CSE 435/535 Information Retrieval
Project 2: Boolean Query and Inverted Index
In this project, you will be given a sample input text file consisting of Doc IDs and
sentences. Based on this provided input text file, your task is to build your own
inverted index, and host it as a Flask app for querying. Your index should be stored
as a Linked List in memory as the examples shown in the textbook (Refer Chapter
1 – Boolean Retrieval). Having built this index, you are required to implement a
Document-at-a-time (DAAT) strategy to return Boolean query results. Your
implementation should be based only on Python3.
Input Dataset
input_corpus.txt is a tab-delimited file where each line is a document; the first field is
the document ID, and the second is a sentence. We will be using this corpus for
project 2 all throughout (even for grading).
Project Requirements
Part 1: Build Your Own Inverted Index
Implement a pipeline which takes as input the given corpus, and returns an inverted
1. Extract the document ID and document from each line.
2. Perform a series of preprocessing on the document:
a. Convert document text to lowercase
b. Remove special characters. Only alphabets, numbers and whitespaces
should be present in the document.
c. Remove excess whitespaces. There should be only 1 white space
between tokens, and no whitespace at the starting or ending of the
d. Tokenize the document into terms using white space tokenizer.
e. Remove stop words from the document.
f. Perform Porter’s stemming on the tokens.
g. Sample preprocessing output
Note: Do not use NLTK or any other package for whitespace tokenization or special
character removal. You might end up getting different results. Usage of simple python regex
and inbuilt functions are recommended. You can use NLTK for stemming.
3. For each token, create a postings list. Postings list must be stored as linked
lists. Postings of each term should be ordered by increasing document ids.
4. Add skip pointers in the postings lists for each term. There should be
floor(sqrt(L)) skip connections (floor(sqrt(L))-1 connections in case L is a
perfect square) in a postings list, and the length between two skips should be
round(sqrt(L), 0), where L = length of the postings list.
5. Add tf-idf scores to each element in the postings list. The tf-idf should be
calculated using the following formulas:
Tf = (freq of token in a doc after pre-processing / total tokens in the doc after
Idf = (total num docs / length of postings list)
tf-idf = Tf*Idf
Part 2: Boolean Query Processing
You are required to implement the following methods, and provide the results for a
set of Boolean “AND” queries on your own index. Results should be output as a
JSON file in the required format. For the rest of the documentation, we are going to
assume the below corpus & queries.
Corpus Queries
1. Query Processing
Given a user query, the first step must be preprocessing the query using the same
document preprocessing steps.
a. Convert query to lowercase
b. Remove special characters from query
c. Remove excess whitespaces. There should be only 1 white space
between query tokens, and no whitespace at the starting or ending of
the query.
d. Tokenize the query into terms using white space tokenizer.
e. Remove stop words from the query.
f. Perform Porter’s stemming on the query tokens.
g. Sample query processing:
2. Get postings lists
This method retrieves the postings lists for each of the given query terms. Input of
this method will be a set of terms: term0, term1,..., termN. It should output the
document ID wise sorted postings list for each term. Below is a sample format of
the same:
3. Document-at-a-time AND query without skip pointers
This function is used to implement multi-term boolean AND query on the index
using document-at-a-time(DAAT) strategy. Input of this function will be a set of
query terms: term0, term1, …, termN. You will have to implement the MERGE
algorithm, and return a sorted list of document ids, along with the number of
comparisons made. Below is a sample of the output:
NOTE: A comparison (for field “num_comparisons”) is counted whenever you
compare two Document IDs during the union or intersection operation.
Hint:Determine the correct merge order to optimize “num_comparisons”.
4. Get postings lists with skip pointers
This method retrieves the reachable documents using skip pointers for each of the
given query terms. Input of this method will be a set of terms: term0, term1,...,
termN. It should output the document ID wise sorted postings list, which can be
accessed by using the skip pointers. Return empty list in case of no skip pointer
for the postings list. Below is a sample format of the same:
5. Document-at-a-time AND query with skip pointers
Leveraging the skip pointers, you will have to implement the MERGE
algorithm, and return a sorted list of document ids, along with the number of
comparisons made.
Part 3: TF-IDF Scoring
1. Document-at-a-time AND query without skip pointers, sorted by tf-idf
Sort the output of DAAT and without skip pointers (Part 2 step 3) using tf-idf
scoring, where the tf-idf should be calculated using the formula mentioned in
Part 1 point 5. The retrieved documents & number of comparisons remain the
same as DAAT without skip pointers. Below is an example of the same.
2. Document-at-a-time AND query with skip pointers, sorted by tf-idf
Sort the output of DAAT with skip pointers (Part 2 step 4) using tf-idf scoring,
where the tf-idf should be calculated using the formula mentioned in Part 1 point
5. The retrieved documents & number of comparisons remain the same as DAAT
with skip pointers. Below is an example of the same.
3. Output Format
The results of the postings list and DAAT AND queries must be combined in a
single python dictionary, and made available through an API.
Part 4: Hosting the Project
You are required to expose your index using a Flask endpoint. The endpoint
should be accessible via port 9999, and must be named “execute_query”
(example: http://ip:port/execute_query). The endpoint must accept the following
parameters as part of the payload:
1. Queries
A list of Boolean queries which needs to be run against your index.
2. Random Command
A random command from the grader, which sanity checks the implemented
backend data structures.
Below is an example of a payload
Part 5: Project Grading
1. What to submit
An auto grader (which will be made available to you in a week) will be used to
evaluate your index via the Flask app you create. For the final submission, you are
required to submit a pickle file (not a json file, not a text file) containing the details
of your endpoint. The pickle file MUST be named project2_index_details.pickle , and
must contain the below contents.
2. How to submit
Similar to project 1, we will use Timberlake for submissions. You must ssh into
timberlake.cse.buffalo.edu, and use the command submit_cse535
project2_index_details.pickle or submit_cse435 project2_index_details.pickle for
grad/undergrad students respectively.
3. Grading Rubric
Total points for this project: 15
We will run 3 queries against your index. Below is the grading breakdown for the same.
1. Correct retrieval of postings list: (0.5*3 = 1.5)
2. Correct retrieval of postings list with skip pointers: (1*3 = 3)
3. DaatAnd query: ((0.5 + 0.5)*3 = 3)
a. Correct documents retrieved (0.5)
b. num_comparisons within acceptable range of +/- 5% of desired comparisons (0.5)
4. DaatAnd query with skip pointers: ((0.5 + 1.0)*3 = 4.5)
a. Correct documents retrieved (0.5)
b. num_comparisons within acceptable range of +/- 5% of desired comparisons (1.0)
5. DaatAnd query with Tf-Idf: ((0.25 + 0.25)*3 = 1.5)
a. Correct documents retrieved (0.25)
b. num_comparisons within acceptable range of +/- 5% of desired comparisons (0.25)
6. DaatAnd query with skip pointers and Tf-Idf: ((0.25 + 0.25)*3 = 1.5)
a. Correct documents retrieved (0.25)
b. num_comparisons within acceptable range of +/- 5% of desired comparisons (0.25)
Note: You will get 0 points if the sanity_checker detects inconsistencies in the data
structures used.
Part 6: Getting Started
You can use the starter codebase for the project, which is available here:
https://github.com/proto-ai-lab/CSE_4535_Fall_2021.git -> project2. The codebase
has several pre-implemented methods (creating a Flask app, final formatting, etc.),
which you can use. If you do intend to use the codebase for this project, then please
DO NOT modify the portions of the code marked as “DO NOT MODIFY”. Only
implement the functions marked with “To be implemented”, and add more
functionality to the codebase if needed. In case you choose not to use the codebase
(which is not recommended), please make sure you adhere to the output formatting
requirements. Failing to do so will result in exceptions in the auto-grader, and you will
lose points.
Part 7: Few Pointers and Assumptions
The following assumptions can be made:
1. The number of input queries will be 3, but the query terms can be varied.
2. All of the input query terms are selected from the vocabulary.
3. Query terms should be processed in the order in which they are written in
the query. Say, you should process term0 first, then term1, so on and so
4. DO NOT use python build-in methods to do unions and intersections on
postings lists directly. Create your own Pointers/References!
5. We will use Moss to check plagiarism.
6. Output should be formatted exactly the same as required. Otherwise
you will not be able to get credits because grading will be automated!
NOTE: Late submissions will NOT be accepted. The deadline is firm (i.e., October
17th 11:59 PM (EST)), if your timestamp is 12:00 AM, it is a late submission.
Please start early.
1. How should I get started for this project?
First, make yourself familiar with fundamental concepts such as
dictionary, postings, Inverted Index and Boolean operations. The best
place to start is reading thoroughly the lecture slides and Chapter 1,2 of
the referred textbook. The codebase has hints to help you in case you are
2. What programming concepts are needed to complete this project? You
are expected to know how to work with functions and be familiar with
basic data structures such as dictionary/hash maps, lists/arrays, Linked
lists, Queue and so on. Also check out the python NLTK package. You
should use the functions provided in NLTK for stemming and stopword
3. My program takes a while to execute. Would that be a problem in
Although the focus of this project is to test the correctness, we encourage
you to be mindful of the data structure you are using for implementation.
Unless it takes an unreasonably long time, you are fine in terms of
grading but again please carefully analyze your code.
4. Will the same corpus be used during final submission?
4. Will the same queries be used during final submission?
No, we will use a different set of query.
5. Will more than 3 queries be used during final submission?
No, we will use exactly 3 queries to test your index.
6. How many terms will there be in each query?
It will vary. There is no limit on the number of terms a query can have.
7. Should the keys in the postingsList be preprocessed or raw?
The keys in the postings list are the pre-processed tokens. If there are
stopwords in the input query, it should not be a part of the postings list.
8. Should the keys in the daatAnd and other boolean queries be
preprocessed or raw?
The keys must be the raw input query.
9. What should I return for postingsListSkip, in case a postings list is
too small to have skip pointers?
Return an empty list []
10. What should I return if the DAAT AND query did not find any
Return an empty list [] as results, with num_docs as 0. The
num_comparisons should not be 0.
11. I used the auto-grader before, and got a good score. However, I
made a very small mistake in my final submission, and got a low score.
Can my project be re-graded?
No. The auto-grader is made available to you so that you can prevent such
mistakes before the deadline. Please be cognizant while submitting your
project, and sanity check your submission multiple times.
12. What is the purpose of sanity_checker?
The sanity checker is used to run random commands against your project, in
order to ensure (i) correct data structures have been implemented (ii) detect
plagiarism in code implementation. Hence, do not change the
sanity_checker function.
13. What happens if the sanity checker fails?
Failing the sanity_check means either correct data structures have not been
implemented, or there is an Academic Integrity violation, or both. In all the
scenarios, you will receive a zero score.
14. Can I use Python lists instead of linked list?
No. Not using linked list will cause the sanity checker to fail, thus resulting
in a zero score.
15. Where can I file the document corpus, and how will I validate my
1. The corpus is present in the data folder of the project2 Github repo.
Filename: input_corpus.txt
2. The 3 queries which the auto-grader will run during the development
phase are present in the data folder of the project2 Github repo.
Filename: queries.txt
3. The expected output of those 3 queries are present in the data folder
of the project2 Github repo. Filename: sample_output.txt
4. Till the final deadline, the auto-grader will execute the queries in
point 2 against your index, and compare your result against the
output in point 3. For the final submission, the query will be different,
and will not be shared from beforehand.
16. I am getting a good score using the auto-grader, how do I make sure
that my implementation yields correct results with other queries?
Create a dummy corpus of 10-15 documents on your own, along with a few
dummy queries based on your corpus vocabulary. Work out the postings list,
and queries & tf-idf scores by hand, and compare it against your
implementation’s output.