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Project 2: Multi-threaded Applications

CS342 Operating Systems 
Project 2: Multi-threaded Applications

You will do this project individually.
Objective: Practicing thread creation, multithreaded programming (by use of POSIX
threads), and performing experiments and drawing conclusions.
Write a multi-threaded C program (by using Pthreads library) that will perform the
following. It will be given a set of N input files (text - ascii files). N can be in range
[1,10]. Each input file will represent stored call detail records of a telecom company
including the following information in each line: callerID calledID year. This information
in a line can be called as call record. For simplicity, assume callerID and calledID are just
unsigned integers (8 digit integers in range [10000000, 99999999]) and year is an
unsigned integer in range [1900, 1999]. A line (a call record) represents a call made by a
person x to a person y in year z. There may be many such calls made in a given year
from a person x to a person y (i.e., repeated information may exist) and the information
about these calls does not have to be sitting in one input file, but may be distributed in
many input files. The data in all input files is unsorted. The program will be given a year
range (start and end year - inclusive) and ID range (start and end ID – inclusive) and will
finally produce an output file that will include in each line the number of distinct people
a callerID (a person) in the range called in that year range. The output should be sorted
with respect to callerID. Each line of output will include a callerID and a count value.
Each input file will be processed by a separate mapper-thread that will read the whole file
content and partition the lines (call records) into R intermediate temporary files (R can
be at most 50). The partitioning rule is the following: a line (callerID, calledID, year)
coming from an input file j (0<=j<=N-1) will go to an intermediate file “tempj-i” where i
= CallerID mod R (i.e., a hash function is used to partition the input lines). Here
0<=i<=R-1. In this way the call records (lines) in an input file are partitioned into R files
(at most) with respect to callerID information. Since each one of N mapper-threads can
produce at most R files, there can be at most N*R intermediate files produced.
There will be R reducer-threads. Each reducer thread will perform sorting and counting.
A reducer thread will read its respective N partitions (N intermediate files), sort the
content according to callerID, find the count of unique people that each callerID called,
and emit (callerID, count) pairs into a temporary output file. For example, the reducer
thread 0 will read intermediate files (partitions) temp0-0, temp1-0, temp2-0, …, temp(N1)-0. The reducer thread 3, for example, will read the files temp0-3, temp1-3, …,
temp(N-1)-3. A reducer thread may emit (callerID, count) pairs as follows (one pair per
23790879 112
19067323 23
87908456 65
This means, for example, person 23790879 called 112 distinct people in the given year
At the end, R temporary output files will be produced. Then a merger thread will merge
these files and will produce a single final file that callers and their call counts to unique
people in sorted order with respect to callerID. The name of the final file will be taken
from the command line as the last argument of the program. Name your program as
callcount. It will be invoked as follows:
callcount <N <R <infile1 … <infileN <finalfile <syear <eyear <sID <eID
An example invocation is:
callcount 3 5 i1 i2 i3 out 1990 1993 54500999 54568900
Experiments: Do some experiments. Measure the time of execution, for example, for
various input sizes, input data, N and R values. Draw diagrams, tables, or charts. Try to
explain the results and try to draw some conclusions. Try to think and design some other
experiments. Put all into a 2-3 page report.
Submission: Submit through Moodle. Put your callcount.c file, Makefile, report.pdf
file, and README file into a project directory, as in project 1 (use the same naming and
foldering conventions); tar and gzip the directory; and upload, as in project 1.
Additonal Information and Clarifications:
• A project skelaton is in github:
• More clarifications can be put in course webpage.

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