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Project #2: Fakebook Oracle JDBC

EECS 48 Project #2: Fakebook Oracle JDBC

In Project #2, you will be building a Java application that executes complex SQL queries against a
relational database and places the results in special data structures for later analysis. We will
provide you with a mechanism for accessing the data, as well as the majority of the structure for the
Java application; your job will be to fill in the application skeleton with the query text and to
process the results of the queries appropriately. This project will give you additional practice with
standard SQL query practices in addition to hands-on experience with (an imitation of) real-world
database application programming.

The Public Data Set
The Fakebook data on which Project #2 relies is structured in the same way as the data set you
created for Project #1, except that there is neither a Messages table nor a Participants table. The
table names (with an appropriate prefix, see below), column names, and data types are similar,
though there might be minor changes. Use the DESC command to view the full schema of any of
the public data tables.
We believe it important to point out the that every row of two users (A, B) in the Friends table will
meet the invariant A < B. This enforces the constraint that users cannot be friends with themselves,
and the structure of the table prevents friendships being listed more than once.
The tables are stored under the account of one of the EECS 484 staff members, jiaqni. The prefix for
the public data set is PUBLIC (not case-sensitive), so to access the tables, you should use
jiaqni.PUBLIC_[tableName]. You should only use this access approach when running your queries
through sqlplus interactive mode; there is a separate access mechanism when implementing your
queries in Java (see the next section).
Starter Code
There is a zip file named available for download on Canvas. The compression
contains nine starter files. Most of the files are not to be modified in any manner whatsoever;
specific permissions and directives regarding modification of the starter files are listed in the
following detailed treatment of the starter files. defines a series of non-modifiable variables that you will use to
implement your queries. You should not modify this file in any way whatsoever; doing so will cause
your application to encounter errors during execution. defines a single utility class, FakebookArrayList, that will be used for
storing lists of data structures built up from your query results. This utility class exists for the
purpose of customizing printing output. As such, you should not modify this file in any way
whatsoever, as your query output is highly reliant on the specific implementation of this utility class.
3 defines a series of custom data structures that you will need to
use to report the results of your queries. Please familiarize yourself with these various data
structures so that you are comfortable creating new instances and invoking the structures’ various
augmentation functions. Example usages of these data structures are shown in comments in as described below. You should not modify this file in any way
whatsoever, lest your application output be different that what is expected. defines the abstract parent class from which your Java application will derive.
This base class defines the nine abstract functions that you will have to implement; these function
declarations have already been repeated for you in (see below). In
addition, this base class defines a series of printing functions that are used to output the results of
your queries. You should not modify this file in any way whatsoever, or your code will likely fail to
compile when run on the Autograder. defines the derived query class that implements the abstract functions
defined by the parent FakebookOracle class. This is the file in which you should be implementing
your SQL queries. You should not modify the existing skeleton code other than to remove
comments and, obviously, add your personal query implementations; this means that any data
structure definitions, return statements, and try-catch blocks should be maintained in full. Each of
the nine required queries has its own function, which is commented to briefly describe what the
goal of the query is (a full description of the queries can be found later in the specification);
additionally, each function skeleton contains a comment showing how to use the necessary data
structures for the query.
The bottom of the StudentFakebookOracle class defines a series of eleven class-private constant
variables that you should use to reference the public data set tables; these variables are essentially
redefinitions of those constants contained in that have been
placed in this class for ease of reference. Please familiarize yourself with these variables – but do
not modify them – so that you can comfortably use them in your queries. Any time you wish to use
the name of a table in your query, select the appropriate variable and insert the variable into your
query string. Do not, under any circumstances, hard-code the names of the tables into your
queries: you will fail Autograder tests if you do so.
Do not modify the class constructor, which appears at the top of the class definition. Neither should
you remove any of the @Override directives.
4 is the application driver. It can be invoked from the command line
(preferably by the Makefile) and takes command line arguments that define which query/queries to
execute and whether to print the output or measure the runtime. You should not change this file
except the snippet below, where you should put your uniqname and current SQL*PLUS password.
private static final String username = ‘ ‘USERNAME HERE’ ’ ;
private static final String password = ‘ ‘PASSWORD HERE’ ’ ;
You will not be submitting this file, so you do not need to worry about staff members obtaining your
password. However, if you wish to change your SQL*PLUS password, you are more than welcome to;
the Project #1 spec describes how to do this.
Makefile is a makefile that we have written you that allows you to easily compile, run, and clean
your code. See “Running and Testing Your Application” below for details on how to use the Makefile.
You may modify this file if you wish, but you are responsible for ensuring that your application
compiles and runs using the unmodified Makefile, which will be utilized on the Autograder. There is
no guarantee that staff members will be able to assist you in customizing or troubleshooting the
Makefile if you choose add or modify make targets. ojdbc6.jar
ojdbc6.jar is a JAR file needed to compile your application. This driver has been tested with JDKs 1.7
and 1.8; we cannot guarantee its compatibility with other JDK versions.
PublicSolution.txt contains the expected output of each of the ten queries (nine you will implement,
one implemented for you; see below) when your Java application is executed against the public data
set. The output of running make query-all on your application should match this file exactly; any
deviation indicates an error with your code. You can separate the individual query results into their
own files if you wish so that you can test the outputs of single queries; if you choose to do this, do
not omit the trailing blank lines after the output of a query or the query result header.
You will be implementing nine SQL queries, although some of the queries may actually consist of
multiple individual queries that have to be separately executed and somehow combined to produce
a final result. These queries are listed below with detailed specifications as to what fields to return
and in what order. You should put your queries into the appropriate Java function in, from which it will be invoked by with the
appropriate command line parameters. The results of the queries should be placed in the
appropriate data structures as specified by the skeleton code comments.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your queries are semantically correct; that is, your queries
should be correct irrespective of the data set upon which the queries are executed. If your query
returns the correct solution in some instances but not in others, it is possible that you will not
receive full credit from the Autograder. We have provided you with sample correct output based on
the public data set, but we will also be testing your implementations against a second, hidden data
set to which you will not be given access. Points for each query will be split between performance
on the public and private data sets.
Implementation Approach and Rules
We highly recommend writing your SQL queries in plaintext and executing them interactively
through SQL*PLUS before transplanting them into the appropriate Java application function. The
SQL*PLUS CLI will provide more helpful error messages than the JRE (Java Runtime Environment),
making it easier to debug your solutions. In addition, it may be easier to see individual aspects of
your output or to query intermediate views through the CLI.
In order to meet the runtime requirements (see below), you will need to make sure that you do the
majority of your queries’ “heavy lifting” through SQL and not through the Java application code. For
example, you should not be attempting to sort data in Java; rather, use an ORDER BY clause to
offload that work to the DBMS. Understanding the tradeoffs between accesses to the DBMS and
runtime is an important part of this project, so we will not be answering questions about “which
approach is better”; if you are unsure, try them both out and compare the runtimes!
Some of the queries are more difficult than others; while this is sometimes reflected in the point
values of the queries, it is not always. If you find yourself spending an inordinate amount of time on
one query, take a step back to rethink your approach or work on a different query. When you
submit to the Autograder, don’t submit partially-completed queries; this will drag down the time it
takes to grade your solution. Make sure that your file compiles with just the necessary return
statement in the incomplete query functions.
You are permitted to use any and all SQL techniques to complete the nine queries for this project,
including (but not limited to): JOINs, set operations (UNION, MINUS, INTERSECT), nested queries, and
views. If you create any views as part of your implementation, be sure to drop them before closing
the statement at the end of the Java function; you will be deducted 4 points for each view that you
fail to drop. When testing your application, the creation and dropping of views can get complicated
if you have syntax errors in queries in the same function (but subsequent to) a successful CREATE
VIEW statement. Due to the exception handling mechanism, your DROP VIEW statement will not be
executed, and the view will persist to the next time you test your code. If you encounter a syntax
error in a query where you have created a view, you should manually drop the view by executing the
appropriate SQL from SQL*PLUS CLI. You are not permitted to create additional tables in your
If you wish to add print statements to your functions for debugging purposes, you should use the
Java equivalent of C++’s cout, which is System.out.println. This function takes a string parameter and
prints it to the standard output stream. Similarly, you can print to the standard error stream with
System.err.println. Be sure to remove any such print statements from your file before submitting, as
they will cause you to fail Autograder tests.
You may add any helper functions to the definition of the StudentFakebookOracle class that you find
useful. It is possible to complete this project successfully without doing so, however.
Runtime Efficiency
As mentioned before, we will be evaluating your implementations’ efficiency by measuring the time
it takes to perform the query and place the results in the appropriate data structure; we will not be
measuring the time it takes to print the data. The mechanism that the Autograder uses to evaluate
your runtime is identical to the one used by the time make targets to report runtimes. That being
said, the runtime you see from these targets when running on CAEN is not guaranteed to be
identical to the time reported by the Autograder.
All of the make targets have a built-in 120-second (2-minute) timeout; any queries that take longer
than this to execute will automatically terminate. Such queries will receive a 0 on the Autograder.
Generally, queries that take too long will produce no output; queries with errors, on the other hand,
will produce non-empty output containing default no-content output.
Based on your runtime measurements, points will be deducted from your output score. Each query,
as listed below, has a runtime threshold. Queries that run in less time than the specified threshold
will receive full credit (i.e. no deductions). Queries that run in more time than the specified
threshold will receive 1 point of deduction for every threshold amount (or portion thereof) it runs
slow. For example: if a query has a threshold of 2 seconds, this would be the point breakdown:
[0 − 2) seconds = 0 points deducted
[2,4) seconds = 1 point deducted [4,6)
seconds = 2 points deducted
You cannot earn less than 0 points on a query; queries that terminate in under 2 minutes but
exceed the specified threshold by too much will earn 0 points, even if the output is correct. Queries
that do not terminate in under 2 minutes will not have their runtime measured and will receive 0
For reference, here are the runtimes (as reported by the Autograder) for the official instructors’
Query Public Runtime Private Runtime
Query 1 0.142 seconds 0.147 seconds
Query 2 0.087 seconds 0.074 seconds
Query 3 0.220 seconds 0.206 seconds
Query 4 0.148 seconds 0.155 seconds
Query 5 0.221 seconds 0.130 seconds
Query 6 6.548 seconds 3.048 seconds
Query 7 0.159 seconds 0.140 seconds
Query 8 0.160 seconds 0.163 seconds
Query 9 0.151 seconds 0.148 seconds
Query 0: Birth Months (Provided; 0 points)
This query has been implemented for you as an example
Query 0 asks you to identify information about Fakebook users’ birth months. You should
determine in which month the most Fakebook users were born and in which month the fewest (but
at least 1) Fakebook users were born; if there are ties, pick the month that occurs earliest in the
calendar year. For each of those month, report the IDs, first names, and last names of the Fakebook
users born in that month; sort the users in ascending order by ID. You should also report the total
number of Fakebook users that have a birth month listed. You can safely assume that at least one
Fakebook user has listed a birth month.
Query 1: First Names (10 points)
Public: 5 points • Private: 5 points • Runtime Threshold: 1 second
Query 1 asks you to identify information about Fakebook users’ first names. We’d like to know the
longest and shortest first names by length; if there are ties between multiple names, report all tied
names in alphabetical order. We’d also like to know what first name(s) are the most common and
how many users have that first name; again, if there are ties, report all tied names in alphabetical
order. You can assume that there is at least one user listed in Fakebook’s data set, and the first
name is a required field of the Users table.
Query 2: Lonely Users (10 points)
Public: 5 points • Private: 5 points • Runtime Threshold: 1 second
Query 2 asks you to identify all of the Fakebook users with no Fakebook friends. For each user
without any friends, report their ID, first name, and last name. The users should be reported in
ascending order by ID. If every Fakebook user has at least one Fakebook friend, you should return
an empty FakebookArrayList.
Query 3: Users who Live Away from Home (10 points)
Public: 5 points • Private: 5 points • Runtime Threshold: 1 second
Query 3 asks you to identity all of the Fakebook users that no longer live in their hometown. For
each such user, report their ID, first name, and last name; results should be sorted in ascending
order by the users’ ID. If a user does not have a current city or a hometown listed, they should not
be included in the results. If every Fakebook user still lives in his/her hometown, you should return
an empty FakebookArrayList.
Query 4: Highly-Tagged Photos (10 points)
Public: 5 points • Private: 5 points • Runtime Threshold: 1 second
Query 4 asks you to identify the most highly-tagged photos. We will pass an integer argument num
to the query function; you should return the top num photos with the most tagged users sorted in
descending order by the number of tagged users (most tagged users first). If there are fewer than
num photos with at least 1 tag, then you should return only those available photos. If more than one
photo has the same number of tagged users, list the photo with the smaller ID first. For each photo,
you should report the photo’s ID, the photo’s Fakebook link, the ID of the album containing the
photo, and the name of the album containing the photo.
For each reported photo, you should list the ID, first name, and last name of the users tagged in that
photo. Tagged users should be listed in ascending order by ID.
Query 5: Match Maker (15 points)
Public: 8 points • Private: 7 points • Runtime Threshold: 1 second
Query 5 asks you suggest possible unrealized Fakebook friendships. We will pass two integer
arguments, num and yearDiff to the query function; you should return the top num pairs of two
Fakebook users who meet each of the following conditions:
• The two users are the same gender
• The two users are tagged in at least one common photo
• The two users are not friends
• The difference in the two users’ birth years is less than or equal to yearDiff
The pairs of users should be reported in (and cut-off based on) descending order by the number of
photos in which the two users were tagged together. For each pair, report the IDs, first names, and
last names of the two users; list the user with the smaller ID first. If multiple pairs of users that
meet the criteria are tagged in the same number of photos, order the results in ascending order by
the smaller user ID and then in ascending order by the larger user ID. If there are fewer than num
pairs of users that meet the criteria, you should return only those pairs that are viable.
For each pair of users, you should also report the photos in which they were tagged together. The
information you should report is the photo’s ID, the photo’s Fakebook link, the ID of the album
containing the photo, and the name of the album containing the photo. List the photos in ascending
order by photo ID.
Query 6: Suggest Friends (15 points)
Public: 8 points • Private: 7 points • Runtime Threshold: 15 seconds
Query 6 asks you to suggest possible unrealized Fakebook friendships in a different way. We will
pass a single integer argument, num, to the query function; you should return the top num pairs of
Fakebook users with the most mutual friends who are not friends themselves. A mutual friend is
one such that A is friends with B and B is friends with C, in which case B is a mutual friend of A and C.
The IDs, first names, and last names of the two users should be returned; list the user with the
smaller ID first within the pair and rank the pairs in descending order by the number of mutual
friends. In the event of a tie between pairs, list the pair with the smaller smaller ID first; if pairs are
still tied, list the pair with the smaller larger ID first.
For each pair of users you report, you should also list the IDs, first names, and last names of all their
mutual friends. List the mutual friends in ascending order by ID.
Query 7: Event-Heavy States (10 points)
Public: 5 points • Private: 5 points • Runtime Threshold: 1 second
Query 7 asks you to identify the states in which the most Fakebook events are held. If more than
one state is tied for hosting the most Fakebook events, all states involved in the tie should be
returned, listed in ascending order by state name. You also need to report how many events are
held in that/those states. You can assume that there is at least 1 Fakebook event.
Query 8: Oldest and Youngest Friends (10 points)
Public: 5 points • Private: 5 points • Runtime Threshold: 1 second
Query 8 asks you to identify the oldest and youngest friend of a particular Fakebook user. We will
pass a single integer argument, userID, to the query function; you should return the ID, first name,
and last name of the oldest and youngest friend of the Fakebook user with that ID. If two friends of
that user are born on the exact same date, report the one with the larger user ID. You can assume
that the user with the specified ID has at least 1 Fakebook friend.
Query 9: Potential Siblings (10 points)
Public: 5 points • Private: 5 points • Runtime Threshold: 1 second
Query 9 asks you to identify pairs of Fakebook users that might be siblings. Two users might be
siblings if they meet each of the following criteria:
• The two users have the same last name
• The two users have the same hometown
• The two users are friends
• The difference in the two users’ birth years is strictly less than 10 years
Each pair should be reported with the smaller user ID first and the larger user ID second. The
smaller ID should bee used to order pairs relative to one another (smaller smaller ID first); the
larger ID should be used to break ties (smaller larger ID first).
Compiling, Running, and Testing
To do anything with your Java application, you must build the following folder/file structure on
CAEN machines (because of the Oracle connection restrictions). Create your project root directory
using any folder name; this is where the Makefile goes. Inside the project root directory, create a
subdirectory and name it project2 (all lower-case); this is where all of the .java files and the JAR file
goes. The sample solution text file can go anywhere. If your code is not structured like this, the
Makefile will not work.
To compile your Java application, navigate to your project root directory (where the Makefile is
located) and run make or make compile; this will compile silently if there are no errors and will
print any compilation problems to the command line. Fix any errors that you have so that your code
perfectly compiles; we will not be able to grade your submission unless it compiles correctly.
To run your queries and view the output, you have two options. If you want to run all your queries
to compare your output to the provided solution output file, run make query-all and redirect the
output to a file as desired. To run a single query to view the output, run make query[N] where [N] is
the query number; redirect output (or don’t) as you wish.
To run your queries and measure their runtime, you again have two options. If you want to time all
your queries, run make time-all. To measure the runtime of a single query, run make time[N] where
[N] is the query number. Make sure that your code runs without any error before attempting to
measure its runtime.
To remove the files generated by compilation, run make clean.
The only deliverable for Project #2 is After creating a team, you
may submit this file to the AutoGrader, without compressing or modifying file name. Each team
will be allowed 3 submissions per day with feedback; any submission made in excess of those 3 will
be graded, but the results of those submissions will be hidden from the group.
This project in particular takes a lengthy amount of time to grade (the instructors’ solution took
about 8 minutes; other implementations may take significantly longer). Please do not make
submissions to the AutoGrader right after your last submission, before the
feedbacks/results are provided to you. Please be patient and only contact the staff with concerns
if you have waiting more than 25 minutes without receiving an email since your submission was
taken off the queue.
Your highest-scoring overall submission will be accepted, but you will be penalized according to
the course late policy if you submit at all during the late period, even if we accept an earlier, on-time
submission as your final score. In addition, we will take your last submission and run it through the
AutoGrader without any other load after the late deadline has passed; this is to make sure that you
did not receive deductions for slow performance that were due to factors other than your
implementation. Your final score will be the larger of your best AutoGrader score and the
score of this no-load post-deadline evaluation.
Java Syntax You Should Know
This project has been designed in such a way that you do not need to know or understand
significant aspects of the Java programming language to successfully complete it. Future sections of
the appendix contain in-depth treatments of some Java-specific tools that will be of paramount
importance in implementing your application. However, there are a small handful of major
syntactical differences between Java and C++ that you should be familiar with, as they may impact
your programming.
Java has two types of objects: primitives (which are analogous to C++ built-in data types) and
references (which are analogous to C++ pointers). There are no pointers in Java, but all
references are dynamically-allocated with the new keyword. For example, to create an
instance of a variable of type Foo, you would write Foo foo = new Foo(); You do not need to use
new to create primitive variables.
Java has garbage collection, so you do not need to manually deallocate memory even if you allocate
references with the new keyword
Java has primitive and reference versions of all simple data types. The primitive version is
firstletter lower-case (i.e. long) and the reference version is first-letter upper-case (i.e. Long).
This has important bearing on equality comparisons. We highly recommend you use the
primitive version wherever necessary, as it is more idiomatic and more akin to C++.
Java has two ways to compare equality. To compare equality of primitives or to determine if two
references are the exact same object (analogous to the same pointer in C++), use the standard
== comparator. To test if two references are logically equivalent (as defined by the class’s
particular implementation), you must use the .equals() member function. You can also
use .compareTo() if the class implements the Comparable interface, but you should not need
this aspect of the language for Project #2.
Java strings are references and are declared with a capital letter String. To create a new string, you
can type String str = ‘‘ABC’’ without the new keyword.
Java has automatic string conversion built in to every primitive and every object, so the standard
string concatenation operator + can be used to combine strings, numeric types, and objects;
an example of this is String str = ‘‘abc’’ + 2 + ‘‘def’’; in which the numeric value 2 is converted to
a string an properly concatenated.
Statements and Result Sets
The primary JDBC tools you will be using to execute your queries are Statements and ResultSets.
The appropriate Java libraries have already been imported for you, so you can simply use these
tools to perform your queries.
Statements are JDBC objects against which you can execute queries and updates. Each of the query
function skeletons has already created a Statement object named stmt that you can use without any
additional hassle. However, if you ever want to create a new Statement object, you can copy the
body of the try-with-resource statement, changing the name of the variable as necessary. To execute
a query against a Statement, you should use the Statement::executeQuery(String) member function,
which returns a ResultSet. To create or drop a view, you should use the
Statement::executeUpdate(String) function, which has no return type. See the implementation of
Query 0 for examples of how to execute queries.
ResultSets are essentially lists of rows that are returned by queries executed against a Statement.
To loop over the list of results, you can use the ResultSet::next() function, which returns FALSE when
you have advanced past the last result. You can also use the ResultSet::isFirst() and ResultSet::isLast()
functions to determine if a particular row is the first/last row in the query result, respectively. To
extract a value of a column from the current row of a ResultSet, use either
ResultSet::getLong(arg) or ResultSet::getString(arg); the argument to these functions can either be the
case-sensitive name of the column whose data you wish to extract or the 1-based column index of
the column whose data you wish to extract. See the implementation of Query 0 for examples of how
to navigate ResultSets and extract data therefrom.
You will be responsible for closing all of the resources you utilize in this project; specifically, you
must close all your Statements and ResultSets using the close() member function. You should always
do this last, when you no longer need the object, as doing so otherwise will make it impossible to
complete your implementation. An important thing to note is that when you reuse a Statement to
execute another query, any ResultSets generated previously from that Statement will get
automatically closed. As such, the following Java snippet (with actual query strings omitted for
brevity) will induce a runtime error:
Statement stmt = new Statement ( . . . ) ; ResultSet rst
= stmt . executeQuery ( . . . ) ; while ( rst . next ()) {
ResultSet rst2 = stmt . executeQuery ( . . . ) ; long val =
rst . getLong (1);
The reason is that the reuse of stmt to generate the results stored in rst2 causes rst to close, and
then the attempt to access its data will throw an exception. If you find that you want to do
something akin to this, you must create a second Statement to use for the inner query. Make sure to
create this statement outside of the loop, however, so that it doesn’t get garbage collected and
reinitialized every time through.
Additionally, closing a Statement will close any ResultSets generated by that Statement; however,
we explicitly suggest that you separately close your ResultSets before you close your Statements for
the surest resource management. See the implementation of Query 0 for an example of how to close
your resources.
Additional Java Libraries
You are not permitted to use any additional Java libraries for this project. All of the necessary
import statements have already been included in the file for you.
The ROWNUM Pseudo-variable
In the course of implementing the queries, you may find that you wish to select only the first N rows
of results. Oracle SQL provides a pseudo-variable that facilitates this desire, but it can be incredibly
fidgety. This pseudo-variable is ROWNUM.
The was ROWNUM works is quite simple, but not always intuitive. After the FROM clause is
evaluated (meaning all JOINs are completed and winnowed based on the ON clauses), each row is
given a monotonically-increasing integer starting at 1; this value is stored in a psuedo-column
called ROWNUM, which allows us to access the value later on. Note, however, that these values are
applied before the WHERE clause is evaluated and, more importantly, before the ORDER BY clause is
evaluated. Because the order in which SQL returns results in the absence of an ORDER BY clause is
undefined, the order in which the values are applied to the rows is likewise undefined.
Consider the following query, which is supposed to find the users named “Bob” with the 10 smallest
FROM Users
WHERE First_Name = ’Bob ’ AND ROWNUM <= 10
Although this query looks exactly right, it will almost certainly not behave as we’d like. The reason
is that the rows are numbered before they are sorted, and as mentioned, that numbering is applied
in no particular order. So when the WHERE clause is evaluated, the only rows that are returned are
those for users whose first name is “Bob” that happened to be in the first 10 rows to which rows
were assigned. Not only may this query not return the 10 smallest ID’d users whose first name is
“Bob,” but it might not even return any results despite there being results to return.
Instead, we would have to write out query like this:
FROM Users
WHERE First_Name = ’Bob ’
Now, the inner query returns all the users whose first name is “Bob” and sorts them in the order we
want; now, when the row numbers are applied, we’re in control of the order in which they are
applied. We can then filter using the ROWNUM pseudo-variable and we get what we want.
The ROWNUM pseudo-variable does not error out if there aren’t “enough” rows to return, as it
behaves just like any other field-based conditional.
It is possible to complete this project and earn full credit without using the ROWNUM pseudovariable.

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