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Project #2 Bitcoin and BlockCypher SOLVED

CS251: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies 
Programming Project #2
In this project, you will gain experience creating transactions using the Bitcoin and BlockCypher
testnet blockchains and Bitcoin Script. This project consists of 4 questions, each of which is
explained below. The starter code we provide uses python-bitcoinlib, a free, low-level Python 3
library for manipulating Bitcoin transactions.
1 Project Background
1.1 Anatomy of a Bitcoin Transaction
Figure 1: Each TxIn references the TxOut of a previous transaction, and a TxIn is only valid if its
scriptSig outputs True when prepended to the TxOut’s scriptPubKey.
Bitcoin transactions are fundamentally a list of outputs, each of which is associated with an
amount of bitcoin that is “locked” with a puzzle in the form of a program called a scriptPubKey
(also sometimes called a “smart contract”), and a list of inputs, each of which references an output
from the list of outputs and includes the “answer” to that output’s puzzle in the form of a program
called a scriptSig. Validating a scriptSig consists of appending the associated scriptPubKey to it,
running the combined script and ensuring that it outputs True.
run(scriptSig || scriptPK) = (
True valid scriptSig, TxIn spend TxOut
else invalid scriptSig, TxIn cannot spend TxOut
Most transactions are “PayToPublicKeyHash” or “P2PKH” transactions, where the scriptSig
is a list of the recipient’s public key and signature, and the scriptPubKey performs cryptographic
checks on those values to ensure that the public key hashes to the recipient’s bitcoin address and
the signature is valid.
Each transaction input is referred to as a TxIn, and each transaction output is referred to as
a TxOut. The situation for a transaction with a single input and single output is summarized by
Figure 1 above.
The sum of the bitcoin in the unspent outputs to a transaction must not exceed the sum of the
inputs for the transaction to be valid. The difference between the total input and total output is
implicitly taken to be a transaction fee, as a miner can modify a received transaction and add an
output to their address to make up the difference before including it in a block.
XTxIn = XTxOut + Txfee
For the first 3 questions in this project, the transactions you create will consume one input
and create one PayToPublicKeyHash output that sends an amount of bitcoin back to the testnet
faucet. The 4th question will carry out a swap of coins between two entities, Alice and Bob. For
these exercises, you will want to take the fee into account when specifying how much to send and
subtract a bit from the amount in the output you’re sending, say 0.001 BTC (this is just to be
safe, you can probably include a fee as low as 0.00001 BTC if your funds are running low). If
you do not include a fee, it is likely that your transaction will never be added to the blockchain.
Since BlockCypher (see Section 1.3) will delete transactions that remain unconfirmed after a day or
two, it is very important that you include a fee to make sure that your transactions are eventually
1.2 Script Opcodes
Your code will use the Bitcoin stack machine’s opcodes, which are documented on the Bitcoin
wiki [1]. When composing programs for your transactions’ scriptPubKeys and scriptSigs you may
specify opcodes by using their names verbatim. For example, below is an example of a function
that returns a scriptPubKey that cannot be spent, but rather acts as storage space for an arbitrary
piece of data that someone may want to save to the blockchain using the OP RETURN opcode.
def save_message_scriptPubKey(message):
return [OP_RETURN,
Examples of some opcodes that you will likely be making use of include OP DUP, OP CHECKSIG,
OP EQUALVERIFY, and OP CHECKMULTISIG, but you will end up using additional ones as well.
1.3 Overview of Testnets
Rather than having you download the entire testnet blockchain and run a bitcoin client on your
machine, we will be making use of an online block explorer to upload and view transactions. The
one that we will be using is called BlockCypher, which features a nice web interface as well as an
API for submitting raw transactions that the starter code uses to broadcast the transactions you
create for the exercises. After completing and running the code for each exercise, BlockCypher
will return a JSON representation of your newly created transaction, which will be printed to your
terminal. An example transaction object along with the meaning of each field can be found at
BlockCypher’s developer API documentation at
Of particular interest for the purposes of this project will be the hash, inputs, and outputs fields.
Note that you will be using two different test networks (“testnets”) for this project: the Bitcoin
testnet (the current version is Testnet3) for questions 1-4 and the BlockCypher testnet for question
4. These will be useful in testing your code. As part of these exercises, you will request coins to
some addresses (more details below).
2 Getting Started
1. Download the starter code from the course website, navigate to the directory and run pip
install -r requirements.txt to intall the required dependencies. For this project, ensure
that you are using Python 3. If you are not using a Python virtual environment, you must
do two things differently. First, use pip3 instead of pip to install packages to Python 3.
Second, use the python3 command to run scripts instead of python to run with the Python
3 interpreter.
2. Make sure you understand the structure of Bitcoin transactions and read the references in
the Recommended Reading section below if you would like more information.
3. Read over the starter code. Here is a summary of what each of the files contain:
You will run this script to generate new private keys and corresponding addresses for the
Bitcoin Testnet. Questions 1-3 will solely use these private keys, while question 4 will also
require you to use an alternative method to generate Block Cypher Testnet keys. You are
not expected to modify this file.
lib/split test
You will run this script to split your coins across multiple unspent transaction outputs
(UTXOs). You will have to edit this file to input details about which transaction output you
are splitting, the UTXO index, etc.
You will modify this file to include the private keys for your users. Note that my private key,
alice secret key BTC and bob secret key BTC will be generated using the lib/
file. You will make web requests to generate alice secret key BCY and bob secret key BCY.
There are comments in and instructions during setup for how to do this.
Contains various util methods. You are not expected to modify this file., Q2a.y,,,,
You will have to modify the various scriptSig and scriptPubKey methods, as well as fill
the transaction parameters. Note that for question 3, you will have to generate additional
private and public keys for customers using the lib/ file.
Creates and submits transactions for Q4 on behalf of Alice and Bob. You are not
expected to modify these files.
Contains the logic to carry out the atomic swap. You are not expected to modify
this file.
You are expected to fill this file with the transaction ids generated for questions 1-3.
docs/Q4design doc.txt
You are expected to fill this design doc to explain your solution to Q4.
4. Be sure to start early on this project, as block confirmation times can vary depending on how
busy the network is!
3 Setup
1. Open lib/ and read the file. Note that there are several users that you will need
to generate private keys and addresses for.
2. First we are going to generate key pairs for you, Alice, and Bob on the Bitcoin Testnet.
Run lib/ to generate private keys for my private key, alice secret key BTC
and bob secret key BTC, and record these keys in lib/ Note that Alice and
Bob’s keys will only come into play for question 4. Please make sure to create different keys
for Alice and Bob, you wouldn’t want them to be able to forge each others’ transactions!
3. Next, we want to get some test coins for my private key and alice secret key BTC. To do
(a) Use the following Testnet faucet to generate test BTC. ( and paste in the corresponding addresses of the users. Note that faucets will
often rate-limit requests for coins based on Bitcoin address and IP address, so try not to
lose your test Bitcoin too often. It is recommended that you use the address associated
with my private key with the first faucet listed above since that faucet gives more coins
and you will be performing more exercises with that address. Note that if the faucet
is used more, it will take more time to receive the coins, so it is important to start the
project early! Note that the faucet limits requests by the same IP address to one every
(b) Record the transaction hash the faucet provides as you will need it later. Viewing the
transaction in a block explorer (e.g. will also let you
know which output of the transaction corresponds to your address, and you will need
this utxo index for the next step as well. If the faucet doesn’t give you a transaction
hash, you can also paste the user address into the block explorer and find the transaction
that way.
4. Next, we are going to create generate key pairs for Alice and Bob on the BlockCypher testnet.
(a) Sign up for an account with Blockcypher to get an API token here:
(b) Create BCY testnet keys for Alice and Bob and place into lib/
curl -X POST ’’
Note, if you copy this command directly into your terminal from this handout, you’ll
likely need to delete and retype the ’ for the command to work.
5. Give Bob’s address bitcoin on the Blockcypher testnet (BCY) and record the transaction
curl -d ’{"address": "BOBS_BCY_ADDRESS", "amount": 100000}’ \
Note, if you copy this command directly into your terminal from this handout, you’ll likely
need to delete and retype the ’{ and the }’, delete the \, and condense the command into
one line for it to work.
6. The faucets will give you, Alice, and Bob one spendable output per person, but we would
like to have multiple outputs to spend in case we accidentally lock some with invalid scripts.
Edit the parameters at the bottom of split test, where txid to spend is the
transaction hash from the faucet to your address, utxo index is 0 if your output was first
in the faucet transaction and 1 if it was second, and n is the number of outputs you want
your test coins split evenly into, and run the program with python split test
A perfect run through of questions 1-3 would require n = 3 for your address, one for each
exercise, but if you anticipate accidentally locking an output due to a faulty script a couple
times per exercise then you might want to set n to something higher like 8 so that you
don’t have to wait to access the faucet again or have to try with a different Bitcoin address.
If split test was successful, you should get back some information about the
transaction. Record the transaction hash, as each exercise will be spending an output from
this transaction and will refer to it using this hash.
Note: The faucet transaction would need to be fully verified (at least 6/6 confirmations)
before you can split the coins you received. Waiting times will vary based on how busy the
network is.
7. You should also split Alice’s and Bob’s coins into multiple outputs just to be safe. Note that
each time you switch between the Bitcoin and BlockCypher tesntets, you should adjust the
network type variable in lib/
8. At the end, verify that you created Bitcoin Testnet addresses for you, Alice, and Bob. You and
Alice should have some coins on this blockchain. There should also be BlockCypher Testnet
addresses for Alice and Bob. Bob should have some coins on this blockchain. Give yourself
a pat on the back for finishing a long setup. Now it’s time to explore creating transactions
with Bitcoin Script.
4 Questions
For each of the questions below, you will use the Bitcoin Script opcodes to create transactions.
For question 4, you will write an atomic swap transaction across two different blockchains. To
publish each transaction created for the exercises, edit the parameters at the bottom of the file to
specify which transaction output the solution should be run with along with the amount to send
in the transaction. If the scripts you write aren’t valid, an exception will be thrown before they’re
published. For questions 1-3, make sure to record the transaction hash of the created transaction
and write it to docs/ After completing each exercise, look up the transaction
hash in a blockchain explorer to verify whether the transaction was picked up by the network. Make
sure that all your transactions have been posted successfully before submitting their hashes.
Exercise 1. Open and complete the scripts labelled with TODOs to redeem an output you
own and send it back to the faucet with a standard PayToPublicKeyHash transaction. The
faucet address is already included in the starter code for you. Your functions should return
a list consisting of only OP codes and parameters passed into the function.
Exercise 2. For question 2, we will generate a transaction that is dependent on some constants.
(a) Open Generate a transaction that can be redeemed by the solution (x, y) to
the following system of two linear equations:
x + y = (first half of your suid) and x − y = (second half or your suid)
For an integer solution to exist, the rightmost digit of the first and second halves of your
suid must either be both even or both odd. Therefore, you can change the rightmost
digit of the second half of your suid to match the evenness or oddness of the righmost
digit of the first half. Make sure you use OP ADD and OP SUB in your scriptPubKey.
(b) Open Redeem the transaction you generated above. The redemption script
should be as small as possible. That is, a valid scriptSig should consist of simply pushing
two integers x and y to the stack.
Exercise 3. Next, we will create a multi-sig transaction involving four parties.
(a) Open Generate a multi-sig transaction involving four parties such that the
transaction can be redeemed by the first party (bank) combined with any one of the 3
others (customers) but not by only the customers or only the bank. You may assume
the role of the bank for this problem so that the bank’s private key is your private
key and the bank’s public key is your public key. Generate the customers’ keys using
lib/ and paste them in
(b) Open Redeem the transaction and make sure that the scriptSig is as small as
possible. You can use any legal combination of signatures to redeem the transaction but
make sure that all combinations would have worked.
Exercise 4. Last but not least, you will create a transaction called a cross-chain atomic swap, allowing two entities to securely trade ownership over cryptocurrencies on different blockchains.
In this case, Alice and Bob will swap coins between the Bitcoin testnet and BlockCypher testnet. As you recall from setup, Alice has bitcoin on BTC Testnet3, and Bob has bitcoin on
the BCY Testnet. They want to trade ownership of their respective coins securely, something
that can’t be done with a simple transaction because they are on different blockchains. The
idea here is to set up transactions around a secret x, that only one party (Alice) knows. In
these transactions only H(x) will be published, leaving x secret. Transactions will be set up in
such a way that once x is revealed, both parties can redeem the coins sent by the other party.
If x is never revealed, both parties will be able to retrieve their original coins safely, without
help from the other. Before you start, make sure to read,, and
Compare to the pseudocode in cross-chain trading. This
will be very helpful in understanding this assignment. Note that for this question, you will
only be editing and you can test your code by running python
(a) Consider the ScriptPubKey necessary for creating a transaction to carry out a crosschain atomic swap. This transaction must be redeemable by the recipient (if they have
a secret x that corresponds to Hash(x)), or redeemable with signatures from both the
sender and the recipient. Write this ScriptPubKey in coinExchangeScript in
(b) Write the accompanying ScriptSigs:
i. Write the ScriptSig necessary to redeem the transaction in the case where the recipient knows the secret x. Write this in coinExchangeScriptSig1 in
ii. Write the ScriptSig necessary to redeem the transaction in the case where both the
sender and the recipient sign the transaction. Write this in coinExchangeScriptSig2
(c) Run your code using python We aren’t requiring that the transactions be
broadcasted, as that requires some waiting to validate transactions. Running with broadcast transactions=False will validate that ScriptSig + ScriptPK return true. Try this
for alice redeems=True as well as alice redeems=False.
OPTIONAL: Try with broadcast transactions=True, which will make the code sleep
for an appropriate amount of time to post everything to the blockchain and verify correctly. Warning: will take 30 or more minutes to run.
(d) Fill in docs/Q4design doc.txt with the following information:
i. An explanation of what you wrote and how the coinExchangeScript works.
ii. Briefly, how the coinExchangeScript you wrote fits into the bigger picture of this
atomic swap.
iii. Consider the case of Alice sending coins to Bob with coinExchangeScript:
• Why can Alice always get her money back if Bob doesn’t redeem it?
• Why can’t this be solved with a simple 1-of-2 multisig?
5 Submitting your code
Record your transaction hashes in the docs/ file for questions 1-3. The hashes
should be listed one per line in the same order as the questions.
For question 4, make sure docs/Q4design doc.txt is filled out and your code verifies when run
with broadcast transactions=False.
Please submit all code for this assignment. Please create a single .tar or .zip file that includes
all your deliverables for all four questions. Submit via Gradescope using the code D5GKRX.
6 Recommended Reading
1. Bitcoin Script:
2. Bitcoin Transaction Format:
3. Bitcoin Transaction Details:
4. How Atomic Swap Works: cross-chain trading

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