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Project 2 (Deques and Randomized Queues)

Project 2 (Deques and Randomized Queues)
Exercise 1. (Iterable Binary Strings) Implement an immutable, iterable data type called BinaryStrings to systematically iterate
over binary strings of length n. The data type must support the following API:
² BinaryStrings
BinaryStrings(int n) constructs an iterable BinaryStrings object given the length of binary strings needed
Iterator<String> iterator() returns an iterator to iterate over binary strings of length n
& ~/workspace/project2
$ java BinaryStrings 3
Exercise 2. (Iterable Primes) Implement an immutable, iterable data type called Primes to systematically iterate over the
first n primes. The data type must support the following API:
² Primes
Primes(int n) constructs a Primes object given the number of primes needed
Iterator<Integer> iterator() returns an iterator to iterate over the first n primes
& ~/workspace/project2
$ java Primes 10
Exercise 3. (Min Max ) Implement a library called MinMax with static methods min() and max() that accept a reference first to
the first node in a linked list of integer-valued items and return the minimum and the maximum values respectively.
& ~/workspace/project2
$ java MinMax
min ( first ) == StdStats . min ( items )? true
max ( first ) == StdStats . max ( items )? true
Exercise 4. (Text Editor Buffer ) Implement a data type called Buffer to represent a buffer in a text editor. The data type
must support the following API:
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Project 2 (Deques and Randomized Queues)
² Buffer
Buffer() creates an empty buffer
void insert(char c) inserts c at the cursor position
char delete() deletes and returns the character immediately ahead of the cursor
void left(int k) moves the cursor k positions to the left
void right(int k) moves the cursor k positions to the right
int size() returns the number of characters in this buffer
String toString() returns a string representation of this buffer with the "|" character (not part of the buffer) at the
cursor position
& ~/workspace/project2
$ java Buffer
| There is grandeur in this view of life , with its several powers , having been originally breathed by the
Creator into a few forms or into one ; and that , whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the
fixed law of gravity , from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have
been , and are being , evolved . -- Charles Darwin , The Origin of Species
Hint: Use two stacks left and right to store the characters to the left and right of the cursor, with the characters on top of
the stacks being the ones immediately to its left and right.
Exercise 5. (Josephus Problem) In the Josephus problem from antiquity, n people are in dire straits and agree to the
following strategy to reduce the population. They arrange themselves in a circle (at positions numbered from 1 to n) and
proceed around the circle, eliminating every mth person until only one person is left. Legend has it that Josephus figured out
where to sit to avoid being eliminated. Implement a program that accepts n (int) and m (int) as command-line
arguments, and writes to standard output the order in which people are eliminated (and thus would show Josephus where to
sit in the circle).
& ~/workspace/project2
$ java Josephus 7 2
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Project 2 (Deques and Randomized Queues)
Goal The purpose of this project is to implement elementary data structures using arrays and linked lists, and to introduce
you to generics and iterators.
Problem 1. (Deque) A double-ended queue or deque (pronounced “deck”) is a generalization of a stack and a queue that
supports adding and removing items from either the front or the back of the data structure. Create a generic, iterable data
type called LinkedDeque that uses a doubly-linked list to implement the following deque API:
² LinkedDeque
LinkedDeque() constructs an empty deque
boolean isEmpty() returns true if this deque empty, and false otherwise
int size() returns the number of items on this deque
void addFirst(Item item) adds item to the front of this deque
void addLast(Item item) adds item to the back of this deque
Item peekFirst() returns the item at the front of this deque
Item removeFirst() removes and returns the item at the front of this deque
Item peekLast() returns the item at the back of this deque
Item removeLast() removes and returns the item at the back of this deque
Iterator<Item> iterator() returns an iterator to iterate over the items in this deque from front to back
String toString() returns a string representation of this deque
Corner Cases
ˆ The add*() methods should throw a NullPointerException("item is null") if item is null.
ˆ The peek*() and remove*() methods should throw a NoSuchElementException("Deque is empty") if the deque is empty.
ˆ The next() method in the deque iterator shoud throw a NoSuchElementException("Iterator is empty") if there are no more items
to iterate.
Performance Requirements
ˆ The constructor and methods in LinkedDeque and DequeIterator should run in time T(n) ∼ 1.
& ~/workspace/project2
$ java LinkedDeque
Filling the deque ...
The deque (364 characters ): There is grandeur in this view of life , with its several powers , having been originally
breathed into a few forms or into one ; and that , whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law
of gravity , from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been , and are being ,
evolved . ~ Charles Darwin , The Origin of Species
Emptying the deque ...
deque . isEmpty ()? true
ˆ Use a doubly-linked list Node to implement the API — each node in the list stores a generic item, and references next and
prev to the next and previous nodes in the list
null ← item1 ↔ item2 ↔ item3 ↔ · · · ↔ itemn → null
ˆ Instance variables:
– Reference to the front of the deque, Node first.
– Reference to the back of the deque, Node last.
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Project 2 (Deques and Randomized Queues)
– Size of the deque, int n.
ˆ LinkedDeque()
– Initialize instance variables to appropriate values.
ˆ boolean isEmpty()
– Return whether the deque is empty or not.
ˆ int size()
– Return the size of the deque.
ˆ void addFirst(Item item)
– Add the given item to the front of the deque.
– Increment n by one.
– If this is the first item that is being added, both first and last must point to the same node.
ˆ void addLast(Item item)
– Add the given item to the back of the deque.
– Increment n by one.
– If this is the first item that is being added, both first and last must point to the same node.
ˆ Item peekFirst()
– Return the item at the front of the deque.
ˆ Item removeFirst()
– Remove and return the item at the front of the deque.
– Decrement n by one.
– If this is the last item that is being removed, both first and last must point to null.
ˆ Item peekLast()
– Return the item at the back of the deque.
ˆ Item removeLast()
– Remove and return the item at the back of the deque.
– Decrement n by one.
– If this is the last item that is being removed, both first and last must point to null.
ˆ Iterator<Item> iterator()
– Return an object of type DequeIterator.
ˆ LinkedDeque :: DequeIterator.
– Instance variable:
* Reference to current node in the iterator, Node current.
– DequeIterator()
* Initialize instance variable appropriately.
– boolean hasNext()
* Return whether the iterator has more items to iterate or not.
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Project 2 (Deques and Randomized Queues)
– Item next()
* Return the item in current and advance current to the next node.
Problem 2. (Sorting Strings) Implement a program called that accepts strings from standard input, stores them
in a LinkedDeque data structure, sorts the deque, and writes the sorted strings to standard output.
Performance Requirements
ˆ The program should run in time T(n) ∼ n
, where n is the number of input strings.
& ~/workspace/project2
$ java Sort
<ctrl -d >
ˆ Create a queue d.
ˆ For each word w read from standard input
– Add w to the front of d if it is less†
than the first word in d.
– Add w to the back of d if it is greater†
than the last word in d.
– Otherwise, remove words that are less than w from the front of d and store them in a temporary stack s; add w to
the front of d; and add words from s also to the front of d.
ˆ Write the words from d to standard output.
† Use the helper method boolean less(String v, String w) to test if a string v is less than a string w.
Problem 3. (Random Queue) A random queue is similar to a stack or queue, except that the item removed is chosen
uniformly at random from items in the data structure. Create a generic, iterable data type called ResizingArrayRandomQueue that
uses a resizing array to implement the following random queue API:
² ResizingArrayRandomQueue
ResizingArrayRandomQueue() constructs an empty random queue
boolean isEmpty() returns true if this queue is empty, and false otherwise
int size() returns the number of items in this queue
void enqueue(Item item) adds item to the end of this queue
Item sample() returns a random item from this queue
Item dequeue() removes and returns a random item from this queue
Iterator<Item> iterator() returns an independent†
iterator to iterate over the items in this queue in random order
String toString() returns a string representation of this queue
† The order of two or more iterators on the same randomized queue must be mutually independent, ie, each iterator must
maintain its own random order.
Corner Cases
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Project 2 (Deques and Randomized Queues)
ˆ The enqueue() method should throw a NullPointerException("item is null") if item is null.
ˆ The sample() and dequeue() methods should throw a NoSuchElementException("Random queue is empty") if the random queue is empty.
ˆ The next() method in the random queue iterator shoud throw a NoSuchElementException("Iterator is empty") if there are no
more items to iterate.
Performance Requirements
ˆ The constructor and methods in ResizingArrayRandomQueue should run in time T(n) ∼ 1.
ˆ The constructor in RandomQueueIterator should run in time T(n) ∼ n.
ˆ The methods in RandomQueueIterator should run in time T(n) ∼ 1.
& ~/workspace/project2
$ java ResizingArrayRandomQueue
sum = 5081434
iterSumQ = 5081434
dequeSumQ = 5081434
iterSumQ + dequeSumQ == 2 * sum ? true
ˆ Use a resizing array to implement the API
ˆ Instance variables:
– Array to store the items of queue, Item[] q.
– Size of the queue, int n.
ˆ ResizingArrayRandomQueue()
– Initialize instance variables appropriately — create q with an initial capacity of 2.
ˆ boolean isEmpty()
– Return whether the queue is empty or not.
ˆ int size()
– Return the size of the queue.
ˆ void enqueue(Item item)
– If q is at full capacity, resize it to twice its current capacity.
– Insert the given item in q at index n.
– Increment n by one.
ˆ Item sample()
– Return q[r], where r is a random integer from the interval [0, n).
ˆ Item dequeue()
– Save q[r] in item, where r is a random integer from the interval [0, n).
– Set q[r] to q[n - 1] and q[n - 1] to null.
– If q is at quarter capacity, resize it to half its current capacity.
– Decrement n by one.
– Return item.
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Project 2 (Deques and Randomized Queues)
ˆ Iterator<Item> iterator()
– Return an object of type RandomQueueIterator.
ˆ ResizingArrayRandomQueue :: RandomQueueIterator()
– Instance variables:
* Array to store the items of q, Item[] items.
* Index of the current item in items, int current.
– RandomQueueIterator()
* Create items with capacity n.
* Copy the n items from q into items.
* Shuffle items.
* Initialize current appropriately.
– boolean hasNext()
* Return whether the iterator has more items to iterate or not.
– Item next()
* Return the item in items at index current and advance current by one.
Problem 4. (Sampling Integers) Implement a program called that accepts lo (int), hi (int), k (int), and mode
(String) as command-line arguments, uses a random queue to sample k integers from the interval [lo, hi], and writes the
samples to standard output. The sampling must be done with replacement if mode is “+”, and without replacement if mode
is “-”. You may assume that k ≤ hi − lo + 1.
Corner Cases
ˆ The program should throw an IllegalArgumentException("Illegal mode") if mode is different from “+” or “-”.
Performance Requirements
ˆ The program should run in time T(k, n) ∼ kn in the worst case (sampling without replacement), where k is the sample
size and n is the length of the sampling interval.
& ~/workspace/project2
$ java Sample 1 5 5 +
$ java Sample 1 5 5 -
ˆ Accept lo (int), hi (int), k (int), and mode (String) as command-line arguments.
ˆ Create a random queue q containing integers from the interval [lo, hi].
ˆ If mode is “+” (sampling with replacement), sample and write k integers from q to standard output.
ˆ If mode is “-” (sampling without replacement), dequeue and write k integers from q to standard. output
Acknowledgements This project is an adaptation of the Deques and Randomized Queues assignment developed at Princeton
University by Kevin Wayne.
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Project 2 (Deques and Randomized Queues)
Files to Submit
10. report.txt
Before you submit your files, make sure:
ˆ Your programs meet the style requirements by running the following command in the terminal.
& ~/workspace/project2
$ check_style src /*. java
ˆ Your code is adequately commented, follows good programming principles, and meets any specific requirements
such as corner cases and running times.
ˆ You use the template file report.txt for your report.
ˆ Your report meets the prescribed guidelines.
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