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Project 2: Local Search

School of Computing
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Project 2: Local Search and Constraint Satisfaction Problems

In this project, you will implement local search and Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) algorithms to find valid goal states in a game. Specifically, you are tasked to implement the following
1. Implement the Local Search Algorithm (Hill-Climbing.
2. Implement the CSP Backtracking Algorithm.
This project is worth 10% of your module grade.
General Project Requirements
The general project requirements are as follows:
• Individual project
• Python Version: 3.7
• Submission deadline: 16 October 2022 (Wednesday) 11:59pm
• Submission folder: LumiNUS > CS3243 > Projects > Project 2 Submission folder
• Submission format: One standard (non-encrypted) zip file1
containing only the necessary
project files. In particular, it should unzip to give one folder with two .py files:
and More information is given in the Submission Details section below.
As to the specific project requirements, you must complete and submit the following:
• Task 1 (Local Search): Implement your Local Search algorithm in
• Task 2 (CSP): Implement your CSP Backtracking algorithm in
Note that you are tasked to implement your own search space and state structure for the game. You
are strongly encouraged to reuse your search space and state definition from Project 1.
1Note that it is the responsibility of the students to ensure that this file may be accessed by conventional means.
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
Academic Integrity and Late Submissions
Note that any material that does not originate from you (e.g., is taken from another source), should
not be used directly. You should do up the solutions on your own. Failure to do so constitutes
plagiarism. Sharing of materials between individuals is also strictly not allowed. Students found
plagiarising or sharing their code will be dealt with seriously. Additionally, sharing of code on any
public repository is strictly not allowed and any students found sharing will be dealt with seriously.
For late submissions, there will be a 20% penalty for submissions received within 24 hours after the deadline, 50% penalty for submissions received between 24-48 hours after the deadline,
and 100% penalty for submissions received after 48 hours after the deadline. For example, if you
submit the project 30 hours after the deadline and obtain a score of 92%, a 50% penalty applies
and you will only be awarded 46%.
Background: n-Queens Puzzle
The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n chess queens on an n×n chessboard so that no
two queens threaten each other; thus, a solution requires that no two queens share the same row,
column, or diagonal. The problem was first posed in the mid-19th century. In the modern era, it is
often used as an example problem for various computer programming techniques. Solutions exist
for all natural numbers n with the exception of n = 2 and n = 3. Although the exact number of
solutions is only known for n ≤ 28, the work of Simkin in 2021 established that the asymptotic
growth rate of the number of solutions is (0.143n)
Figure 1: A layout of the 8-queens puzzle.
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
In this project, we will be solving a generalised n − pieces puzzle. Instead of using only Queen
pieces, we will be using all the different chess pieces (King, Queen, Bishop, Rook, Knight, Ferz,
Princess, Empress) as stated in Project 1 (excluding Pawn piece). Additionally, there may also be
obstacles placed on the board (Same as Project 1). The objective of the game is to find a goal state
where no pieces threaten each other. As with Project 1, obstacles prevent pieces from threatening another piece, i.e., the threatened cells of a piece stop at an obstacle in the path. More details
will be given in the later sections. For this project, the board will not have any action costs as we
are not concerned with determining a sequence of moves. Instead, we are only interested in the
goal state, i.e., the final positions of each piece in the board.
As the chess pieces and the game board are the same as Project 1, you may refer to the
Project 1 specifications PDF for the movement rules of each piece as well as the basic board
Hint: If you implemented the game board and pieces correctly in Project 1, you may reuse them as
there should be minimal/no change to it for Project 2.
Input test file
Similar to Project 1, for each test case, you will be given an input text file containing the board configuration (e.g., number of rows/columns, type of game pieces, starting position of game pieces,
etc.). A parser function has been defined for you to take in the input text file and generate the
required variables.
In Project 2, there are two different types of test case files (e.g., Local1.txt, Local2.txt, ...
and CSP1.txt, CSP2.txt, ...) – one type for Local Search and one type for CSP.
Getting Started
You are given two python files (, with the recommended empty functions/classes to be implemented. Specifically, the following are given to you:
1. run local/CSP(): DO NOT REMOVE THIS FUNCTION. When called, this function must return a Goal State. The returned output will be evaluated by the autograder for
correctness. More details on the output will be given in the later sections.
2. parse(testcase): DO NOT REMOVE THIS FUNCTION. When called, this function parses the testcase text file given in its parameters and outputs the required information
needed to formulate the search space.
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
3. search(): Implement the corresponding search/backtracking algorithm here. (You may
change/remove this function as desired, as long as you keep the run XXX() function and
return the required values.)
4. State: A class storing information of the game state. (You may change/remove this function as desired, as long as you keep the run XXX() function and return the required values.)
5. Board: A class storing information of the board. (You may change/remove this function as
desired, as long as you keep the run XXX() function and return the required values.)
6. Piece: A class storing information of a game piece. (You may change/remove this function
as desired, as long as you keep the run XXX() function and return the required values.)
You are encouraged to write other helper functions to aid you in implementing the algorithms. You
are also encouraged, for both python files, to use the same classes to design the game board and
pieces (i.e., State, Board, Piece); only the implementation of search() should differ.
During tests, the input filename will be given as the first command line argument (use sys.argv[1]
to get the input filename) and thereafter only the method run XXX() will be called. The output
should be a valid Goal State.
Finding a Valid Goal using Local Search/Backtracking
The objectives of this part of the project are:
1. To gain exposure in the implementation of algorithms taught in class.
2. To learn to recognise the differences and utility of each search algorithm.
3. To learn to recognise the effects that the different methods have on the performance and
Project 2 Task 1: Overpopulation
The King of CS3243 has successfully escaped from the Kingdom of CS9999 and eliminated the
CS9999 King, leading to the downfall of CS9999. Many years have passed and the kingdom of
CS3243 has prospered due to the lack of competition from CS9999. More and more people from
all over the world have migrated to the CS3243 Kingdom due to the opportunities and wealth that
the kingdom offers. However, this has led to overpopulation in the Kingdom due to the lack of
space to accommodate the surge in the number of citizens. To tackle this issue, the Council of
CS3243 has decided to exile some of its citizens...
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
We are given a game board of varying size. Each such board is completely filled with chess pieces
(and obstacles). The positions of the chess pieces and obstacles are given in the input test file. The
pieces and obstacles will remain static at all times (i.e., they remain in the same position throughout
the search). Each chess piece will threaten its surrounding position based on the type of chess piece
it is. Note that whilst the chess pieces can threaten each other, they cannot capture/eliminate other
pieces. An example of the initial state of the board is shown below:
Figure 2: An initial state of the game with the the board being completely filled up .
We are also given a positive integer k (where k ≤ n, and given that initially, there are n pieces
on the board). The objective of the game is thus to remove at most n − k pieces such that no two
pieces on the board threaten each other. Hence, the goal is to find a board with at least k original
pieces (i.e., pieces in their starting positions) on it, such that among these k original pieces, no
piece is threatening another. The diagram below shows an example of a goal state of the game:
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
Figure 3: The goal state of the game with 8 pieces left on the board where they are not threatening
one another.
Task 1: Local Search
Implement a Local Search algorithm (i.e., Hill-Climbing) to solve the problem stated above in This can be done through random restarts or other variants of the algorithms specified.
Test file input: Use sys.argv[1] to obtain the name of the test file within the run local() function. This has already been added for you in the template code.
When the run local() function is executed, your code should return a dictionary of valid positions such that no two chess piece threaten one another on the board and each chess piece is on
the board in the following format:
{pos1 : piece1, pos2 : piece2, ..., posn : piecen}
Each position posi and piece piecei
, is a (key:value) pair. The key represents a grid index
tuple, (x, y), where x is the column index (i.e., a string), and y is the row index (i.e., an integer),
such that (x, y) corresponds to a specific grid cell on the board that we wish to reference. The
value corresponds to a string identifying a particular type of chess pieces (i.e., ”King”, ”Queen”,
”Bishop”, ”Rook” or ”Knight” - do note that the first letter is capitalised).
More specifically, the positions of the pieces at its goal state should be returned in this format:
{(x1, y1) : piece1,(x2, y2) : piece2,(x3, y3) : piece3, ...,(xj
, yj ) : piecej}
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
An example of the function printed and its output is shown below:
print(run local())
Sample Output:

, 0) : Queen,(


, 3) : King,(


, 7) : Rook, ...,(

, 5) : Knight}
Project 2 Task 2: Repopulation
In order to reduce the probability of a revolt, the council from the CS3243 Kingdom has decided
to relocate the citizens it has exiled. Being a new settlement, the exiled population would have had
no difficulties with the relocation. However, as fate would have it, they are stricken by an infectious disease (Covid-99). The citizens must now practise safe distancing amidst their relocation to
reduce the chance of transmission.
We are given a game board of varying size. Each board is initially empty (except for any obstacles).
The number of each chess piece are given in the input test file. An example of the initial state of
the board is shown below:
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
Figure 4: An initial state of the game with the the board being completely empty and two obstacles
labelled ’X’.
We are also given a set of chess pieces to populate the board with (i.e., the input test file specifies
how many pieces of each kind must be placed). The objective of the game is to find positions on
the given board for each piece specified in the given set of chess pieces such that no two pieces on
the board threaten each other. This implies that the goal is to find a board where all chess pieces
specified in the initial set are placed such that no piece is threatening another. The diagram below
shows an example of a goal state of the game:
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
Figure 5: The goal state of the game with no pieces threatening one another and all pieces (8
Queens) stated in the input test file are placed in the goal state.
Task 2: Backtracking
Implement the Backtracking algorithm to solve the problem stated above in You are
free to use any heuristics and inference algorithm to speed up the search.
Test file input: Use sys.argv[1] to obtain the name of the test file within the run CSP() function. This has already been added for you in the template code.
When the run CSP() function is executed, your code should return a dictionary of valid positions such that no two chess piece threaten one another and all the given chess pieces have been
placed on the board. The required format is:
{pos1 : piece1, pos2 : piece2, ..., posn : piecen}
Each position posi and piece piecei
, is a (key:value) pair. The key represents a grid index
tuple, (x, y), where x is the column index (i.e., a string), and y is the row index (i.e., an integer),
such that (x, y) corresponds to a specific grid cell on the board that we wish to reference. The
value corresponds to a string identifying a particular type of chess pieces (i.e., ”King”, ”Queen”,
”Bishop”, ”Rook” or ”Knight” - do note that the first letter is capitalised).
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
More specifically, the positions of the pieces at its goal state should be returned in this format:
{(x1, y1) : piece1,(x2, y2) : piece2,(x3, y3) : piece3, ...,(xj
, yj ) : piecej}
An example of the function printed and its output is shown below:
print(run CSP())
Sample Output:

, 0) : Queen,(


, 3) : King,(


, 7) : Rook, ...,(

, 5) : Knight}
Grading Rubrics (Total: 10 marks)
Requirements (Marks Allocated) Total
• Correct implementation of Local Search Algorithm evaluated by passing all
public test cases and hidden test cases (4m).
• Correct implementation of Backtracking Algorithm evaluated by passing all
public test cases and hidden test cases (6m).
Grading Details
Your code will be graded for technical correctness. Please do not change the name of the function
run XXX().
There are 3 configuration files released to you via LumiNUS (together with the skeleton implementation files). These files serve as public test cases. There are additional private test cases that
we will also run using your code (on CodePost). This is to prevent students from applying bruteforce and simply returning the results without implementing the algorithms. Hence, to get the full
credit for each task, you are required to pass all the public test cases and private test cases.
For each test case, the correctness of your code will be tested (e.g., returning the valid goal state
in the specific format) and the time taken for the execution of your code will be measured as well.
The time taken for your search algorithms will be compared to our solution’s benchmark. If the
time taken for your code is above the time limit, it will be considered a failure of the test case. As
such, you are encouraged to use efficient data structures when implementing your code (e.g. using
a set/dictionary instead of a list). To account for the execution of code on different systems, we
have provided additional buffers for the time limit.
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
In summary, to pass a test case, two conditions have to be fulfilled for Local/CSP. They are:
1. Valid goal state comprising of the chess pieces in valid positions.
2. Time taken to run your search is within the time limit.
CodePost (Platform for Running Autograder)
We will be using CodePost as our platform to run the autograder and test your code. You should
have already joined the Course’s group on CodePost from Project 1. If you need any assistance for
CodePost signups, please feel free to reach out and email any of the TAs.
Subsequent access:
1. For each task (Local/CSP), click on “Upload assignment”, and upload your Python file (do NOT rename the files).
2. Note that you should not print any output in your Python files but only return the
required values as this may interfere with the Autograder, e.g., dictionary mapping of
positions to pieces.
3. After the submission has been processed, refresh the page and select “View feedback”.
4. Ideally, if your implementation is correct and is within the runtime threshold, the output will
look like this:
Figure 6: Codepost output
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
5. As mentioned in the previous section, if your solution is incorrect or takes too long, the
autograder on CodePost will deem it as incorrect.
6. You will receive full credit for the search algorithm when you pass all testcases in CodePost.
However, random checks will be carried out to inspect your code to ensure that the implementation is correct. Moreover, we will check for any plagiarism and students found
plagiarising will be dealt with seriously.
You may submit your files as many times as you like. Note that this platform is run by an external
organisation – we are not responsible for any downtime.
Other details
Allowed Libraries:
To aid in your implementation, you are allowed to use these Python libraries:
• CLI arguments: sys
• Datastructures: queue, collections, heapq, array, copy, enum, string
• Math: numbers, math, decimal, fractions, random
• Functional: itertools, functools, operators
• Types: types, typing
Testcases Debugging:
When submitting on Codepost, you should remove any print() functions and rename any
functions/variables/string that contain the ”print” word in your code to prevent the Autograder from terminating. Commenting out the print() functions may not guarantee the Autograder will pass check.
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
Figure 7: Codepost Debug Output
Submission Details via LumiNUS
• For this project, you will need to submit 1 zip file containing 2 Python files:,
• Place the 2 files in a folder, name the folder as studentNo and zip it as
An example will be:
• The format of submission is the same as Project 1
• In summary, your submission file should be a zip file and when unzipped, it will contain the
2 files in a folder: → unzip → A0123456Z folder →,
files. There should not be any subfolders.
• Do not modify the file names.
• Make only one submission on LumiNUS.
• Please follow the instructions closely. If your files cannot be opened or if the grader cannot
execute your code, this will be considered failing the testcases as your code cannot be tested.
• Submission folder: LumiNUS > CS3243 > Projects > Project 2 Submission Folder

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