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Project 2 -- Cache Prefetch Simulator

Project 2 -- Cache Prefetch Simulator

Learning Objectives
Expand the set-associative cache system from Project 1 to include prefetching functionality.
Solidify your understanding of cache prefetch strategies.
Implement a custom prefetcher using techniques found in academic literature.
In this project, you expand upon the cache simulator from Project 1 by adding three prefetchers to improve
cache performance. Two of the prefetchers have predefined functionality, but you will also implement a
custom best-effort prefetcher which implements a prefetch strategy of your choosing.
All the requirements from Project 1 still apply (although, only the LRU replacement policy will be used).
It is highly recommended that you develop this project on a Linux system. If you choose to use a different
type of system (such as macOS or Windows), the instructors and TAs will not be able to assist you with any
platform-specific issues.
This project is worth 100 points, distributed as follows:
# Item Points
1.1 Adjacent Prefetch* 20
1.2 Sequential Prefetch* 30
2.1 Custom Prefetch 25
2.2 Custom Prefetch Documentation 25
2.3 Custom Prefetch Compared to Other Students' Implementations CANCELLED
* indicates that the rubric item is auto-graded
NOTE: Since your submission will be partially auto-graded on Gradescope, you will be only be allowed a total
of three submissions. Be sure to test your code before submitting!
Prefetcher Functionality
All the requirements from Project 1 still apply. However, after updating the replacement policy state, the
prefetcher will be called. The prefetcher should prefetch cache lines according to the specified strategy (see
below). 2024-03-12
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Note that for all of the test cases, only the LRU policy will be used.
Prefetch Strategies
You must implement three prefetch strategies.
NULL --- this is already implemented for you in the starter code but included here for clarity. For this
strategy, no prefetching will be done.
ADJACENT (item 1.1 in the rubric) --- For this strategy, whenever a cache line is accessed, the next
cache line should be prefetched.
SEQUENTIAL (item 1.2 in the rubric) --- For this strategy, whenever a cache line is accessed, the next N
lines should be prefetched. (N will be passed as a command line parameter. See the Full Requirements
below for details about the command line arguments.)
CUSTOM (item 2 in the rubric) --- For this strategy, you must implement your best attempt at a
Custom Prefetcher
Your custom prefetcher can do anything that you want as long as it could conceivably be implemented in
hardware. An example of a prefetcher that could not be implemented in hardware would be a "god mode"
prefetcher which looks ahead to future memory accesses to perfectly prefetch the next needed cache lines.
(Rubric item 2.1)
Before implementing your custom prefetcher, please read the following papers and articles for ideas of how to
implement your prefetcher:
In addition to implementing your prefetcher, you must also provide documentation for your custom prefetch
strategy (rubric item 2.2). Your documentation should be in a file in the root of the submission TAR file called The documentation must:
1. Describe how your prefetcher works.
2. Explain how you chose that prefetch strategy.
3. Discuss the pros and cons of your prefetch strategy.
4. Demonstrate that the prefetcher could be implemented in hardware (this can be as simple as pointing
to an existing hardware prefetcher using the strategy or a paper describing a hypothetical hardware
prefetcher which implements your strategy).
5. Cite any additional sources that you used to develop your prefetcher.
Your documentation should be the minimal documentation required to fully communicate each the above
points. Documentation with superfluous information will be penalized at the graders discretion. 2024-03-12
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Starter Code Overview
See the Project1-Introduction.
Full Requirements
As with the starter code for Project 1, the following requirements are automatically fulfilled by the starter code
(assuming correct usage). They are included so that if you choose to write your simulator without using the
starter code, your submission will be able to be graded.
Only things which have changed from Project 1 are mentioned here.
Submission Format
The file must be in the root of the TAR archive.
Your program must accept two new positional command line arguments after the existing command line
Prefetch strategy: this will be one of the following: NULL, ADJACENT, SEQUENTIAL, or CUSTOM
representing the prefetch strategy.
Prefetch amount: this will be an integer representing N, the number of additional cache lines to
prefetch (this parameter is only used for the SEQUENTIAL strategy and the CUSTOM strategy if you
choose to make your strategy depend on N).
Example execution with LRU replacement policy, cache size of 32 KiB, 2048 cache lines, 4-way associativity,
the SEQUENTIAL prefetcher, a prefetch amount of 2, and passing the contents of the ./inputs/trace1
file via stdin.
$ ./cachesim LRU 32768 2048 4 SEQUENTIAL 2 < ./inputs/trace1
An additional three lines of statistics output are now required right after the MISSES line.
Prefetches (int): the number of cache lines which were prefetched
Compulsory Misses (int): the number of misses which were compulsory.
Conflict Misses (int): the number of misses which were conflict misses.
Example output with the new lines:
OUTPUT HITS 494428 2024-03-12
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Other Instructors
If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact the instructor or the teaching assistants.

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