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Project 2 Implementing an application

Project 2 – Programming Project

This assignment consists of implementing an application using the techniques learned in the first half of the course.
Examples on how to use file operations, the standard template library, and other features are provided in the Sample
Programs (for Project 2) section located the Learning Activities area in Blackboard. These examples provide a
starting point for your implementation.
Your program must compile and you must provide all of the source code files so that I can also compile and run
your program (i.e. provide me with all files ending in .h and .cpp that are necessary to compile your program). You
are responsible for submitting your program correctly. Please ask if you have questions.
You may use any resources, books, or notes. Apart from your textbook and provided examples, you must
mention all resources that you use as comments next to the applicable lines of code or the appropriate
functions within your source code or within the main comment at the top of your source code file. You may
also work with only one other classmate on this assignment if you want to, but you must mention all of your names
as comments in the applicable sections of the source code showing where you collaborated. If you collaborate on
the entire project, no problem, both of your names must be in the comment at the top of all of the source code files,
and only one person needs to submit the assignment. I do highly recommend that you work with one other
person on this project, and begin working on this assignment as soon as possible. Don’t wait until the last
minute to begin working on this assignment. Consider posting a message in the Student Lounge or sending out
an email to your fellow classmates asking if anyone is willing to partner with you on this project. Two person teams
Note: Again, you may use outside resources or books, but you are not to post questions, comments, or source code
related to this assignment in any public open forum other than the ones specified for this course in Blackboard (e.g.
Ask the Instructor or Student Lounge). Also, note that pay for websites for programming solutions are not an
acceptable method for completing this assignment. If you have a question, don’t sit on it for too long; ask me in the
Ask the Instructor forum or via e-mail. I am also available by appointment via Blackboard IM.
This assignment weighs 15% of your final course grade. When submitting your work, be sure to Zip up all
source code files and documentation (if any) into a single file.
Implementation (25 points)
Implement a streaming data servicer management program can be used as a prototype to schedule the availability
of media for a streaming data service provider. Your program will allow the scheduler (or user) to enter the
properties associated with various types of streaming media (e.g. movies, music, etc.). The program will manage a
list of properties for each streaming data product as a node within a single linked list stored in memory (this can be
a global variable for simplicity). The program must use the “list” API in the C++ standard template library (STL).
The program must implement at least one class that will hold the following variables (input validation is only
required where indicated):
 entryID — A string variable that will hold an automatically generated 10-character
string as the entry identifier. The string must be in the form LLL-NNNLL, where L is a character from A to Z, and N is a number from 0 to
9. For example: HEJ-268-UY. The entryID is a unique identifier for
each streaming product and repeats are not allowed.
 productType — A string variable that indicate the type of streaming content. Valid
content items are: movie, music, television, news, and radio.
Input Validation Required: The program must re-prompt the user if the
entered product type does not match one of the valid content items.
 title – A string variable to hold the title of the streaming entry. Note that
spaces between words must be allowed so that all of this information
can be entered.
 description - A string variable to hold a brief description of the streaming entry.
Again that spaces between words must be allowed so that all of this
information can be entered.
 durationTime - A string variable to hold the playing time for the streaming data
product. The provided time must be in the form hh:mm:ss, where hh
is the number of hours (00 - 12) and mm is the number of minutes (00
– 60), and ss is the number of second (00 – 60).
Input Validation Required: The program must re-prompt the user if the
entered duration time does not match the above format.
 rentalPrice — A float variable to hold the price of the streaming product.
 dateAvailable - A string variable to hold the date that the media will be available. The
entered date will be in the form mm/dd/yyyy.
 daysAvailable - An integer variable to hold the number of days that the media will be
Provide the appropriate methods to set and get the data for each of these class variables. For example
setTitle(string title) and string getTitle(). The BookInventory provides an example on how this can be
done. In addition, the main program must provide the following functionality:
1. When the program is first started, it must read a data file called media_list.dat. The program will not
prompt the user for the name of the data file. The name of the file must be hard-coded in the program.
If the file exists, the program will load the data for each media type into the global linked list. If the file
does not exist, the program will start with an empty linked list.
2. The program will provide a simple text-based user interface that manages the all of the schedule media
within a linked list. Each entry must be placed in linked list as an object that holds all of the information
associated with it as mentioned above. The user interface will allow the user to perform the following:
(a) Display Content – displays all of the scheduled media within the linked list along with their
associated attributes. In addition, this option must print the total number of scheduled entries
within the linked list and the total rental prices for all of the scheduled.
(b) Enter Media Item – allows the user to enter all of the fields associated with a given media item,
except for the entryID, which will be automatically generated by the program as previously
mentioned. After the fields are entered, the program will place the media object into the global
linked list.
(c) Delete Media Item – allows the user to delete a media item from the linked list using the
entryID as the key. The program must display a message if the provided entryID is not found
in the linked list.
(d) Search for Media Item – allows the user to find a media item. The program will prompt the
user to enter the entryID and will display all of the fields associated with the given media item
if it is found. The program must display a message if the item is not found in the linked list.
(e) Edit Media Item – allows the user to edit the fields for a given media item that is in the linked
list (except for the entryID). The program must prompt the user to enter the entryID as the
key to find the item to edit. Print a message if the media item is not found in the linked list. For
simplicity, the program may re-prompt the user to re-enter all of the fields associated with the
given media item; but again, it must reuse the entryID value.
(f) Exit System – before the program exits, it must save all of the data in the linked list to the data
file. I recommend using a standard text file with one field per line. At this point, if the file does
not exist, the program will create it.
Hints and Tips
The Book Inventory program provides a good place to start and I recommend using it as a model. It provides a
simple text based interface, shows how to create a class, and how to use the C++ STL library’s linked list API. You
can rename its files, the class, and methods in the as a starting point for your program.
Start by breaking the program down into small pieces. First, work on the feature that allows the user to enter a
property along with all of its fields. Next, work on the display feature that will show all of the items and their
associated fields contained within the linked list. Next, make sure your program can read and write one item and its
fields to and from the data file. Then expand the program to read and write all of the items to and from the data file.
The data file functions for this can be modeled after those in File Operations example and the display and enter
functions that you will create. Finally, work on the search, modify, and delete features. Be sure to review the sample
code in the Sample Programs (for Project 2) section in the Learning Activities area in Blackboard.
There are no tricks or special techniques required for this assignment. Everything you need to successfully
create this program is available in the provided sample code.
Other Comments
Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have questions in the Ask the Instructor forum or via e-mail. I also
encourage you to discuss this project among yourselves in the Student Lounge area.

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