ECE250: Lab Project 2
1. Project Description
In this project, you implement a solution for the example in the lecture on hash table. R&T
is a large phone company that provides caller ID capabilities. Given a phone number, your
program will help R&T Company by returning the caller name associated to that number.
Your solution will be a C++ implementation for a hash table data structure. In this data
structure, values are mapped to a position in a table using a hash function. For this project,
you will implement a hash table in which collisions resolve using two different techniques:
(i) open addressing using double hashing and (ii) separate chaining where the chains are
ordered. Both primary and secondary hash functions, provided in the next section, use the
Division Method.
We ask that you write a C++ class for each of these collision techniques. Each class should
provide several services to: (i) initialize/create a hash table (ii) insert a value into a hash
table, (iii) search for a value in a hash table, and (iv) delete a value from the hash table.
You may use the vector class of the STL C++ library to store the hash table. For the hash
table handling collision using chaining technique, you have to implement your own linked
2. Hash functions
Primary hash function
ℎ! � = � ��� �, in which k is the key, and m is the size of the hash table.
Secondary hash function
For open addressing, you will implement the hash table using the double hashing technique
to resolve collisions. The secondary hash function is ℎ! � = �
� ��� �. Since ℎ!(�)
must be an odd number, you will add 1 to the resulting value if this value is even.
3. Program Design
Write a short description of your design. You will submit this document along with your
C++ solution files for marking. This document must include your design decisions. Please
refer to the course website for “Programming Guidelines” and the expected content for your
design document.
4. Input and Output Requirements
Write a test program for each technique handling collision: (i) openhttest.cpp for open
addressing using double hashing and (ii) orderedhttest.cpp for chaining. The test
programs will read commands from standard input and write the output to standard
output. These programs will respond to the commands described in this section.
The phone numbers (keys), as input, are limited to North American phone numbers (ten
digits), with the following format: xxxyyyyyyyy, where xxx is the area code and yyyyyyy is
the local number. For example: 5198884567.
Command Parameters Description Output
n m Defines size of the
hash table
i k;caller Inserts the key k
and the associated
success: if the insertion was
failure: if the insertion was unable to
complete since the table was full or
the key was already there
s k Searches for the key
k in the table
found caller in p: if the desired key
was found in the position p of the
hash table
not found: if the desired key was not
d k Deletes the key k
from the table
success: if the deletion was
failure: if the deletion was unable to
complete since the value was not
found in the table
p i This command is
only for separate
Prints the chain of
keys that starts at
position i; Keys in
the chain are
separated by one
If chain is empty,
the command does
not print anything
Example: For m=10
5197225111 5197225131 6473621111
Assuming uniform hashing, the expected average runtime for each insert (i), search (s), and
delete (d) operation is constant. In your design document, you should also describe how you
have achieved this in your implementation.
• Test Files
The course website contains example input files for each technique handling collisions with
the corresponding output files. The files are named test01.in, test02.in and so on with the
output files named test01-chain.out, test01-open.out, test02-chain.out, test02-open.out,
and so on.
5. How to Submit Your Program
Once you have completed your solution and tested it comprehensively in your computer or
on the lab computers, you have to transfer your files to the eceUbuntu server and test there
since we perform the automated testing using this environment.
Once you finish testing in the eceUbuntu server, you will create a compressed file (tar.gz)
that should contain:
• A typed document (maximum two pages) describing your design. A document
beyond 2 pages will not be marked. Submit this document in PDF format. The name
of this file should be:
xxxxxxxx _design_ pn.pdf
in which xxxxxxxx is your UW user id (e.g., jsmith) and n is the project number that
is 2 (two) for this submission.
• Two tests program, one for each techniques handling collision (openhttest.cpp and
• Required header files and classes (ending in .h .cpp)
• A make file (named Makefile), with instructions on how to compile your solutions
and create two executable files named openhtdriver and orderedhtdriver
The name of your compressed file should be xxxxxxxx_pn.tar.gz, where xxxxxxxx is your
UW user id (e.g., jsmith) and n is the project number that is 2 (two) for this submission.