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Project 2: Learning to Rank using Linear Regression

CSE474/574: Introduction to Machine Learning

Project 2: Learning to Rank using Linear Regression

1 Overview
The goal of this project is to use machine learning to solve a problem that arises in Information Retrieval,
one known as the Learning to Rank (LeToR) problem. We formulate this as a problem of linear regression
where we map an input vector x to a real-valued scalar target y(x, w).
There are two tasks:
1. Train a linear regression model on LeToR dataset using a closed-form solution.
2. Train a linear regression model on the LeToR dataset using stochastic gradient descent (SGD).
The LeToR training data consists of pairs of input values x and target values t. The input values are
real-valued vectors (features derived from a query-document pair). The target values are scalars (relevance
labels) that take one of three values 0, 1, 2: the larger the relevance label, the better is the match between
query and document. Although the training target values are discrete we use linear regression to obtain real
values which is more useful for ranking (avoids collision into only three possible values).
1.1 Linear Regression Model
Our linear regression function y(x, w) has the form:
y(x, w) = wφ(x) (1)
where w = (w0, w1, .., wM−1) is a weight vector to be learnt from training samples and φ = (φ0, .., φM−1)

is a vector of M basis functions. Assuming φ0 (x) ≡ 1 for whatever input, w0 becomes the bias term. Each
basis function φj (x) converts the input vector x into a scalar value. In this project, you are required to use
the Gaussian radial basis functions
φj (x) = exp ?

(x − µj
(x − µj
where µj
is the center of the basis function and Σj decides how broadly the basis function spreads.
1.2 Noise model and Objective function
We use a probabilistic model in which the output target value is subject to noise. More specifically, we
assume that the output has a normal distribution, with mean y(x, w) and precision β. With input samples
X = {x1, .., xn} and target values t = {t1,}, the likelihood function has the form:
p (t|X, w, β) = Y

tn|wφ (xn), β−1
Maximizing (3) is equivalent to minimizing the sum-of-squares error
ED(w) = 1
{tn − wφ (xn)}
1.2.1 Regularization to contain over-fitting
To obtain better generalization and avoid overfitting, we add a regularization term to the error function,
with the form:
E(w) = ED(w) + λEW (w) (5)
where the weight decay regularizer is
EW (w) = 1
wT w (6)
The coefficient λ in (5) governs the relative importance of the regularization term.
The goal is to find w∗
that minimizes (5). This can be done by taking the derivative of (5) with respect
to w, setting it equal to zero, and solving for w We consider two linear regression solutions: closed-form
and stochastic gradient descent (SGD).
1.3 Closed-form Solution for w
The closed-form solution of (4), i.e., sum-of-squares error without regularization, has the form
wML = (Φ
t (7)
where t = {t1, .., tN } is the vector of outputs in the training data and Φ is the design matrix:
Φ =

φ0(x1) φ1(x1) φ2(x1) · · · φM−1(x1)
φ0(x2) φ1(x2) φ2(x2) · · · φM−1(x2)
φ0(xN ) φ1(xN ) φ2(xN ) · · · φM−1(xN )

The quantity (7) is known as the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of the matrix Φ.
The closed-form solution with least-squared regularization, as defined by (5) and (6) is
w∗ = (λI + Φ
t (8)
1.4 Stochastic Gradient Descent Solution for w
The stochastic gradient descent algorithm first takes a random initial value w(0). Then it updates the value
of w using
w(τ+1) = w(τ) + ∆w(τ)
where ∆w(τ) = −η
(τ)∇E is called the weight updates. It goes along the opposite direction of the gradient
of the error. η
is the learning rate, deciding how big each update step would be. Because of the linearity
of differentiation, we have
∇E = ∇ED + λ∇EW (10)
in which
∇ED = −(tn − w(τ)φ (xn))φ (xn) (11)
∇EW = w(τ)

1.5 Evaluation
Evaluate your solution on a test set using Root Mean Square (RMS) error, defined as
2E(w∗)/NV (13)
where w∗
is the solution and NV is the size of the test dataset.
1.6 Dataset
You are required to implement linear regression on a learning to rank (LeToR) dataset. In the LeToR
dataset the input vector is derived from a query-URL pair and the target value is human value assignment
about how well the URL corresponds to the query.
The Microsoft LETOR 4.0 Dataset is a benchmark data set for research released by Microsoft Research
Asia. It can be found at
It contains 8 datasets for four ranking settings derived from the two query sets and the Gov2 web page
collection. For this project, download MQ2007. There are three versions for each dataset: “NULL”, “MIN”
and “QueryLevelNorm”. In this project, only the “QueryLevelNorm” version “Querylevelnorm.txt” will be
used. The entire dataset consists of 69623 query-document pairs(rows), each having 46 features. Here are
two sample rows from the MQ2008 dataset.
2 qid:10032 1:0.056537 2:0.000000 3:0.666667 4:1.000000 ... 46:0.076923
#docid = GX029-35-5894638 inc = 0.0119881192468859 prob = 0.139842
0 qid:10032 1:0.279152 2:0.000000 3:0.000000 4:0.000000 ... 46:1.000000
#docid = GX030-77-6315042 inc = 1 prob = 0.341364
The meaning of each column are as follows.
1. The first column is the relevance label of the row. It takes one of the discrete values 0, 1 or 2. The
larger the relevance label, the better is the match between query and document. Note that objective
output y of our linear regression will give a continuous value rather than a discrete one– so as to give
a fine-grained distinction.
2. The second column qid is the query id. It is only useful for indexing the dataset and not used in
3. The following 46 columns are the features. They are the 46-dimensional input vector x for our linear
regression model. All the features are normalized to fall in the interval of [0, 1].
4. We would NOT use item docid (which is the ID of the document), inc, and prob in this project. So
just ignore them.
2 Plan of Work
2.1 Tasks On The LeToR Dataset
1. Extract feature values and labels from the data: Process the original text data file into a Numpy
matrix that contains the feature vectors and a Numpy vector that contains the labels.
2. Data Partition: Partition the data into a training set, a validation set and a testing set. The training
set takes around 80% of the total. The validation set takes about 10% . The testing set takes the rest.
The three sets should NOT overlap.
3. Train model parameter: For a given group of hyper-parameters such as M, µj
, Σj , λ, η
, train
the model parameter w on the training set.
4. Tune hyper-parameters: Validate the regression performance of your model on the validation set.
Change your hyper-parameters and repeat step 3. Try to find what values those hyper-parameters
should take so as to give better performance on the validation set.
5. Test your machine learning scheme on the testing set: After finishing all the above steps, fix
your hyper-parameters and model parameter and test your model’s performance on the testing set.
This shows the ultimate effectiveness of your model’s generalization power gained by learning.
3 Strategies for Tuning Hyper-Parameters
3.1 Choosing Number of Basis Functions M and Regularization Term λ
For tuning M and λ, you can simply use grid search. Starting from small values of M and λ, gradually try
bigger values, until the performance does not improve. Please refer to
3.2 Choosing Basis Functions
1. Centers for Gaussian radial basis functions µj
: A simple way is to randomly pick up M data
points as the centers.
2. Spread for Gaussian radial basis functions Σj : A first try would be to use uniform spread for
all basis functions Σj = Σ. Also constrain Σ to be a diagonal matrix
Σ =


Choose σ
to be proportional to the ith dimension variance of the training data. For example, let
i =
10 vari (x).
3. k-means clustering: A more advanced method for choosing basis functions is to first use k-means
clustering to partition the observations into M clusters. Then fit each cluster with a Gaussian radial
basis function. After that use these basis functions for linear regression.
3.3 Choosing Learning Rate η
The simplest way would be to use fixed learning rate η. But this would lead to very poor performance.
Choosing too big a learning rate could lead to divergence and choosing too small a learnng rate could lead to
intolerably slow convergence. A more advanced method is to use Learning Rate Adaption based on changing
of performance. Please refer to
4 Deliverables
There are two parts in your submission:
1. Report
The report describes your implementations and results using graphs, tables, etc. Write a concise project
report, which includes a description of how you implement the models and tune the parameters. Your
report should be edited in PDF format. Additional grading considerations will include the performance
of the training, creativity in paramter tuning and the clarity and flow of your report. Highlight the
innovative parts and do not include what is already in the project description. You should also include
the printed out results from your code in your report.
Submit the PDF on a CSE student server with the following script:
submit_cse474 proj2.pdf for undergraduates
submit_cse574 proj2.pdf for graduates
In addition to the PDF version of the report, you also need to hand in the hard copy version on the
first class after due date or else your project will not be graded.
2. Code
The code for your implementations. Code in Python is the only accepted one for this project. You
can submit multiple files, but the name of the entrance file should be All Python code files
should be packed in a ZIP file named After extracting the ZIP file and executing
command python in the first level directory, it should be able to generate all the results and
plots you used in your report and print them out in a clear manner.
Submit the Python code on a CSE student server with the following script:
submit_cse474 for undergraduates
submit_cse574 for graduates

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