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Project 2: CSMA/CD Performance Evaluation

ECE 358: Computer Networks
Project 2: CSMA/CD Performance
Table of Contents
1. Description.................................................................................................................3
2. CSMA/CD Overview .................................................................................................3
2.1 Persistent (1-persistent) CSMA/CD ....................................................................4
2.2 Non-Persistent CSMA/CD..................................................................................4
3. Simulation..................................................................................................................5
3.1 Assumptions.......................................................................................................5
3.2 Network Parameters............................................................................................5
3.3 Simulation guide for persistent CSMA................................................................6
3.4 Results trend.......................................................................................................9
4. Questions .................................................................................................................10
5. Final Report..............................................................................................................10
1. Description
The learning objective of this project is to design and implement a discrete event simulator
to evaluate the performance of local area networks (LAN) using CSMA/CD protocols.
2. CSMA/CD Overview
An outline of the CSMA/CD protocol, as discussed in class, is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Flow diagram of CSMA/CD (The “Wait” time after “Busy” is equal to the “Wait” time in
exponential backoff.)
We will study persistent and non-persistent CSMA/CD protocols. The difference between
these protocols is the implementation of the green box at the top right of Figure 1.
Sense medium
2.1 Persistent (1-persistent) CSMA/CD
When a node has data to send, it first listens on the channel to see if anyone else is
transmitting at that moment. If the channel is idle, the node sends its data. Otherwise, if the
channel is busy, the node keeps sensing the channel until it becomes idle. Then, the node
transmits a frame. If a collision occurs, the node waits a random amount of time and starts
all over again. The protocol is called 1-persistent because the node transmits with a
probability of 1 when it finds the channel idle. The green box at the top right of Figure 1 is
implemented as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Flow diagram of 1-persistent CSMA/CD
2.2 Non-Persistent CSMA/CD
In non-persistent CSMA/CD protocol, a node has less greedy attitude than that in the
persistent CSMA/CD. In non-persistent CSMA/CD protocol, a node senses the channel
when it has a frame to send, and if the channel is idle, the node begins its transmission.
However, if the channel is busy, the node does not continuously sense it to seize it
immediately upon detecting the end of the previous transmission. Instead, it waits a random
period of time (similar to the exponential backoff) and then repeats the algorithm. The green
box at the top right of Figure 1 is implemented as shown in Figure 3.
Sense medium
Figure 3: Flow diagram of non-persistent CSMA/CD
3. Simulation
3.1 Assumptions
1. You are not required to implement the function of the jamming signal in the case of a
2. Once a collision happens, all the nodes will discover it immediately.
3. All the nodes are equally spaced on the bus/channel, i.e., the distance between any two
adjacent nodes is the same.
4. The random wait time before sensing the bus/channel in the non-persistent CSMA/CD
protocol is the same as the wait time for the exponential backoff.
5. You may use any of the following programming languages: C/C++, Python, Java.
3.2 Network Parameters
The network parameters that you will need for simulating CSMA/CD are as follows:
• N: The number of nodes/computers connected to the LAN (variable).
• A: Average packet arrival rate (packets/second) (variable). Data packets arrive at
the MAC layer following a Poisson process at all nodes.
• R: The speed of the LAN/channel/bus (fixed).
• L: Packet length (fixed).
• D: Distance between adjacent nodes on the bus/channel.
• S: Propagation speed.
Sense medium
Y Random Wait
(Similar to exponential backoff)
3.3 Simulation guide for persistent CSMA/CD
The following is one possible method to implement the persistent CSMA/CD. You are free
to follow this method or any other methods of your choice.
TA4 = 0.31 TB4 = 0.19 TC4 = 0.22 TD4 = 0.33
TA3 = 0.29 TB3 = 0.15 TC3 = 0.18 TD3 = 0.30
TA2 = 0.26 TB2 = 0.1 TC2 = 0.16 TD2 = 0.27
TA1 = 0.21 TB1 = 0.09 TC1 = 0.13 TD1 = 0.23
Figure 4: Simulation scenario for persistent CSMA/CD
• All the nodes are equally spaced on the bus/channel, i.e., the distance between any
two adjacent nodes is the same.
• Each node on the bus will have its own queue.
• Select a simulation time Tsim, you can start with Tsim = 1000 sec.
• Generate a set of packet arrivals for each node.
• Figure 4 shows a simulation scenario for persistent CSMA/CD with some
hypothetical packet arrival times in each node.
• In order to select which node will transmit first, compare the first packet arrival time
in all the nodes and select the node with the smallest packet arrival time to be the
• In the simulation scenario shown in Figure 4, Node B will be the sender as it has the
smallest arrival time TB1 = 0.09 Sec. You will need to maintain a counter of the
transmitted packets. This counter will be used to calculate the efficiency of
• Node B will transmit the first bit of this packet at TB1 = 0.09 Sec. However, due to
propagation delay (TProp.), the first bit of this transmitted packet will arrive at Node
C at TB1 + TProp., at Node D at TB1 + 2 TProp. and at Node A at TB1 + TProp.. In other
words, each node will see the bus busy at different (may be overlapping) durations of
time. In the following steps, we will consider that Node B is the sender.
• In order to determine if a collision will happen or not, you need to scan all the nodes
except the transmitting node to check if there are any packets to be transmitted before
(Shared medium)
Node A Node B Node C Node D
First bit
transmitted at
First bit
received at
TB1 + TProp.
First bit
received at
TB1 + 2 TProp.
First bit
received at
TB1 + TProp.
First element
in the queue
the arrival of the first bit of the packet (form node B) already travelling on the
bus/channel. For example, if the first arrival packet at node C happens at TC1 and TC1
< TB1 + TProp., then in this case a collision will happen. If this is the case, increment
the number of transmitted packets. Also, you should maintain a collision counter for
each node to count the number of collisions it experienced. This collision counter will
be used to calculate the exponential backoff time for each node. The collision counter
of a node should be reset after a successful transmission by that node.
• As mentioned in the simulation assumptions section, you are not required to
implement the function of the jamming signal in the case of a collision.
• If a collision occurred, you need to apply the exponential backoff as shown in Figure
1 to calculate the waiting time Twaiting for each node that was part of the collision.
During the waiting time of a node, the node is not allowed to transmit any packet.
Hence, you need to update the packets arrival times in this node’s queue as follows:
if those packet arrival times are less than the waiting time, update those arrival times
to be equal to the end of the node’s waiting time. In other words, if a packet arrives
during the waiting time of a node, it should be considered to be arriving at the end of
the waiting time.
• If the number of collisions a node experiences while trying to transmit a packet is
greater than 10 collisions, this packet should be dropped (i.e., removed from the
queue) and the collision counter for this node should be reset.
• If no collision occurred, i.e., a packet is successfully transmitted, the packet has to be
removed from the sender’s queue. You need to maintain a counter of the number of
successfully transmitted packets. This counter will be used to calculate the efficiency
of CSMA/CD. Now, you need to scan every node’s queue to update the arrival times
of the packets as follows. If a packet arrives at a node’s queue during the period of
time this node sees the bus busy, i.e., a packet is being transmitted on the bus, then
those arrival times should be updated to the time of receiving the last bit of the
transmitted packet. For example, if the first packet arrival at node C happens at TC1
and TB1 + TProp < TC1 < TB1 + TProp + Ttransmission_delay, where, Ttransmission_delay is the
transmission delay of a packet and TB1 + TProp+ Ttransmission_delay is the time of receiving
the last bit of the packet transmitted by Node B, then, TC1 should be set to equal to
TB1 + TProp + Ttransmission_delay. The main reason behind this time update is that if node
received packet while there the bus/channel is busy, this node will buffer the packet
until the bus/channel is free according to CSMA/CD protocol.
• At the end of the simulation, you can calculate the efficiency using the total number
of packets and the total number of successfully transmitted packets.
• Repeat your simulation and check whether the variations in your results are within
5% or not. If not, increase the simulation Tsim.
3.4 Simulation guide for non-persistent CSMA/CD
For the non-persistent CSMA/CD simulation, you may follow the same simulation
guidelines as those for the persistent CSMA/CD. However, you will need to change the way
of updating packets arrival times as follows: If a packet arrives at a node’s queue during the
period of time this node senses the bus busy, i.e., a packet is being transmitted on the bus,
then those arrival times should be updated to be the arrival time of this packet plus a random
waiting time calculated using exponential backoff. For example, in the simulation scenario
in Figure 4, if node B started transmitting a packet at time TB1, and the first packet arrival at
node C happens at TC1 and TB1 + TProp < TC1 < TB1 + TProp + Ttransmission_delay, then, TC1 will
increment its collision counter and update the packet arrival time to be TC1 + Tbackoff_delay,
where Tbackoff_delay is the exponential backoff. After TC1 + Tbackoff_delay, Node C will sense the
bus again and if the bus is busy again, it will increment its collision counter and update the
packet arrival time. The collision counter will be reset after the bus is sensed idle. If the
collision counter reaches its maximum value of 10 without successfully transmitting the
packet, the packet will be dropped.
It should be noted that in non-persistent CSMA/CD, each node will have two collision
counters: one for the random wait time before transmission when the bus is busy, and the
second collision counter is for the random wait time after a node experiences a collision.
3.5 Results trend
Figure 5 shows the simulation results using the same network parameters as those used in
question 1 in the following section for persistent CSMA/CD with packet arrival rates 5 and
12 packets/sec. Using Figure 5, you can judge your simulation results.
Figure 5: Simulation results for persistent CSMA/CD with packet arrival rates 5 and 12 packets/sec
4. Questions
In all questions, distance between two neighboring nodes is D = 10 meters and the
propagation speed is S = (2/3) × C �/���, where C = 3 × 10, �/��� is the speed of light.
1. Simulate a persistent CSMA/CD protocol. Show the efficiency and throughput (in
Mbps) of the LAN as a function of N (20, 40, 60, 80, and 100) for A = 7, 10 and 20
Packet/sec, R = 1 Mbps, and L = 1500 bits. Comment on the behavior of the graphs.
2. Show the efficiency and throughput (in Mbps) of non-persistent CSMA/CD protocol
for the same network parameters used in question 1. Also, comment on graph and
compare between the results obtained in question 1 and question 2.
5. Final Report
Submit the following to the dropbox on LEARN:
1. A complete report with
a. Table of contents
b. Answer all the questions and provide explanations as asked for.
2. Source code with proper documentation/comments. Insufficient documentation will
result in losing marks. Include a makefile that builds and runs your code.
You may be asked to give a demo of your simulator.
Your report, which must include a description of the design of your simulator, all the
assumptions, performance graphs, and comments on the graphs. 

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