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Project 2 – Binary Image Segmentation

Project 2 – Binary Image Segmentation
COMP 6651 
Binary Image segmentation is the process of classifying the pixels of an image into two categories: pixels
belonging to the foreground objects of an image and pixels belonging to the background objects of an image.
Figure 1 shows an example of image segmentation where the pixels belonging to the foreground objects are
highlighted in red and the pixels for the background are highlighted in blue. (Image I taken from the web). Image
segmentation is an important problem in image processing and computer vision with many application ranging
from background substraction and removal to object tracking, etc.
While there are many ways to model this problem mathematically, the one we will use for this homework in as a
min-cut finding problem with multiple sources and sinks [1] as described below. In this project, you are asked to
implement a simple binary image segmentation technique using min-cut and the OpenCV library.
Figure 1. Image segmentation examples from eth web.
The Min Graph-cut problem
Given a connected graph G(V, E), and two vertices s (source vertex) and t (sink vertex), a cut is a subset of
edges E’ that disconnects any path from s to t. A minimum cut E’’ is a cut where the sum of the weights of all
its edges is not larger than any other cut E’. The problem of minimum cut can be generalized to the case where
more than one source or sink exist as shown in the textbook. It is easy to observe that any cut of G classifies the
vertices in V into two disjoint sets: vertices connected to s and vertices connected to t.
As illustrated in class the min-cut problem and max-flow are dual to each other, in other words, if we solve for
one we also get the solution for the other. In class the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for finding the maximum flow
was presented. However, for this homework you can choose any algorithm you wish as long as you submit your
own original implementation that is not take in full or in parts from internet resources or other people either
students in the class or anyone else.
Image Segmentation using Graph-cuts
The binary image segmentation problem can be reduced to finding a minimum cut in the graph induced by the
image graph: the pixels are the vertices or nodes in the graph and we have edges between any neighboring
pixels in the horizontal and vertical direction (i.e. any vertex has maximum 4 neighbours).
Given an initial set of user specified foreground and background pixels (displayed as red and blue strokes in
Figure 1) you can use these as sources and targets (or sources and sinks depending on the terminology) and find
a minimum cut in this graph. After removing the edges in this cut, the pixels in the image will be disconnected
such that each pixel in the image will be connected to either the source the target. If a pixel is connected to the
source than it is a foreground pixel and if it is connected to the target than it is a background pixel.
For further resources including how to set up the weights in such a graph we recommend the following
resources: [1, 2,3];
The program has 3 arguments: an input image, a configuration file that provides the initial set of foreground and
background points and an output image. Your program has to compute the binary segmentation of the pixels in
the input image based on the initial segmentation provided in the configuration file. The output has to be an image
of the same size of the input image such that each pixel is either red or blue. The red pixels correspond to the
foreground pixels and the blue pixels correspond to the background pixels.
Example: ./seg simple.png config.txt result.png
Your program has to be called seg for our automatic testing. An example input output is shown below where left
is the input and right is the output. The input image and the configuration file is provided together with the source
What is given
You are given a codebase that simple reads the input image, it clones it as the output image and replaces the pixels
read from the configuration file rendering them in red if they are foreground and in blue is they are background.
Note that since we are changing just one pixel, the differe3nce between the input and output image is pretty subtle.
This codebase is provided simply as a platform for your solution as well as a jump start with OpenCV.
The codebase has a src folder that contains one files: main.cpp. The main.cpp contains the main function where
all the provided code resides. If you wish to add additional files (and we recommend ythat you do) you need to
change the CMakefile.txt file appropriately.
The codebase provided is configured and compiled with cmake. The only other dependency is opencv. The project
is configured to run on any machine that has a properly installed opencv, but it was tested only on the linux
machines in the labs as well as on a Mac OS X Sierra.
In the linux lab you need to run first the command module load opencv. This command will mount the folder
where OpenCV is installed. Read carefully the README file provided with the code to compile and run the
project. After compilation, the executable will be called seg and that the executable is stored in the build folder
and it is not mixed with the source files that are stored in the src folder.
Additionally in the asset folder (as well as in the main build folder) you have the image above as well as a
configuration file (config.txt) that contains an sample of 8 points, 4 in the background and 4 in the foreground.
For testing you can use this image as well as any images from the web. Note that you will have to create your
own initial segmentation in the configuration file. Note that if the image is complicated, you will need to add a
lot of point in order for the algorithm to give a reasonable result.
You have to implement your program in C/C++ using OpenCV and the codebase provided. You are allowed to
change the codebase, but the following steps cannot be changed: 1) the project must be configured using only the
command cmake../ from the build folder. 2) the project must be compliable using only the command make from
the build folder. 3) the project must be run using the specifications from the previous section, including the name
of the project. As the compilation and execution is automated, failure to meet these requirements will result in a
grade of 0. The project must compile and run as specified above on the lab machines.
Unlike the exercises, the project you have to make a zip file of the entire project and submit it using the EAS
system under “Project 2”. The due-date is April 17th, 5pm. The deadline is soft in that we accept late submissions
at a penalty of 20% (of the total marks) for every 24-hour period. However, note that University rules does not
allow me to set deadlines for homework during the exam period that starts the next day. Therefore, I want
to make clear that the deadline is April 17th, 5pm and if you wish to submit it later with the penalty rules
explained above it is completely your decision.
If you have problem compiling your code in the lab, first revert to the codebase and if that does not work
as intended please send me an e-mail containing the relevant details.
This project is individual.
Unlike the exercises, the projects are fairly complex and require a lot of work, therefore please start working on
it early.
Originality and Plagiarism
Binary Imager segmentation algorithm using min-cuts is a very well-known algorithm, whose code undoubtedly
can be found on the internet. This is a reminder to everyone that everything you submit must be your original
work and you are expected to be able to explain the code in detail if such a request is made by the teaching
assistants or the instructor.
Evaluation and Testing
The code is compiled and ran automatically on a number of images. However, the evaluation will be done by a
human visually. You will receive a code of 0 if the code does not build and execute as specified. You may be
asked to explain your code to the teaching assistant or the instructor. This may lead to a decrease in your overall
grade for this exercise.
[1] Eriksson, A. P., Barr, O., & Astrom, K. (2006). Image segmentation using minimal graph cuts.
[2] Boykov, Y., & Kolmogorov, V. (2004). An experimental comparison of min-cut/max-flow algorithms for energy
minimization in vision. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 26(9), 1124-1137.

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