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Project 2: Evaluating Expressions using stacks

Project 2: Evaluating Expressions using stacks

1. Background (
This project is built upon the project 1, and we use Stacks you implemented in the project. Make
sure your work perfectly before starting this project. For this project, you will
implement a program to evaluate an infix expression, the kind of expression used in standard
arithmetic. The program will do this is two steps, each step implemented as a separate Python
1. Convert the infix expression to a postfix expression.
2. Evaluate the postfix expression
Both of these steps make use of a stack in an interesting way. Many language translators (e.g.
compiler) do something similar to convert expressions into code that is easy to execute on a
Section 4.9 of the text has a detailed discussion of this material that you should read carefully
before building your implementation. You program must use your own implementations of the
Stack Abstract Data Type. Specifically, you need to use either your StackArray class or
StackLinked class as your stack.
● Expression will only consist of numbers (integers, reals, positive or negative),
parentheses, and the 6 operators separated by spaces.
● The text discusses an easier version of this problem in detail. You should read it carefully
before proceeding. In addition to the operators (+,-,*,/) shown in the text, your programs should
handle the exponentiation operator (^ instead of **) and the unary operator (~ instead of -) for
negation. In this assignment, the exponential operator will be denoted by ^. For example, 2^3→8
and 3^2→9.
● The syntax is:
○ infix_expression: term (operator term)*
○ term: number | unary_operator term | ‘(‘ infix_expression ‘)’
● For example, infix ~3 ^ 2 will produce [3, 2, ‘^’,’~’] in array for postfix, which
evaluates into -9: (~3)^2 → [3,’~’,2,’^’] evaluates into 9. You can use builtin split().
● The operator precedence is exactly the same as in math. The exponentiation
operator has the second highest precedence (The exponentiation operator has higher precedence
than the * or /. For example, 2*3^2 = 2*9 = 18 not 6^2=36), and the unary operator ~ has the
same precedence as the exponentiation ^, but are evaluated in right-to-left order (-3 ^ 2 = -9, 3 ^
-1 = ⅓). This is because the exponentiation operator associates from right to left while the other
binary operators (+,-,*,/) associate left to right. For example: 2^3^2 = 2^(3^2) = 2^9 = 512 not
(2^3)^2= 8^2=64. Parentheses has the highest precedence: (-3)^2=9.
● Therefore, it is recommended that you push operators to a stack, and that you pop
operators from the stack before pushing an operator with lower precedence onto the stack or
when the end of the expression has been reached.
● Every class and function must come with a brief purpose statement in its docstring.
In the signature section of the docstring (Args: and Returns:) you should explain the
arguments and what is returned by the function or method (I think you have already been
doing this).
● You must provide test cases for all functions.
● Use descriptive names for data structures and helper functions. You must name your files
and functions (methods) as specified below.
● You will not get full credit if you use built-in functions beyond the basic built in
operations unless they are explicitly stated as being allowed. If you are in doubt ask me or one of
the student assistants.
● Note that when your program creates a stack, the syntax should look like name_of_stack
= StackLinked(). This means that you only need to import StackLinked class from project 1.
● sample_infix_expressions.txt provided for your convenience.
● You can use Python built-in data construct dict {} to build a dictionary of
operators. Read
2. Functions (90 points: 80 points for correct implementations, 10 points for
coding style)
Implement the following three functions in
1. infix_to_postfix(infix_expr) to convert an infix expression into a postfix expression.30
points. Optional: If the expression is invalid, raise Python built-in SyntaxError. You may create
a helper function which helps checking the validity of expressions.10 extra points
2. postfix_eval(postfix_expr) to evaluate a postfix expression into a value. Use the
postfix_valid function described below to check the validity of the expression. If the expression
is invalid, raise Python built-in SyntaxError. The postfix_eval function should raise python
built-in ZeroDivisionError if a divisor is 0. 30 points
3. postfix_valid(postfix_expr) to test for an invalid postfix expression. You may assume that
what is passed in is a string that only contains numbers and operators. These are separated into
valid tokens by spaces so you can use split and join as necessary. The focus is on whether the
string had the correct number and position of operators and operands (balanced). This function
should return true if the expression is valid and False if it is not valid. 30 points
3. Tests (10 points)
• Create and write sufficient tests using unittest to ensure full
functionality and correctness of your program. Use infix expressions provided in
sample_infix_expressions.txt, which should be converted to postfix expressions in
sample_postfix_expressions.txt, as your test cases. You do not need to provide test cases for
your stack since you did that for project 1.
• Make sure that your tests test each branch of your program and any edge conditions. You do
not need to test for correct input in the assignment, other than what is specified above.
• You may assume that when infix_to_postfix(infix_expr) is called that infix_expr is a well
formatted, correct infix expression containing only numbers and the specified operators and the
tokens are space separated. However, the expression may not be valid / balanced (i.e. invalid /
unbalanced parentheses and too many operand or too few operands). If the expression is invalid,
raise Python built-in SyntaxError. You may use the python string functions .split and .join
• Examples of invalid expression would be “3 5” or “ 3 * +” or “” . The expression will be
invalid due to the number or position of the operators or the numbers. It will not be due to
including some other token, say “X”
• postfix_eval() should raise python built-in ZeroDivisionError if a divisor is 0.
4. Submission
Zip three files ( from your project 1, and into
one zip file, and name the zip file as < (replace
<calpoly_username with your cal poly username). Submit the zip file to PolyLearn.

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