CS 3251 Project 2: Hangman Game
1 Overview
The aim of this project is to have you write a game-server and a player-client for a simple
hangman game. You have to develop a game-server and a client (player) that establishes
connection with the game-server and plays a game of hangman. The client will be much
more simple than the server. This project is much more complicated than the first
so do not wait until the last minute.
2 Details
First, a (perhaps obvious) note on command syntax for this instruction:
• “$” precedes Linux commands that should be typed or the output you print out to the
2.1 Server – Hangman Game Server
• The server should be able to manage 3 clients (players) at any given time.
• Each client will be playing their own separate game1
• The server should handle all administrative duties of each client’s game such as choosing
the word and keeping track of the score.
• The server will tell the client if the guess is correct or not and keep track of the number
of guesses the client has made.
• Loop listening for connections:
– When server starts, a connection handler starts listening for incoming game request connections from the client.
– Server keeps listening during and after play.
1 Note that, you are required to implement a multi-player version for extra credit (see more details in §2.6).
• On successful connection with a client the game-server should choose a game word and
wait for the packet sent from the client signaling the game should start.
• It should then respond using a game control packet (seen below), the client will add
the formatting and display the following to the player:
– For the game word “hangman”
$ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
$ Incorrect Guesses:
• After a client guesses a letter the server replies back with the updated word, filling in
correct letters and supplying incorrect guesses.
– For example, client has guessed “n” (correct guess). Server responds with:
$ _ _ n _ _ _ n
$ Incorrect Guesses:
– Client then guesses “p” (incorrect). Server responds with:
$ _ _ n _ _ _ n
$ Incorrect Guesses: P
• When the game is over tell the client if they won or lost then terminate connection.
– Game ends when client guesses 6 incorrect letters or if all correct letters for the
word have been guessed.
• The server should choose a word at random for each game. Please choose 15 total
possible words for your server to choose from.
– The words must range in size from a minimum length of 3 letters to a max
length of 8.
– You must choose words of at least three different lengths. For example, five
4-letter words, five 5-letter words, and five 8-letter words
– Each word must have an equal chance of being chosen by your server for a new
• If a fourth client (player) tries to connect to the game-server, the server should send
“server-overloaded” message (please follow the server message format in §2.3) then
gracefully end connection.
• After ending a game with a client the server should be able to accept a new connection
from a clients until limit(3) is reached again and so on.
2.2 Client – Player
• Use server IP and Port to connect to a game server.
• Once connected ask user if they are ready to start the game as follows:
$ Ready to start game? (y/n):
– If the user says no terminate client otherwise send an empty message to the server
with msg length = 0. (more on this below) signaling game start.
• The server will then respond with its first game control packet which the client should
properly print out.
• The client will then ask the player for a guess exactly as follows:
$ Letter to guess:
• Client then sends guess to the server. Make sure that the user guess is formatted
– If the user guesses something invalid like a number or more than one letter please
respond with an error then ask for input again as follows:
$ Letter to guess: 5
$ Error! Please guess one letter.
$ Letter to guess: aa
$ Error! Please guess one letter.
$ Letter to guess:
– If the user guesses something that has been guessed before (i.e., some duplicate
letter), please respond with an error then ask for input again as follows:
$ Letter to guess: a # a has been guessed before
$ Error! Letter A has been guessed before, please guess another letter.
$ Letter to guess:
• Player keeps guessing letters while the server responds with updated game information.
• Continue until game word is either correctly guessed or guess limit is exceeded.
• Client should terminate when game is over.
• Client should be able to accept lower or uppercase letters as a guess but must make
sure to convert to lowercase before sending to the server.
2.3 Server Message Header
When sending messages to a client the server must use the following format. Up to 2-point
penalty, if failing to strictly follow this format.
Msg flag Word length Num Incorrect Data
Msg flag (1 byte) is used when the server would like to send a string message to a client.
If the server is sending a message to the client the Msg flag will be set to the length of the
message otherwise Msg flag will be zero. If the message flag is set then there are no Word
length or Num Incorrect fields the entire packet minus the message flag is message data.
When a client receives a message from the server it should directly print it out. The client
should print messages out in the order they are received.
- An example of a message could be “Game Over!”, “You Win!”, “You Lose :(”
If the message flag is zero then we have a normal game control packet.
Word length (1 byte) is the length of the word the user is trying to guess.The first n bytes
in the data segment of the packet where n is the value of Word Length will be used to store
the positions of the letters that have been guessed correctly so far.
Num Incorrect (1 byte) is the number of incorrect guesses a client has made. The incorrect
guessed letters will be after the game word in the data segment.
Two example data packets can be see below. In the example each box is one byte. This
packet would be a game control packet with the game word being “green” and the user
having guessed g, and e correctly. The user has guessed a, b, and c incorrectly.
Msg flag Word length Num incorrect Data
0 5 3 “g” “ ” “e” “e” “ ” “a” “b” “c”
This packet is an example of a message packet. When the client receives a message packet
it should directly print out the contents.
Msg flag Data
0 “Y” “o” “u” “ ” “W” “i” “n” “!”
2.4 Client Message Header
This defines the message the client will send to the server. Up to 1-point penalty, if
failing to strictly follow this format.
Msg Length Data
An example packet could be the following when a client is guessing a.
Msg Length Data
1 “a”
2.5 Example Program flow
The following is an example game output from a client connecting to a game server at the
address and on port 8080. The server chose the game word “dog”.
$ ./client 8080 # connect to server
$ Ready to start game? (y/n): y # Client asks if player is ready to start and sends empty
# message (0) to server signaling game start
$ _ _ _ # Server responds with first game control packet
$ Incorrect Guesses:
$ # Print new line after Incorrect Guesses for readability
$ Letter to guess: a # Client asks for input and user types a
$ _ _ _ # Server responds
$ Incorrect Guesses: a
$ Letter to guess: d # Client asks for input and user types d
$ d _ _ # Server responds
$ Incorrect Guesses: a
$ Letter to guess: g # Client asks for input and user types g
$ d _ g # Server responds
$ Incorrect Guesses: a
$ Letter to guess: o # Client asks for input and user types o
$ d o g # Server responds
$ Incorrect Guesses: a
$ You Win!
$ Game Over!
If the player instead guesses 6 incorrect letters and loses the game replace You Win! with
“You Lose :(”.
2.6 Extra Credit
You may implement a multi-player version of the hangman game for some extra credit
. Unlike the normal part, we decide to give you some freedom to design the interactions between server and client in this extra-credit part. You can design the interactions
in whatever way you like as long as the interactions (communications) between the
server and client strictly follow the message format described in §2.3 and §2.4
respectively. And please explain the reason behind your design. §2.6.1 gives you an example.
2 Note that, this part is slightly different from Section B.
2.6.1 A Possible Design
• When the client first starts instead of asking if the player is ready to start the game
ask if the the game will be 2 player.
$ Two Player? (y/n):
• If the player responds no continue as normal by sending server “0”.
• If the player says yes send server “2”.
• The server will then respond to the client right away with a message packet saying
“Waiting for other player!”
– The first client to request a 2 player game will be player 1.
• The server will wait for another client to request a two player game.
– This player will be player 2
• When the server receives a second request it will initialize a game as normal and will
send a message to both players containing “Game Starting!”
• The server will then send a message to player 1 saying “Your Turn!” followed by a
normal game control packet and the client will ask for a letter.
• Once player 1 guesses the server will respond with a string message containing either
“Incorrect!” or “Correct!” depending on if the letter guessed was correct. An example
of what player 1 would see follows. Lets say the game word is “green”.
$ Game Starting!
$ Your Turn!
$ _ _ _ _ _
$ Incorrect Guesses:
$ Letter to guess: e
$ Correct!
$ Waiting on Player 2...
• Player 2 is then up. Player 2 would have seen the following.
$ Game Starting!
$ Waiting on Player 1...
$ Your Turn!
$ _ _ e e _
$ Incorrect Guesses:
$ Letter to guess:
• The game then follows this pattern until the two players reach 6 incorrect guesses or
they correctly guess the word. The game will then end similar to a single player game.
2.7 Logistics
• Students can work in groups of 2 max for this project
• Languages - C, Python, Java