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Project 2: Junghwan’s Convoluted Cinema Experience

EECS 445 Introduction to Machine Learning

Project 2: Junghwan’s Convoluted Cinema Experience
An exploration of deep learning techniques for classification and feature learning

With a little help from EECS 445 students and the power of classification, Junghwan was able to choose his
movie before falling asleep. But with his newfound efficiency, Junghwan has caught up on the backlog of
movies available from his streaming services. Now Junghwan has to go to the movie theater to catch all the
latest flicks. There’s just one problem: he is once again suffering from analysis paralysis from the vast array
of films being released!
Our job is to help Junghwan by determining the genre of each movie given only its poster so that he can
make an informed decision based on his preferences. To accomplish this, we have gathered training data on
10 different genres of movie poster that we want to classify: Documentary, Animation, Action, Romance,
Horror, Drama, Crime, Sci-Fi, Thriller and Comedy. Some examples are shown below:
Figure 1: Sample images from the the dataset.
In this project, we will explore both supervised and unsupervised deep learning techniques for working
with image data. In the supervised setting, we will use a convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify
Junghwan’s posters by genre. In the unsupervised setting, we will work exclusively with the image data
to learn a feature representation (i.e., a continuous-valued feature vector) for each input image. We will
then explore unsupervised pretraining, a type of transfer learning that will use our unsupervised feature
representation to augment our classification abilities in the supervised setting. If you are unsure about
what some of these terms mean — don’t worry! We will be exploring these ideas throughout this project.
After this, you will be well-equipped to take on Junghwan’s challenge: implementing and training a neural
network of your own design to determine the genre of a movie using only its poster!
Getting Started
Skeleton Code
Please download the Project 2 skeleton code from Canvas. This zip file contains the full
project dataset, and may take several minutes to download. After unzipping, please ensure the all of the
following files are present:
• Executables
– evaluate
– predict
– train
– train autoencoder
– train
– train
– visualize
– visualize
– visualize
• Models
– model/
– model/
– model/
• Checkpoints
– checkpoints/autoencoder/
– checkpoints/autoencoder classifier/
– checkpoints/challenge/
– checkpoints/cnn/
• Data
– data/posters.csv
– data/images/
• Utilities
– config.json
– train
This dataset contains 10,000 PNG image files of 10 different genres of movie posters. These images are
named as 00000.png through 09999.png, and stored under data/images/. Each image contains 3
color channels (red, green, blue) and is of size 128 × 128 × 3. These images have already been divided into
3 class-balanced data partitions: a training set, a validation set, and a test set. The metadata containing the
label and data partition for each image is documented in data/posters.csv. Note that the test labels
have been removed from this file. As in project 1, you will include your challenge model’s predictions on
this data partition as a part of your submission.
Python Packages
This project will introduce you to , a deep learning framework written and open-sourced by
Facebook’s AI group. To install PyTorch, follow the instructions on
We recommend selecting Pytorch Build - Stable and CUDA - None. We have written this project to run in
a reasonable time on standard laptop machines; however, if you have access to a compatible GPU and wish
to use it, please select the appropriate CUDA version. To ensure fairness, challenge submissions that utilize
GPU hardware will be graded separately from non-GPU submissions.
Besides PyTorch, there is one additional package requirements new to this assignment: Pillow. This package
serves as the backend for a number of useful image processing techniques, such as resizing. Install it by
running the command pip install Pillow.
1 Data Preprocessing [10 pts]
Real datasets often contain numerous imperfections (e.g., wrong labels, noise, or irrelevant examples) and
may not be immediately useful for training our model. To develop a dataset more conducive for training, we
will explore a few image preprocessing techniques. These will serve two purposes: speeding up computation
time and highlighting the underlying structure of the image dataset. These preprocessing steps will be
implemented in the file
(a) The first step of preprocessing is to downsample (reducing the dimensions) our images. We make the
assumption that the high-frequency information in our images is not especially useful for distinguishing among movie genres, and can be discarded. Regardless of whether this assumption is correct, the
downsampling will also greatly improve the speed at which our model will train and perform predictions. Implement the resize() function by using the imported PIL.Image module to transform
the images from their original dimensions to size image dim × image dim × 3. Set the argument
resample=Image.BICUBIC to use bicubic interpolation. Here image dim is the dimension we
define in the config.json file and retrieve via the config() helper function. As we will use
this helper function to retrieve program arguments and hyperparameters throughout this project, it is
worth taking a moment to understand how this is accomplished.
(b) The next step is to standardize our images, so their features have a similar range of values. Implement the fit() and transform() functions in the ImageStandardizer class. The fit()
function is first called with the training data set as input, and it calculates and stores the per-channel
mean and standard deviation from the training data. Specifically, we assume that the underlying distributions of each image channel (red, green, and blue) are independent distributions with mean 0
and variance 1. To embed these assumptions, zero-center each image channel by subtracting the perchannel mean value, then scale each image channel by dividing by the per-channel standard deviation.
These mean and standard deviation values are applied to the standardization of all data partitions with
the transform() function. Answer the following question regarding this normalization process.
i. Run the script, and report the mean and standard deviation of each color channel
(RGB), learned from the entire training partition.
ii. Why do we extract the per-channel image mean and standard deviation from the training set as
opposed to the other data partitions?
(c) Run the script visualize to see the effects of this preprocessing on a couple of example
images. Save and include the resulting plots in your write-up. What are the visible effects of our
preprocessing on the image data?
2 Convolutional Neural Networks [30 pts]
With our data now in a suitable form for training, we will explore the implementation and effectiveness of a
convolution neural network (CNN) on the dataset. For this question, we will focus on the first 5 classes: Action, Animation, Documentary, Horror, and Romance. Recall the basic structure of a convolutional network:
a sequential combination of convolutional, activation, pooling and fully connected layers.
Figure 2: An example convolutional neural network. By Aphex34, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
CNNs used for image classification can often be viewed in two parts, where the first part learns a representation of the image data — or “encoding” — and the second learns a mapping from this image encoding to
the output space. Our CNN will follow this schema, and the output space will be the five class labels we
are considering. The image encoder will be composed of convolutional layers, which maintain the spatial
structure of the image data by sliding filters with learned weights across the image. Once we have our image
encoding, we will use fully connected layers to learn a non-linear combination of this representation, and
ideally map this representation into a linearly-separable space that we can easily classify. Between layers,
we will add non-linear activation functions that allow the network to learn a non-linear mapping.
We have provided the training framework necessary to complete this problem in the file train
All of the following problems that involve implementation will require you to use the PyTorch API. We’ve
provided some tips in Appendix A, and you are encouraged to explore the documentation and online tutorials
to learn more.
(a) Study the CNN architecture specified in Appendix B (on page 13). How many learnable float-valued
parameters does the model have? You should be able to manually calculate this number, and later
verify against the program output after implementing the model.
(b) Implement the architecture by completing the CNN class in model/ In PyTorch, we define a neural network by subclassing torch.nn.Module, which handles all the gradient computations automatically. Your job is to fill in the appropriate lines in three functions: init (),
init weights() and forward(x).
• Use init () to define the architecture, i.e. what layers our network contains. At the end of
init () we call init weights() to initialize all model parameters (weights and biases)
in all layers to desired distributions.
• The forward(x) function defines the forward propagation for a batch of input examples, by
successively passing output of the previous layer as the input into the next layer after applying
activation functions, and returning the final output as a torch.Tensor object.
• The torch.Tensor class implements a backward() function. As its name suggests, it
performs backpropagation and computes the partial derivatives with respect to each model parameter using chain rule. While you do not have to implement backward(), you should
review the lecture slides on backpropagation, so that you understand why it is important when
training the network.
(c) After making a forward pass we can use the output from the CNN to make a prediction. Implement
the predictions() function in train to predict the numeric class label given
the network output logits. These logits are just the raw output predictions of the network (without
(d) Review the trainer script train Based on the model specification in Appendix B, fill in
the definitions for criterion and optimizer. In the main function, we have a training loop that
loops through the dataset for a fixed number of times as defined in the config file. After each complete
pass of the training set (called an “epoch”), we evaluate the model on the validation set, and save this
solution as a checkpoint. Review the definitions of the following functions:
• train epoch: within one epoch, we pass batches of training examples through the network,
use backpropagation to compute gradients, and update model weights using the gradients.
• evaluate epoch: we pass the entire validation set (in batches) through the network and get
the model’s predictions, and compare these with the true labels to get an evaluation metric.
• save checkpoint: checkpointing — the periodic saving of model parameters — is an important technique for training large models in machine learning; if a hardware failure occurs due
to a power outage or our code fails for whatever reason, we don’t want to lose all of our progress!
(e) Execute train to train the model.
Note that if you run the script more than once, you will be prompted to enter the epoch number at
which the model parameters from the saved checkpoint will be restored and training will continue
from that epoch. If you enter 0, then the model will be trained from scratch and the old checkpoints
will be deleted.
This script will also create two graphs that are updated every epoch to monitor the model’s performance in terms of loss and accuracy on the train and validation set. Include the final graphs in your
write-up and answer the following questions.
i. You should observe that the training plot is fairly noisy and validation loss does not monotonically decrease. Describe at least two sources of noise that contribute to this behavior.
ii. If we were to continue training the model, what do you expect will happen to (1) training loss and
(2) validation loss? Consider both the effects of additional training on these individual statistics
as well as their relation to each other.
iii. Here, we stopped training after a fixed number of iterations. Based on your training plot, at
which epoch should you stop training the model? Write down this value, and your reasoning for
why you picked this value. Use this epoch number for the next problem.
(f) In a convolutional layer, every filter has different weights and generates a distinct activation map given
the same input. Activation maps represent the output of a convolutional layer. They are useful because
they show us how well a particular filter matched individual patches of the input image. For example,
the first convolutional layer has 16 filters, thus we have 16 different activation maps. These activation
maps are single-channel images, and we can plot them using a continuum of colors, where darker
color indicates small values and lighter color indicates large values. Filters in one layer are sorted
by the mean of each filter’s weights to improve consistency of results. By visualizing the activation
maps, we are able to see what each filter is learning.
Execute visualize to generate visualizations for the activation maps of the first convolutional layer, when each of the following three images is passed through the network. These sample
images are representative of their respective classes. Include the plots in your write-up.
Answer the following questions:
i. What do you notice about the first-layer activations for input images of different classes? Compare and contrast the output from these three images based on their similarities and differences
(in terms of color, shape, etc.).
ii. What low-level features could each filter be looking for?
00001.jpg 00006.jpg 00010.jpg
y = 1 y = 0 y = 3
Animation Action Horror
3 Classification by Autoencoder [40 pts]
In many cases, we may have a large amount of data, but there are no corresponding labels. Such unlabeled
data may still be useful if we can find a way to learn a good representation of the underlying structure. The
general task of this form, called unsupervised learning, involves learning NOT how to predict the output
label given the input feature-vector, but instead the internal structure of the input relative to other data points.
There are many architectures and training methods for doing unsupervised learning with neural nets; here,
we’ll focus on autoencoders.
We consider a good representation of our data to be a compact representation in a lower-dimensional space,
since it would require our model to learn the simpler underlying structure of the data instead of memorizing
specific features of the data. Specifically, if X is a space of possible poster images, we want to learn a
d-dimensional representation of the observed elements of X , where d is much smaller than the dimensions
of X . To learn such a representation, we can employ a function encoder : X → R
, which maps input
images to the d-dimensional representation. However, without a semantic representation of the important
features (e.g. labels), we cannot directly train a network to learn the function encoder.
Instead of requiring labels, let’s utilize what we do have: data. Instead of learning encoder : X → R
directly, we can learn an identity function ident : X → X . Now, we have both the inputs and the outputs,
so we can learn this function. We seek to approximate the identity function by a functional form that
compresses and then decompresses the input data. We can break this function down into two parts: ident =
decoder ◦ encoder, where encoder : X → R
and decoder : R
d → X . Our training pairs for learning this
function will be of the form (¯x, x¯), where x¯ is a poster image. Intuitively, the learned compressor (encoder)
will throw away all irrelevant aspects of the data and keep only what is essential for the decompressor
(decoder) to reconstruct the data. This will allow us to find a good representation of the data.
A neural network that implements this idea is called an autoencoder. Note: in general, the performance
of a neural network increases significantly with the amount of data. Thus, we will use all 10 classes from
the entire available dataset for this part of the project: 7500 training images and 2500 test images (even
though we don’t have labels for them). The remaining 2500 validation images will be used to evaluate the
performance of the autoencoder.
(a) Study the architecture presented in Appendix C (page 15).
Notice the “deconvolutional” layer. This layer is simply a convolutional layer whose output layer has
larger side-length than the input. While the convolutional layer shrinks images, the deconvolutional
layer grows them.
Answer the following in your write-up:
i. Which layers have weights corresponding to encoder, and which to decoder?
Observe a rough symmetry between encoder and decoder: such symmetries are common in the
design of autoencoders, since the encoder and decoder are intended to be rough inverses. In designing
an autoencoder, we are faced with many architecture choices.
ii. Speculate on these architecture choices by completing the table below (use your intuition).
Compare using the alternative choice against using the current choice, and fill in either ↑ or ↓ in
the right three columns. For each pair of current and alternative choices, write a short justification that identifies the main differences. For the last two rows, fill in the current choice based
on our architecture and your own choice of an alternative.
Current choice Alternative How might the alternative choice affect...
Training Speed Structural Error Estimation Error
Initialization random normal zero ↓ ↑
Activation ELU Sigmoid
(b) Implement the architecture by filling out the Autoencoder class in model/
Some of the layers are already implemented for you. You may change the given lines if necessary,
but a simple and correct solution can be built solely by adding to the given lines. Your job is to
fill in the appropriate lines in four functions: init() , init weights(), encoder(x) and
• The init() and init weights() functions have the same functionality as before.
• The encoder(x) function defines the operations for the encoder part of the autoencoder,
which maps the input examples to d-dimensional representations.
• The decoder(x) function defines the operations for the decoder part of the autoencoder,
which maps the d-dimensional representations from the encoder back to the original images.
• The forward(x) function defines the forward propagation and is implemented for you. It
simply composes the encoder(x) and decoder(x) functions.
(c) Review the script train Based on the model specification in Appendix C, fill
in the definitions for criterion and optimizer. Complete the train epoch function based
on instructions in the skeleton code. Review the evaluate epoch function.
(d) Run the script train to train the network on the training data and evaluate on
the validation set. On a standard laptop, this should take about 4 minutes. Include the final training plot of validation MSE. Report the stopping epoch number and use this value for the next few
(e) Execute the script evaluate and communicate the network performance on
the validation set as follows.
i. Report a baseline reconstruction error of your choice. For instance, what is the reconstruction
mean squared error of the compression-decompression scheme that always returns the same
reconstruction: a uniformly gray square?
ii. Report the reconstruction error overall, and for each image class.
iii. Display the ae per class perf.png image saved to your project directory, which shows
the best/worst/typical reconstructions for each class. What kind of image is the autoencoder best
at reconstructing?
(f) Run the script visualize What aspects of the images does the autoencoder
seem to have learned? Qualitatively evaluate the autoencoder’s performance as a compression-reconstruction method, support your evaluation with the ae recon comparison.png image saved to
your project directory. You should contrast the autoencoder’s output with that of a naive downsamplethen-upsample method with matching compression ratio.
(g) Instead of randomly initializing model weights, we can initialize them with weights obtained from
training on a different (but related) task. This allows our model to utilize knowledge learned on
another task for our current task, so our model does not have to learn everything from scratch. Usually,
this also leads to faster convergence. This is the idea behind transfer learning.
Here, you will use transfer learning to train a image classifier similar to the CNN in Q2, but now
making use of the encoder of the autoencoder. You will freeze the weights of the autoencoder,
connect the output of the encoder to more fully-connected layers, and then train these last layers
on the classification task. Fill in the missing lines in the AutoencoderClassifier model in (your implementation should be the same as the encoder of your Autoencoder).
Review and run the script train autoencoder to train our classifier to classify the first five classes of images. Compare this classifier to your previous CNN classifier by
reporting the accuracy on the validation set for each class (you will have to implement this yourself).
Format your results as follows:
CNN accuracy Autoencoder classifier accuracy
y = 0 Action
y = 1 Animation
y = 2 Documentary
y = 3 Horror
y = 4 Romance
How does this classifier compare to the CNN in Q2? Comment on performance and training time.
4 Challenge [20 pts]
Armed with your knowledge of neural networks and PyTorch, you are now ready to help Junghwan: designing, implementing, and training a neural network of your own design to classify movie posters! We will
again restrict our final classifier to the first 5 classes; however, you will now be allowed to use the training
and validation sets for all 10 classes to train your model. These additional data may be useful if you wish to
further explore transfer learning in your challenge solution. In addition, you will have full control over the
network architecture, including weight initialization, filter sizes, activation function, network depth, regularization techniques, preprocessing methods, and any other changes you see fit. We ask you to adhere to
the following guidelines when developing your challenge submission.
• You must use only the data provided for this challenge; Do not attempt to acquire any additional
training data, or the ground truth test labels. The use of pretrained models is also not allowed.
• Implement your model within model/
• Fill in the definitions for the loss function, optimizer, model, and the train epoch function.
• You may alter the training framework in train as you please.
• If you wish to modify any portion of the data batching or preprocessing, please make a copy of and call it dataset You may then modify this file however you
• You may add additional variables to the config.json file and modify any of the existing challenge
variables as you see fit.
Once your model has been trained, ensure that its checkpoint exists in the directory checkpoints/challenge/
and run the script predict as follows.
python predict --uniqname=<your uniqname
This script will load your model from your saved checkpoint and produce the file <your uniqname.csv
that contains your model’s predictions on the test set.
In your write-up, describe the experiments you conducted and how they influenced your final model. When
grading your challenge write-up, we will look for at least some discussion of your decisions regarding the
the following.
• Regularization (weight decay, dropout, etc.)
• Feature selection
• Model architecture
• Hyperparameters
• Model evaluation (i.e., the criteria you used to determine which model is best)
• Whether your model was trained using GPU hardware
We will evaluate your submission based on two components with the points split evenly between the two:
1. Effort (10 pts): We will evaluate how much effort you have applied to this problem based on the
experiments described in your write-up and your code submission.
2. Accuracy (10 pts): We will evaluate the top-1 accuracy of your classifier’s predictions on the ground
truth test labels. In other words, given n test images, ground truth test labels {y
i=1, and your
predictions {yˆ
i=1, your performance will be evaluated as follows.
accuracy =
(i) == ˆy
Note that this means that the output test predictions follow a specified order. For that reason, please
do not shuffle the test set data points during prediction.
REMEMBER to submit your project report by 11:59pm ET on November 12th, 2019 to Gradescope.
Include your code as an appendix (copied and pasted) in your report. Please try to format lines of code
so they are visible within the pages.
Upload your file uniqname.csv containing the label predictions for the test images at this link, providing your email.
Appendix A Implementation notes
A.1 torch.nn.Conv2d
This class implements the 2D convolutional layer we have learned in lecture. Create the layer as follows:
torch.nn.Conv2d(in channels, out channels, kernel size, stride, padding).
Use default settings for all other arguments. For example dilation=1 means no dilation is used, and
bias=True adds a learnable bias term to the neuron.
A.2 the SAME padding
With Pytorch’s default setting padding=0, if we apply a 3 × 3 convolutional filter to a 4 × 4 input image,
the output would be 2 × 2. As we keep applying convolutional layers in this way, the spatial dimensions
will keep decreasing. However, in the early layers of a CNN, we want to preserve as much information
about the original input volume so that we can extract those low level features. To do this, we can pad the
borders of the input image with zeros in a way such that the output dimension is the SAME as the input
(assuming unit strides). If the filter size is odd k = 2m + 1, then this amount of zero padding on each side
is p = bk/2c = m. For example, in Figure 3, since the filter size is k = 3, the appropriate padding size is
p = b3/2c = 1.
NO padding SAME padding
Figure 3: Comparison of padding schemes.
Adapted from: Vincent Dumoulin, Francesco Visin - A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning.
Source code: arithmetic
A.3 torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss
Let z¯ be the network output logits and yˆc the probability that the network assigns to the input example as
belonging to class c. Let y¯ ∈ R
D be a one-hot vector with a one in the position of the true label and zero
otherwise (i.e., if the true label is t, then yc = 1 if t = c and yc = 0 if t 6= c). D is the number of classes.
For a multiclass classification problem, we typically apply a softmax activation at the output layer to generate
a probability distribution vector. Each entry of this vector can be computed as:
yˆc =
exp(zj )
We then compare this probability distribution yˆ with the ground truth distribution y¯ (a one-hot vector),
computing the cross entropy loss, L:
L(¯y, yˆ) = −
yc log ˆyc
These two steps can be done at once in PyTorch using the CrossEntropyLoss class, which combines
the softmax activation with negative log likelihood loss. We don’t need to add a separate soft max activation
at the output layer. This improves computational efficiency and numerical stability, and you will explore
more about the mathematical reason in Homework 3.
Appendix B CNN Architecture
Training Parameters
• Criterion: torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss
• Optimizer: torch.optim.Adam
• Learning rate: 10−4
• Number of epochs: 40
• Batch Size: 128
Layer 0: Input image
• Output: 3 × 32 × 32
Layer 1: Convolutional Layer 1
• Number of filters: 16
• Filter size: 5 × 5
• Stride size: 2 × 2
• Padding: SAME
• Activation: ReLU
• Weight initialization: normally distributed with µ = 0.0, σ
2 =
• Bias initialization: constant 0.0
• Output: 16 × 16 × 16
Layer 2: Convolutional Layer 2
• Number of filters: 64
• Filter size: 5 × 5
• Stride size: 2 × 2
• Padding: SAME
• Activation: ReLU
• Weight initialization: normally distributed with µ = 0.0, σ
2 =
• Bias initialization: constant 0.0
• Output: 64 × 8 × 8
Layer 3: Convolutional Layer 3
• Number of filters: 32
• Filter size: 5 × 5
• Stride size: 2 × 2
• Padding: SAME
• Activation: ReLU
• Weight initialization: normally distributed with µ = 0.0, σ
2 =
• Bias initialization: constant 0.0
• Output: 32 × 4 × 4
Layer 4: Fully connected layer 1
• Input: 512
• Activation: ReLU
• Weight initialization: normally distributed with µ = 0.0, σ
2 =
• Bias initialization: constant 0.0
• Output: 64
Layer 5: Fully connected layer 2
• Input: 64
• Activation: ReLU
• Weight initialization: normally distributed with µ = 0.0, σ
2 =
• Bias initialization: constant 0.0
• Output: 32
Layer 6: Fully connected layer 3 (Output layer)
• Input: 32
• Activation: None
• Weight initialization: normally distributed with µ = 0.0, σ
2 =
• Bias initialization: constant 0.0
• Output: 5 (number of classes)
Appendix C Autoencoder Architecture
Training Parameters
• Criterion: torch.nn.MSELoss
• Optimizer: torch.optim.Adam
• Learning rate: 10−4
• Number of epochs: 20
• Batch Size: 128
Layer 0: Input image
• Output: 3 × 32 × 32
Layer 1: Average Pooling
• Filter size: 2 × 2
• Stride size: 2 × 2
• Output: 3 × 16 × 16
Layer 2: Fully connected layer
• Input: 768
• Activation: ELU
• Weight initialization: normally distributed with µ = 0.0, σ
2 =
• Bias initialization: constant 0.01
• Output: 128
Layer 3: Fully connected layer
• Input: 128
• Activation: ELU
• Weight initialization: normally distributed with µ = 0.0, σ
2 =
• Bias initialization: constant 0.01
• Output: 64
Layer 4: Fully connected layer
• Input: 64
• Activation: ELU
• Weight initialization: normally distributed with µ = 0.0, σ
2 =
• Bias initialization: constant 0.01
• Output: 20736
Layer 5: Deconvolutional Layer (implemented for you)
• Input: 64 × 18 × 18
• Activation: Identity
• Weight initialization: normally distributed with µ = 0.0, σ
2 = 0.012
• Bias initialization: constant 0.00
• Filter size: 5 × 5
• Padding: SAME
• Output: 3 × 36 × 36
Layer 6: Centered Crop (implemented for you)
• Output: 3 × 32 × 32
Layer 7: Image-by-Image Color Normalization (no parameters; implemented for you)
• Target pixel-value mean: 0.0
• Target pixel-value standard deviation: 1.0
• Output: 3 × 32 × 32
Appendix D Expected Timeline
This section will describe the expected time of completion along with an estimated workload (in number
of days) for each section of the project. This should give you a sense of whether you are on schedule to
complete the project.
1. Data Preprocessing: October 31st, 2019 (2 day).
2. Convolutional Neural Networks: November 4th, 2019 (4 days).
3. Classification by Autoencoder: November 8th, 2019 (4 days).
4. Challenge: November 12th, 2019 (4 days).

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