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Project 2: Dynamic programming

Project 2: Dynamic programming
COT 4400
1 Overview
For this project, you will develop an algorithm to efficiently fit together a set of extensible teeth.
Designing and implementing this solution will require you to model the problem using dynamic
programming, then understand and implement your model.
You are only allowed to consult the class slides, the textbook, the TAs, and the professor. In
particular, you are not allowed to use the Internet. This is a group project. The only people you
can work with on this project are your group members. This policy is strictly enforced.
In addition to the group submission, you will also evaluate your teammates’ cooperation and
contribution. These evaluations will form a major part of your grade on this project, so be sure
that you respond to messages promptly, communicate effectively, and contribute substantially to
your group’s solution. Details for your team evaluations are in Section 5.2. You will submit the
peer evaluations to another assignment on Canvas, labelled “Project 2 (individual).”
A word of warning: this project is team-based, but it is quite extensive and a nontrivial task.
You are highly encouraged to start working on (and start asking questions about) this project early;
teams who wait to start until the week before the due date may find themselves unable to complete
it in time.
2 Problem Description
In this problem, you are given two arrays, representing the heights of two sets of teeth, and your
goal is to fit the teeth together in such a way that you minimize the total height of the interlocking
teeth. As an example, if one set has heights 2, 7, 4, 5, 3, 1, 4, 6, and the other has heights 6, 4, 1,
3, 5, 4, 7, 2, you can fit these two sets of teeth one on top of the other with a total height of 11, as
shown below:
Height 2, 7, 4, 5, 3, 1, 4, 6 on top
Height 6, 4, 1, 3, 5, 4, 7, 2 on bottom
Aligned height: 11
Of course, if the teeth are required to be aligned exactly, finding the minimum height would
be trivial: simply add the heights of the corresponding teeth and take the maximum height. In
this project, while you are required to align the first and last teeth on both ends, you are allowed
to “extend” the teeth horizontally, effectively creating a new tooth of the same height. (You are
allowed to extend the same tooth as many times as you want.) If you are allowed to extend the
teeth in the example above, you can get the optimum height of 8 by extending the teeth of height
2 and 3 in the first set and extending the teeth of height 1 and 2 in the second:
Height 2, 2, 7, 4, 5, 3, 3, 1, 4, 6 on top
Height 6, 4, 1, 1, 3, 5, 4, 7, 2, 2 on bottom
Aligned height: 8
Note that the original sets of teeth may not have the same number of teeth. You would need to
extend teeth an unequal number of times so that these teeth line up.
3 Project report
In your project report, you should include brief answers to 8 questions. Note that you must use
dynamic programming to solve this problem; other solutions will not receive substantial credit.
1. How you can break down a problem instance of aligning a set of n teeth (a1, a2, . . . , an)
with a set of m teeth (b1, b2, . . . , bm) into one or more smaller instances? Your answer
should include how you calculate the minimum height for the original problem based on the
solution(s) to the subproblem(s).
Hint: try to make one small decision and solve the rest of the problem recursively (similar to
2. What are the base cases of this recurrence?
3. What data structure would you use to recognize repeated problems? You should describe
both the abstract data structure, as well as its implementation.
4. Give pseudocode for a memoized dynamic programming algorithm to find the minimum height
when aligning extensible teeth (a1, a2, . . . , an) and (b1, b2, . . . , bm).
5. What is the worst-case time complexity of your memoized algorithm?
6. Give pseudocode for an iterative algorithm to find the minimum height when aligning extensible teeth (a1, a2, . . . , an) and (b1, b2, . . . , bm). This algorithm does not need to have a
reduced space complexity relative to the memoized solution.
7. Can the space complexity of the iterative algorithm be improved relative to the memoized
algorithm? Justify your answer.
8. Give pseudocode for an algorithm that identifies which teeth to extend in order to achieve
the minimum height. Your algorithm may be iterative or recursive.
Hint: read section 10.2 in your textbook (especially 10.2.2 and 10.2.3) for a hint on how to
do this.
4 Coding your solutions
In addition to the report, you should implement a dynamic programming algorithm that can align
two given sets of extensible teeth. Your code may be iterative or recursive, but it must be a
dynamic programming algorithm. Also, you may code your solution in C++ or Java, but it must
compile and run in a Linux environment. If you are using C++ and compiling your code cannot
be accomplished by the command
g++ -o teeth *.cpp
you should include a Makefile that is capable of compiling the code via the make command.
If you choose to implement your code in Java, you should submit an executable jar file with
your source. In either case, your source code may be split into any number of files.
Your code will not need to handle invalid input (e.g., teeth with negative height).
4.1 Input format
Your program should read its input from the file input.txt, in the following format. The first line
of the file has two positive integers n and m specifying the length of the two sets of teeth. The
second line will have n positive integers, representing the heights of the teeth in the first set, and
the third line will have m positive integers, representing the heights of the teeth in the second set.
4.2 Output
Your program should write its output to the file output.txt. Your code should first print out the
optimum height on a line. Then, for each of the remaining lines, you should print out an optimal
alignment. Each line should contain exactly two positive integers, representing the heights of the
teeth being aligned. The first integer on each line should come from the second line of the input
file, while the second integer on each line should come from the third line of the input file. The
first and last lines of your alignment should be the first and last teeth in each set; however, the
number of lines depends on how many “extensions” you make.
For partial credit, your output file may consist of the optimal height on a line by itself, with no
alignment information.
5 Submission
Your submission for this project will be in two parts, the group submission and your individual
peer evaluations.
5.1 Group submission
The submission for your group should be a zip archive containing 1) your report (described in
Section 3) as a PDF document, and 2) your code (described in Section 4). If your code requires
more than a simple command to compile and run then you must also provide a Makefile and/or
shell script. You should submit this zip archive to the “Project 2 (group)” assignment on Canvas.
Be aware that your project report and code will be checked for plagiarism.
5.2 Teamwork evaluation
The second part of your project grade will be determined by a peer evaluation. Your peer evaluation
should be a text file that includes 1) the names of all of your teammates (including yourself), 2) the
team member responsibilities, 3) whether or not your teammates were cooperative, 4) a numeric
rating indicating the proportional amount of effort each of you put into the project, and 5) other
issues we should be aware of when evaluating your and your teammates’ relative contribution. The
numeric ratings must be integers that sum to 30.
It’s important that you be honest in your evaluation of your peers. In addition to letting your
team members whether they do (or do not) need to work on their teamwork and communication
skills, we will also evaluate your group submission in light of your team evaluations. For example,
a team in which one member refused to contribute would be assessed differently than a team with
three functioning members.
You should submit your peer evaluation to the “Project 2 (individual)” assignment on Canvas.
6 Grading
Report 40 points
Question 1, 4, and 6 8 points
Questions 2 and 3 2 each
Questions 5, 7, and 8 4 each
Code 30 points
Compiles 5
Uses correct input and output format 5
Computes correct answer 15
Good coding style 5
Teamwork 30 points
Note that if your algorithm is inefficient, you may lose points for both your pseudocode and
your submission. Also, in extreme cases, the teamwork portion of your grade may become negative
or greater than 30. In particular, if you do not contribute to your group’s solution at all, you can
expect to receive an overall grade of 0 on the project.

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