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Project 2: Badminton Game

ECE 2035 Project 2: Badminton Game
This project creates an Mbed version of an interactive Badminton game. In this game, players
strike a shuttlecock (shuttle for short) with a racket to send it back over the net. To score a point,
the shuttle must land in the opponent’s court, or the opponent fails to return the shuttle to the
player side. In this game the position of each player’s racket is controlled by the accelerometer
position. In the baseline game, the racket can move in two dimensions, and when struck the
shuttle always moves with a constant initial velocity toward the opposing player. The baseline
game may be played in single player mode in which the other player is controlled by the game,
and in two player mode, where the second player’s mbed setup is remotely controlled over an
Ethernet link.
To use the Ethernet link you have been provided with an Ethernet API called the Game
Synchronizer. It allows you to connect your mbed to a second “slave” mbed over Ethernet and to
draw basic graphics primitives to either or both screens.
There are a multitude of extra credit options available to you on this project (to be detailed
later in the assignment description), and we recommend you start early so that you are able
to take full advantage of them.
Example Badminton screen
ECE 2035 Project 2: Badminton Game Summer 2016
A pair of Mbeds connected by Ethernet
Game Rules
● Each player is able to see an identical view of the game court.
● Players alternate shots.
● Each shot must be returned unless it goes out of bounds.
● Any failed return (excluding out of bounds) results in a point to the opposite player.
● The serve belongs to the player who scored the previous point
In this project, you will be given shell code that implements parts of the game, and you will
complete the rest. You must complete the basic game functionality (described below) for 75
points. You can earn additional points by successfully implementing and documenting extra
features to enhance the basic game (as described below). These are worth 5 points per extra
feature, for a maximum of 50 additional points (10 additional features). So, to get a 100% on
this project, your mbed program must support the basic game and 5 additional features.
Basic Game Functionality
The following features, denoted in the shell code by a “TODO” comment, are baseline features to
be completed. These features must be implemented, documented and working correctly to earn the
baseline 75 points:
Game Entry Menu: At startup, a menu screen should appear on player 1’s uLCD asking the
player whether they wish to play in single- or multi-player mode. This will require access to player
one’s uLCD and push buttons on the mbed board. (The menu in the shell code always defaults to
SINGLE_PLAYER mode.) Additional modes may be available depending on your particular
implementation. For full credit, you must display reasonable effort to make the menu appealing to
potential players. Be creative!
ECE 2035 Project 2: Badminton Game Summer 2016
Supporting 1-Player/2-Player Game Control: Implement the game logic for the two modes of
play (one or two player). In one player mode, the pushbuttons and accelerometer switch focus
immediately after the shot is taken, and then are used to control the other side.
In two-player mode, the Student side mbed program is the main program in charge. It computes
what to do with the inputs and how to update both screens. The TA side mbed is “slaved” to the
Student mbed. It does nothing but gather accelerometer and pushbutton inputs and send them to
the Student side for processing. The student side sends back screen display commands that the TA
side follows to update its screen. The TA side code is provided in an executable named TA.bin.
To play your game in 2-player mode with another student, load one mbed with the executable for
your game and load the other student’s mbed with the TA side executable. Connect the two boards
together using your Ethernet cable and reset both mbeds to play!
(A demo version student side program Student.bin is provided on T-square, along with
TA.bin so you can get an initial idea of the game play.)
Shuttlecock movement: The shuttle should follow the physics of motion for an object launched
with a given initial velocity (remember velocity is a vector).
� � = �$ + �'� − 1
2 ��,
� � = �$ + �.�
To ensure your x and y values are compatible with the discrete nature of the game world, you
should use the floor() function from <math.h to truncate your x and y values.
� � = ����� �$ + �'� − 1
2 ��,
� � = ����� �$ + �.�
Landscape: Enhance the background landscape by adding features to it. Features may interact
with the shuttle. An example might be an overhanging branch.
Score: Display a small indicator somewhere on the screen indicating the score.
Sound effects: Your game should play a fun sound at the beginning when the menu screen appears
and a game over sound at the end of the game. Make an interesting sound when the shuttle is hit.
Be creative!
Game Over: Your program needs to determine and display who won the game. Include some
visual effect and text notifying the player that the game is over. As with the game menu, we
encourage you to be creative! Text on a plain background probably won’t cut it.
ECE 2035 Project 2: Badminton Game Summer 2016
Extra Features
implement a subset of these features to earn an additional 5 points per feature, up to a maximum
of 50 points:
Shot angle: Use a pushbutton pair to control the angle of the racket. Set the direction of the shuttle
initial velocity vector to be normal to the racket
Shot strength: Use a pushbutton pair to control the magnitude of the shuttle initial velocity.
Use pushbuttons to create a new feature or powerup that can be used for a limited total time.
Think outside the box! Examples include the following:
Velocity power up: Create a special power to that allows a player to move faster for a
fixed amount of time after the press of a button.
Shuttle damping field: Create a special feature that reduces the initial velocity of the
opponent’s return shot
Magic bird: Causes the Foo Bird of happiness to magically appear and knock the shuttle
to the ground in opponent’s court.
Split Power Up: Create a powerup that causes the shuttle to split into two, both of which
must be returned by opponent.
Add new hardware to do something interesting, such as using the RGB LED to indicate some
status information with color (
You can use different color of LED to indicate different situations, for example:
1. Turn the LED Red indicating that your opponent is at game point
2. Turn the LED Blue indicating you are at game point.
Difficulty Levels: for configuring the game (e.g. starting it at some level: Easy/Medium/Hard).
Keep track of game history and show in interesting way (e.g., Highscore, 2-player game best
of 3 rounds) – this requires that you reset the game using a pushbutton without using the mbed's
reset button which reinitializes the entire program or saving the state of the game history so that it
can be reloaded when the mbed is reset.
Enhanced Graphics: Create a dramatic shuttle animation, or racket animation
Add sound effects – be creative. These could accompany advancing to a new level, gaining or
losing a life, winning a match, etc. Since the code already uses the MBED real-time OS, you
should create a thread for playsound() to minimize its interference with gameplay. As an
alternative for short sounds or playing single notes, there is documentation on “Playing a Song
with PWM using Timer Interrupts” here:
Hello world song player code URL is
ECE 2035 Project 2: Badminton Game Summer 2016
Video of a media player:
Other Feature Ideas: If you have an idea for a feature along the lines of the ones listed above,
ask a TA or Professor whether it will qualify. Our emails are available on the class site.
Shell Code
The shell code is available at:
Click the “Import this program” button (upper right) to bring this project into your own account.
Where to begin?
We recommend starting by reading the shell code and comments, and the API document. Then
start small, say create and move the shuttle. A key concept is the notion of a frame cycle. In each
cycle or interval of time, the program must compute what will happen next for each object in the
game based on the current game state and inputs, and then make those updates. You will need to
“undraw” objects that have moved between frames before you redraw the objects in the next frame.
What is and is not allowed?
For this project, you are given free reign over how to implement your game; for all intents and
purposes, anything goes (within the scope of the honor code, of course). The only requirements
we have placed upon you are the baseline features that you should implement as well as any
additional features that should you choose to implement. The shell code serves as a starting point
and is not the only way to implement features. If you want to start fresh with a new project, then
you may do so as long as you complete the required features.
Also, a feature checklist file named P2-checklist.txt is available on T-square. Put an X
before each feature in the checklist that your program implements and that you will demonstrate
to the TA.
Project Submission
In order for your solution to be properly received and graded, there are a few requirements.
1. Compile your project and name the executable P2.bin.
2. Create a .zip archive of your project using the following steps:
• In the Program Workspace (the left hand vertical scrolling
window in the mbed compiler), right-click the project name
of your project and select "Export Program..."
• A box will pop up. Choose "ZIP Archive" in the Export
Toolchain menu:
ECE 2035 Project 2: Badminton Game Summer 2016
• Select “Export” and another dialog box will pop up that will allow you to save the file.
Name this archive
• Upload, P2.bin, and P2-
checklist.txt to T-square before the scheduled
due date, 5:00 pm on Monday, 18 July 2016 (with a
one hour grace period).
3. After your project zip file is uploaded to T-square, meet
with a TA and demo your game on your hardware. While
the TA is watching, you will download the executable you
submitted from T-square to your mbed, and then
demonstrate all of the features of your game. Bring a
printout of the checklist you submitted showing which features you successfully
implemented so that the TA can confirm them. This must be completed by Tuesday, 26
July 2016.
You should design, implement, and test your own code. There are many, many ways to code
this project, and many different possibilities for timing, difficulty, responsiveness and
general feel of the game. Your project should represent your interpretation of how the game
should feel and play. Any submitted project containing code (other than the provided
framework code and mbed libraries) not fully created and debugged by the student
constitutes academic misconduct.
Project Grading - The project weighting will be determined as follows:
description percent
Basic program functionality
Technique, style, comments 15
Baseline features 60
Advanced Features 50
total 125/100 maximum
Extra Extra-Credit: Here's another chance to earn extra credit (and the admiration of your fellow
students). Create a short (< 1 minute) video clip highlighting the coolest feature(s) of your mbed
Badminton project. If you enter a high quality video, you will earn an extra credit point on your
overall course grade. (This is particularly helpful if you are on a letter grade boundary).
Your video clip must clearly identify the features that you are highlighting. To submit your entry,
save your video clip as a .mov or .mp4 file named “” or “P2clip.mp4” and upload
it by Friday 29 July 2016 to T-square under Assignments "Badminton Highlights".
We'll show a highlight reel of the video clips in lecture on the last day of classes with special
recognition going to the top entries.
1. Shell code:
2. Mbed Pinout:
ECE 2035 Project 2: Badminton Game Summer 2016
3. Mbed-NXP Pinout:
4. NXP-LPC1768 User’s Manual:

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