_img functions to accomplish this.
A status area is set aside at both the top and bottom of the screen. The top status area should display at a
minimum the current player coordinates within the map. These areas can also be used to show information
such as quest progress, character inventory, what the action button will do at this location, etc.
For clarity while the Player is moving, it’s a good idea to have some background items on the map that
scroll by as the player moves. The trees in the demo fulfill this purpose. This is not strictly required, but
you’ll probably want to add it.
Basic Feature Summary:
1. Accelerometer moves the player.
2. Walls block character motion.
3. Omnipotent-mode button walks through walls.
4. The first map must be bigger than the screen (at least 50*50 tiles).
5. Stairs/ladders/portals/the door go between the first and the second map.
6. Quest works (key & door work).
7. Display game over screen when quest is complete.
8. Status bar shows player coordinates.
9. Speech bubbles are used in the quest.
10.Art includes at least one sprite.
Advanced Feature Examples
Advanced features in this project are open ended and allow you to make the game your own. The features
listed below are all acceptable, but this is not an exhaustive list. Other features that are at or above the
difficulty level of those listed here are acceptable. Each extra feature is worth +5 points, and you must tell
your grader before the demo begins which extra features you used.
There will be a pinned discussion topic on Piazza to confirm extra features. If you intend to use features
that aren’t listed here, start a follow-up on this discussion to clear it with the TAs or instructors before
grading begins.
• Add a start page
• Sound effects for interactions / background music
ECE 2035: Project 2-2
• Different modes of locomotion (e.g., running, hopping, etc. ) They should be visually distinctive.
• Animation for interactions with things in the map (e.g., exclamation mark above NPC when you
are talking, apple trees look different when apples are picked off etc.).
• In-game menu:
• Save the game
• Show status information
• Configuration (Accelerometer direction, which button is which, etc.)
• Multiple lives and the possibility to lose:
• Health & stuff that hurts you.
• Spikes, enemies, etc.
• Player can manipulate items in game
• Push a boulder around to complete the quest.
• Blowup/destroy something.
• Mobile (walking) NPCs.
• Player plays against an intelligent opponent in a game.
• Save the game (persistent over power-off)
• Multiple quests (=2), or extra NPC relevant to the quest(s) (=5). Only applicable once.
• Bigger objects in the map that blocks the character.
• A very tall tree that hides the character.
• A feature you can walk behind/under such as a bridge.
P2-2 Technical Reference
In this project, you’ll be combining hardware interface libraries for an LCD screen, pushbuttons, speakers,
and an SD card reader into a cohesive game. The shell code has several different modules. This document
is intended to be a reference for various technical considerations you’ll need when implementing your game.
Hash Table
The game will make use of your HashTable library, implemented in P2-1. In order to use this library within
the Mbed environment, the easiest strategy is to simply copy and paste the code into the correct files. The
shell project has two files already for this purpose: hash_table.cpp and hash_table.h. Copy your completed
code from P2-1 into these files before starting anything else.
USB Serial Debug
Debugging is an important part of any software project, and dealing with embedded systems can make
debugging difficult. Fortunately, there is a built-in serial monitor on the Mbed that allows you to see
printf-style output from the Mbed on your computer. The tutorial to set that up can be found here:
The Serial pc object described in the tutorial is already set up for you in globals.h, so you won’t need to
declare it again. Any file that includes this header can print to the USB like so:
ECE 2035: Project 2-2
pc.printf(“Hello, world!\r\n”);
Game Loop Overview
The basic structure for organizing a video game is called this game loop. Each iteration of this loop is
known as a frame. At each frame, the following operations are performed, typically in this order:
1. Read inputs
2. Update game state based on the inputs
3. Draw the game
4. Frame delay
You’ll be implementing parts of each of these steps, along with setting up the game loop to call them in the
correct order. The game loop shell code with timing already implemented is in main.cpp.
Read Inputs. Reading user input for a frame happens only once during the frame. This serves two
purposes. For one, it isolates the part of the code that has to deal with the input hardware to just the
read_inputs function, allowing the rest of the code to deal with only the results of the input operation.
Secondly, it ensures a constant value of the “true” input for a particular frame. If there are multiple parts of
your game update logic that have to interact with the inputs, it is convenient to know that these inputs are
guaranteed to be the same
Update game. This is where the magic happens. Based on the current state of the game -- where the Player
is standing, whether the player is holding the key, what the NPCs are doing -- you compute what the next
state should be, based on the inputs you’ve already measured. For example, if the accelerometer is tilted
toward the top of the screen, the Player should move up in the map. This is where most your development
will be focused.
Draw game. With the state updated, you now need to show the user what changed by drawing it to the
screen. This step is discussed in much more detail below, but for now you’ll want to know that the entry
point to this portion of the code is called draw_game.
Frame delay. By default, loops in C run as fast as the instructions can possibly execute. This is great when
you’re trying to sort a list, but it’s really bad for games! If the game updates as fast as possible, the user
might not be able to understand what’s happening or control the character appropriately. So, we introduce
a delay that aims to make each frame take 100ms. The time for all the proceeding 3 steps is measured, and
the remaining time is wasted before starting again. If more than 100ms has already passed, no additional
delay is added. As you’re developing your game, be careful that your frames don’t get too long, or the feel
of your game will degrade.
Map Module
In order to think about updating the game state (moving the player) and drawing the screen, we first need
some way to represent the world. This module accomplishes that task.
The map is a two-dimensional grid whose origin is at the top-left corner of the world. The X coordinate
increases toward the right, and the Y coordinate increases toward the bottom. This left-handed coordinate
system is chosen for consistency with the graphics; see that section for more details. The finest granularity
of the map is a single grid cell; the player moves from cell to cell, and each cell contains at most one
MapItem. If the cell is empty, then that cell is free space on the map.
ECE 2035: Project 2-2
The map in this game is represented by a collection of MapItems held in a HashTable. The keys in the
HashTable are (x,y) pairs. The data in the HashTable are all of type MapItem, defined in map.h. So, for
example, if you access the key “(10, 23)” in the HashTable and the data is a MapItem whose type is
WALL, then the player should not be able to walk into that cell.
The shell code is written so that the use of the HashTable is hidden inside the map module; that is, the
hash_table.h is only included from map.cpp, and the HashTable functions are only used internally to that
module. The public API of the map module does not expose the HashTable, since this is an implementation
detail of the map and does not affect the rest of the game. This hides the complexity of the HashTable
(questions like “what is the best hash function?” and “how do I map (x,y) pairs into integer keys for use in
my hash table?”) within the map module itself, and simplifies the rest of the game logic.
The public API for the map module is given in map.h. All functions and structures are documented there.
There are functions for accessing items in the map (e.g. get_here, get_north), modifying the map (e.g.
add_wall), and selecting the active map. You are encouraged to add more functionality to this API as you
deem necessary for your game. The point of an API is to be useful to the programmer; if these functions
are insufficient, add more!
Map Items. This is the basic unit of the map, and is the underlying type of all the void* data in the map
HashTable. Each MapItem has an integer field, type, which tells you what kind of item it is. This allows
you to store different information in the map, such as the location of walls and the location of trees, using
the same data structure. Each MapItem also has a function pointer of type DrawFunc, that will draw that
MapItem. Its inputs are a pixel location (u,v) of the tile. Finally, each MapItem has two additional
parameters: an integer flag, walkable, that describes if the player is allowed to walk on that cell; and a
void* data for storage of any extra data required during the game update. Walls probably don’t need extra
data; NPCs or stairs or the door might.
Two-dimensional keys. As you implemented in P2-1, the HashTable accepts only unsigned integers as
keys. However, for this application you need to use two integers (the X & Y coordinates) as the key. In
order to do this, you need to have a functions to map these coordinates unambiguously into a single integer.
This function is called XY_KEY, and is private to map.cpp. You then also need a hash function that will
take this key as normal and produce a hash value for bucket selection in the HashTable.
The Active Map. All operations in the Map API use the “active map.” In the shell code, there is only one
active map. The function get_active_map returns this map, and the function set_active_map does nothing.
As an advanced feature, you may modify these to allow selection between multiple maps. Once an active
map is selected using set_active_map, all other functions (accessors and modifiers) will use the currently
active map. Only one map can be active at a time; setting a new active map implicitly deactivates the
previous active map.
The graphics module houses most of the drawing code for the game. This includes all the drawing functions
for the various MapItems. The entry point for drawing the screen under normal operations (not in a speech
bubble) is the draw_game function. This section describes how that function accomplishes drawing the
tiles, and various ideas to consider as you extend this function for your own game.
ECE 2035: Project 2-2
Coordinate Reference Frames. There are several relevant coordinate frames for this game. The first we
have already covered: the map frame. This frame’s coordinates are labelled (x,y) and its origin is the
top corner of the map. X increases right, and Y increases down. All frames in the game are this left-handed
The next frame is the local drawing frame. This frame is centered on the Player, and ranges from (-5,-4) to
(5,4), i.e. it is an 11x9 grid of cells. This frame is iterated in draw_game and each cell in drawn in turn
using the DrawFunc from the map, or a draw_nothing function if there is no MapItem. The coordinates of
this frame are labelled (i, j).
Finally, there are the pixels on the screen. This frame has its origin at the top-left corner of the screen. The
screen is at 128x128 array of pixels. The coordinates of this frame are labelled (u,v). Each cell in the map
is 11x11 pixels.
Drawing functions. As noted above, each MapItem has an associated DrawFunc that knows how to draw
that item. These functions take as input a (u,v) coordinate for the top-left pixel of the tile, and draw an
11x11 image that represents the MapItem. An example is the draw_wall function, in graphics.h.
You will need to add more draw functions as you add more types of MapItem. You are free to implement
these however you like, using the full power of the uLCD library. However, a simple way to do this has
been given to you. The draw_img function takes a string of 121 (= 11 * 11) characters, each representing a
pixel color, and translates that into a BLIT command to draw those colors to the screen. You can use this
function to make nice graphics very simply by defining a new string that represents the image you want to
draw. This is the recommended method for generating art for your game.
Drawing Performance. The screens are notoriously slow to draw, and the length of time it takes to
complete a drawing command is proportional to the number of pixels that it changes on the screen. So, the
drawing code goes through some hoops to make sure that things keep moving quickly. In particular, the
drawing code requires not only the current player position (Player.x and Player.y) but also the previous
position (Player.px and, in order to determine what has changed on the screen. If an element on
the screen has not changed, it is not redrawn. This saves time and make the game update more quickly.
You’ll need to be careful with this as you decide how many items to put in your map and how to draw the
new items you add.
ECE 2035: Project 2-2
You must design, implement, and test your own code. There are many, many ways to code
this project, and many different possibilities for timing, difficulty, responsiveness and
general feel of the game. Your project should represent your interpretation of how the
game should feel and play. Any submitted project containing code (other than the provided
framework code and mbed libraries) not fully created and debugged by the student
constitutes academic misconduct.
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